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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Abolish The House Of Lords?


House Of Lords,House Of Commons,government,New,Labour,Conservatives,Tory,Tories,abolish,reform,politics, dictators,vote

Abolish The House Of Lords?

"I have come to condemn politicians,not to praise them."
-Secret Squirrel
"A doctor can bury his mistakes but a politician can only advise the people to vote for them."
-Secret Squirrel

The days of the voting going not to have Muslim prayer in public schools....or,indeed, having school taught in foreign languages so that the immigrants to the UK never have to bother to learn English,will be gone. In it's place, will be.........DICTATORSHIP.........elected DICTATORSHIP, a DICTATORSHIP in which the general people, John Doe Everyman, will be free only for the brief period of casting a ballot, which we all hopes will forever at least properly count.

The elected leader of Britain will be the leader of the party with the most members.....regardless
of quality as we have learned under New Labour.The House of Lords was a grand Wall,thorn,hinderance,obstacle ,to the rule of one(and others)Tony Blair. How did it all work,
how did and was Tony Blair unable to push through legislation, changes(and change is by no means
good for the people, dependent,and the Lords in their wisdom knew this and so refused to pass
these at times).But why? Well, his ideas of government,rule,finances legislation, HE wished
for the people,being the party head, were seen to be a detriment to the British people,and so were

The House of Lords could not be held to a party whip,to a party leadership DICTATION, nay
indeed not. They could vote no,vote against, and so BLOCK a legislation,rejecting it, sending it back ,repeatedly, to the Commons, hoping that the Commons sees tghe sense in that the bill they're trying to pass is not suitable for the people of Britain, they could also drag out all debates on such bills, delaying even yet longer, in hopes the government of the day sees sanity.

They,themselves, know no party
lines, only the lines of the people. Remove the Lords and, yes, Britain would have total DICTATION, by whatever leadership qualities the political parties,New Labour,Tories et all have,rule by the dictating idiocy of the party leader(England does not elect the Prime Minister, he's in on the numerical presence of his party
being elected in majority(America votes separately, for the two Houses, AND for the LEADERSHIP).The 'House of Lords' aids democracy! it does have the advantage of allowing the 'Lords' to make decisions individually,not based on party lines, nor party dictates,each individually voting according to their thoughts and beliefs on the matter at hand being in the better interests of the British people, or not.Also consider the role of the House
Of Lords,The House of Lords,this second chamber with voting rights on all Government legislation.
makes laws, holds the Government to account, investigates policy issues ,and provides a forum of unbiased,uninfluenced,independent expertise.

Could and would any incumbent DICTATING political party be entrusted to investigate itself?Nay!Can an incumbent party intent on passing legislation then be said to debate itself the value of said legislation handed down by the obviously DICTATING party head?Again Nay,not a chance,unbelievable it would be,inconceivable.Rules? Rules made for the English people.....rules made by a DICTATING
party,unfettered,as IT pleased, rules possibly repressive,oppressive,Draconian,unfiltered by the
wisdoms of those not toeing party lines.Corruption,sleeze,cash for honors,cash for laws,expenses scandals, have heavily rocked the House Of Commons, the House of Lords relatively untouched by these. Imagine
the scenario,implied,on a two House system of party lines,The Prime Minister says "Let's have a free vote today on my policy and rule which you can defeat and makes myself, and you,in all truth, look like utter idiots and burkes so we can have an election in which the people will look at that and think..idiots,out with'em"? "Course the people would have to wait for election time for such a thing as they could'nt be turfed out until such a time as the regular election, no mechanism for removal until then, not at all.

Would the government allow for a public referendum,a free vote,a plebiscite on the issue? No! Why?
To abolish the House Of Lords it to pave the way for any government party leader, and it's party, to dictate absolutely,unfettered,unchecked, any law,bill,legislation that it so wishes to introduce and pass,without fail.
The attraction of Absolute Power for any Prime Minister,Absolute Rule, Dictation of All Things, is the attraction to them all,regardless.

You will be told, that's what you elected them for.You will be free only the day of the election, locked in thereafter,taken for a ride wherever the party politics dictates, a one way ride,and that is what will be. Absolute power attracts absolutely, and you will have no vote on the matter. They SHALL abolish the House Of Lords,not with you, but without you, as they do everything, unless the House Of Lords objects for you.

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