The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

MRl Solves Financial Crisis' Of Modern Times


mrl, money, currency,economy, financial, finances

MRL Solves Financial Crisis Of The Day,By Printing Money,Cheaply.

The core problem in today's financial crisis is that our beliefs about "money" have been shattered. We have lost faith in our "money". We woke up one morning and realized "money" wasn't real at all. It was just gone.Well I have discovered the system of the world that works in tiny third world countries, and in the illusionary high power economy nation of America.Now ponder this.

A Canadian company by the name British American Banknote Co., based in Ottawa - a subsidiary of Quebecor- has been printing large amounts of money for Somali Warlords, as reported in an article from the National Post of Canada on the 23rd June 99, and probably still does. They pay so much for the printing, and they get their money, lots more of their currency, printed up for them for their use.It worked.

Last Tuesday, the U.S. government announced that the budget deficit would reach $9 trillion over the next 10 years—$2 trillion more than previous projections. “That’s going to be negative for the dollar,” said Adam Boyton, a currency analyst at Deutsche Bank AG. Seeing the U.S. borrow so much will not increase investors’ faith in the dollar.The federal deficit/debt wants to try to reach Pluto. The answer is for the government to ask the Fed to just keep providing blank checks (ie, print money), ad infinitum.

According to the Telegraph, China has warned a top member of the US Federal Reserve that it is increasingly disturbed by the Fed's direct purchase of US Treasury bonds.
You see what happens there, is the US government prints up Treasury Bonds, they then go to the Federal Reserve,which prints up money. It prints up money and buys the Treasury Bonds from the government(American), thus giving the American government money, and the keep the Treasury Bonds(later they can shred and recycle them).It works............So, the US government which didn't have any money at any particular time, bailed out Enron,bailed out the car companies, ran massively expensive wars.........all with money it suddenly found it had by simply printing up the none existent money in to an existent world.

Well, what works for America should work for Britain. I propose we apply a combined Canadian and American system of printing up money. We use the printed Bond system that America uses, the British government printing up the bonds, and then have the Bank Of England buy the bonds, simply printing up the currency as we need, BUT we go with the cheaper system of having a foreign banknote printing company do the printing and so realize a greater saving by printing up in a cheaper location.
However, we go one better and perhaps heal our differences with the Zimbabwe government, and have the Zimbabwe Printing Company print up the required pounds at a really cheaped rate. Thus we have more money to spend, the government has an unlimited supply(look at the vast sums the American government procurred under its printing program).Since "money" is essentially a belief system, to solve our problem we need to recreate that belief system,produce and exhibit more money, increasing government spending in the private sectors, injecting money in to private businesses, injecting more money in to governmental social structure! As the French say,"Laissez Les Bons Temps Roullez", and it is money which makes the good times roll.Economic problems solved!!!!!!!!!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


Here's a bit of economic advice from me, Secret Squirrel,MRL,Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.......................

There's an easy way for the Republicans or Democrats to make money in this disgusting economic collapse situation, beside simply printing it up as necessary. What they should do, is simply tell the Canadians that their money is now worth only 50 cents U.S. Now since the Canadians have to buy from the U.S. in American dollars(since nobody else I'll take Canadian money anyway), what America offers to do, is to BUY up Canadian money giving them useful American money, $1 U.S. and $.1, Canadian taken that's 50% increase, as in 50 cents Canadian times two to the dollar(Canadian). Now since the British pound is pegged against the Canadian Dollar, we simply have to buy up British pounds using the Canadian money(since Britain has to take Canadian currency). What we then do with the British pound, is convert that to American money..............and PRESTO!! We've made a profit on the international money market, doubling our useful currency!! But are the Republicans or Democrats intelligent enough to do it? Britain should do this too but the New Labour government has far too much angst concerning the Canadians to make it work.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering


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