The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Secret Squirrel,Financial Genius,Doctor's The Economy



Financing An MRL Britain Through............WAR?? Of Sorts, But Not Quite.

Let’s seriously consider financing,the MRL, and Britain. Let’s look at America, a nation with massive debts, yet poor as it is, they came up with further spending to a debt now encompassing TRILLIONS,by declaring a non war invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and then requisitioning the necessary billions upon billions extra by printing up Treasury Certificates and then going to their Treasury Department and having money printed up against those promisary notes to themselves. Well, if they can do it so can we, as a party we benevolently invade,say Jersey,or perhaps the Channel Islands, Isle of Mann perhaps, cleverly disguised as tourists,without spending on military equipment, etc, without causing damage, merely behaving as tourists,we spend a few months vacationing in disguise, then we decamp back to England, and then claim our BILLIONS!!!!!!!!! Britain can do the same,again, sending a ship or two over to visit Denmark,perhaps, a cruise ship invasion of tourists, people disguised as tourists, behaving as tourists, and then quietly coming home, also claiming BILLIONS for a second invasion!!! Neither Jersey, nor Denmark ,nor anybody else are likely to complain, and everybody will have had a grand time,and they'll not end up looking like Iraq or Afghanistan,everything will be exactly as it is, as it was!! Huzzah!Huzzah!Huzzah!! Sutch is the way of the world, we can’t beat it, then let’s join it!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering


Secret Squirrel of the MRL Comments on Conservative's Osborne's Economic Plans

Osborne sets out eight-point plan to restore nation's finances (and clear up Tories' mixed messages on spending)

Mr Osborne,Conservative(Tory)...... pledged that if elected he would:

The Shadow Chancellor proposed eight benchmarks for voters to judge his party's performance in power.
.according to the Daily seen here....

Well the MRL has fathomed ways that his policies could be accomplished, and what's good for everybody is the MRL.............

* Safeguard Britain's credit rating by eliminating a large part of the structural deficit.

Britain's credit rating...........well...eliminating structural deficit, as in debt itself or merely political double speak for throwing out some piles of paper concerning the national debt,that's what they do in India, the man's obviosuly visited and seen how they do it, credit for that though. I outlined a better solution, boils down to my national revolving credit plan, ever dealing with the increasing debt as well..........the revolving credit plan payment of the national assign the national debt to a credit card company, you then open multiple credit card accounts for the government, and then you use the credit card company supplied transfer cheques to pay off each credit card company fvromn the other in ever revolving and repetitive fashion, so debts covered, debts paid, A-1 credit rating for Britain, and NO national debt, not yet ever...NO structural deficit at all either, and the government can spend all it wants to as it needs to.

* Boost personal saving, increase exports and business investment.

Well personal saving safeguard?What with banks loosing money, in investments, in mortgages, requiring government bailout, this depends on the governments abilities to continue to bail out the banks, else you'll loose your savings, what is suggested, is, in the basement, or in a corner, go with the medieval barrel banking system,the home banking system, keep the barrel in your home and place your money securely in it,have it securely buried and hidden in the basement, you can't loose, you don't get interest from the banks nowadays anyway, except that they want your want your money too.

* Cut youth unemployment and reduce the number of children in workless households.

Hmmm cut youth unemployment, grand thought, get'em jobs, but where when you've got no jobs, and you've got jobs dropping in numbers and availability,due to foreign firms closing, due to the fact the British firms were and still are sold to foreigners who cut jobs,moved and closed' what's to do..........employ youth cleaning up and sweeping streets and parks, but then that'd add to the national debt as you have to pay them for those created jobs, all be it useful, perhaps, laissez faire..however this problem is solved farther on......and, reduce the number of children...............that means birth control....perhaps a system of government ration stamps to allow children when the government requires,or dictated sterilization for the unemployed,mandatory castration on job loss,eh?Whot??

* Increase Britain's international competitiveness by cutting business taxes and regulation.

Well here actually it would do Britain far better to cut personal taxes and regulation,there's more of us than them, and there's far more very much poorer than those who can afford businesses.

* Raise the private sector share of the economy by curbing the state.

Raise the private sector share of the economy, well only affected by doleing out to private BRITISH businesses and businessmen, and encouraging BRITISH private business creation, NOT the foreign as the government has been doing, foreigners don't count in BRITAIN's private sector, as British, they aren't, they're far as curbing the state, well, investment in foreign firms in foreign lands must be chucked in the rubbish bin, curbed as it were, and only investment in Britain permitted,only investment in British firms.

* Increase the productivity of public services.

Increase productivity, well done and said, means more from less that as in more work,less pay, or less workers doing more work, doubling up as it were. Counter productive as it wouldn't deal with unemployment in a good fashion, rather doing the reverse,creating unemployment. Rather better to reduce the amount of work per worker and hiring more workers to do the same job, as in hiring youth and then solving youth unemployment problems.

* Make banks take less risk and offer more credit to small and medium-sized firms.

Well, taking less risk,involves reduced investments and reduced mortgage lending, in short a more secure and guaranteed investment and mortgaging policy. Why not sell Britain through mortgage to Australia,or Japan,the only two nations left that could afford us, which would give Britain then oodles of useful and respected currency, and make Britain Australia's,or Japan's, problem.We could then all move to Australia and live the good life and have a good time as we so justly deserve, or we could simply eat rice till we bung up and look Japanese, and then simply boat over to Japan, who'll notice then.

* Cut greenhouse gas emissions and boost low-carbon industry.

Cut greenhouse gas emissions and boost low carbon...........great idea, compulsory Bean-o tablets for the general public, sheep and cows............elimination of Heinz beans from the national diet, and the mandatory wearing of the newly developed fart filter undies.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

MRL Solves Financial Crisis Of The Day,By Printing Money,Cheaply.

The core problem in today's financial crisis is that our beliefs about "money" have
been shattered. We have lost faith in our "money". We woke up one morning and
realized "money" wasn't real at all. It was just gone.Well I have discovered the
system of the world that works in tiny third world countries, and in the illusionary
high power economy nation of America.Now ponder this.

A Canadian company by the name British American Banknote Co., based in Ottawa - a
subsidiary of Quebecor- has been printing large amounts of money for Somali
Warlords, as reported in an article from the National Post of Canada on the 23rd
June 99, and probably still does. They pay so much for the printing, and they get
their money, lots more of their currency, printed up for them for their use.It

Last Tuesday, the U.S. government announced that the budget deficit would reach $9
trillion over the next 10 years—$2 trillion more than previous projections. “That’s
going to be negative for the dollar,” said Adam Boyton, a currency analyst at
Deutsche Bank AG. Seeing the U.S. borrow so much will not increase investors’ faith
in the dollar.The federal deficit/debt wants to try to reach Pluto. The answer is
for the government to ask the Fed to just keep providing blank checks (ie, print
money), ad infinitum.

According to the Telegraph, China has warned a top member of the US Federal Reserve
that it is increasingly disturbed by the Fed's direct purchase of US Treasury bonds.
You see what happens there, is the US government prints up Treasury Bonds, they then
go to the Federal Reserve,which prints up money. It prints up money and buys the
Treasury Bonds from the government(American), thus giving the American government
money, and the keep the Treasury Bonds(later they can shred and recycle them).It
works............So, the US government which didn't have any money at any particular
time, bailed out Enron,bailed out the car companies, ran massively expensive
wars.........all with money it suddenly found it had by simply printing up the none
existent money in to an existent world.

Well, what works for America should work for Britain. I propose we apply a combined
Canadian and American system of printing up money. We use the printed Bond system
that America uses, the British government printing up the bonds, and then have the
Bank Of England buy the bonds, simply printing up the currency as we need, BUT we go
with the cheaper system of having a foreign banknote printing company do the
printing and so realize a greater saving by printing up in a cheaper location.

However, we go one better and perhaps heal our differences with the Zimbabwe
government, and have the Zimbabwe Printing Company print up the required pounds at a
really cheaped rate. Thus we have more money to spend, the government has an
unlimited supply(look at the vast sums the American government procured under its
printing program).Since "money" is essentially a belief system, to solve our problem
we need to recreate that belief system,produce and exhibit more money, increasing
government spending in the private sectors, injecting money in to private
businesses, injecting more money in to governmental social structure! As the French
say,"Laissez Les Bons Temps Roullez", and it is money which makes the good times
roll.Economic problems solved!!!!!!!!!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL Cheques To Remain,Money Goes,It Figures,The System Of Tomorrow,Today.

The Labour government wants to get rid of cheques,by 2018, seemingly indicating they
are of the belief that the electorate will keep them in power until such a time.
Well cheques are not the problem,cheques merely represent a paper figure of said,the root of all evil as they
say. Well..............get rid of cheques we don't get rid of the problem,in fact we
NEED the cheques, THEY must remain, they represent a "figure" of currency, of money
get rid of money therefor and we do get rid of the problem don't we, no problem, no
money...........replaced with what...........figures on paper,the so called
cheques,the bank deposit records,whatever,figures in a computer, figures manipulated
by a plastic card,by a banking book,by an accounting book? YES! Consider........

-- that the same amount of "figures" tomorrow will have the same purchasing power as
the figures of today.Figures do NOT change, face it say pounds 5000 is pounds 5000
at anytime.

--that we will all have access to "figures" via our paychecks(cheques!!!PAY

CHEQUES!!!)tomorrow like we did last week,we need cheques,we need paycheques,we work
for paycheques, which record the "figures" we receive.

--that as a consequence of having access to "figures"...whether by selling our
stocks,bonds or whatever,which have figures printed on them, or receiving a
paycheck,with figures printed on it,or through bank transfers and automatic payments,
we will be able to pay all our bills,with the figures we have available.

--that if we put our "figures" in a bank,by direct deposit , it will be there
tomorrow if we need it.

I woke up one morning and realized "money" wasn't real at all,only "figures" were.
Since "money" is essentially a belief the monetary system, to solve our problem we
need to create a new system that doesn't depend or rely on money.As government,
which invented money, can invent"figures" enough "figures" to pay all debt off with
"new" "figures",figures which retain their value as figures, being figures. Recall
Germany, which suddenly changed their currency, the MARK, they simply printed up new
marks which had more value than the old marks since the printed man on the new mark
wasn't the same as the old mark which was lower in value since the man on it was a
different man.Anyway you look at it a figure,any figure, is just that figure and
nothing else, nothing higher,nothing lower.
So MONEY goes, cheques remain.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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