The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Friday, March 19, 2010

MRL Secret Squirrel Prime Minister Of Britain?


prime minister,election,House Of Lords,House of Commons,government,New Labour,Conservatives,Tory,Tories, abolish,reform,politics,dictators,vote

MRL,Secret Squirrel To Be Prime Minister?

Interestingly,in my very deep and extensive researches,in the cloistered hallowed halls, in the hidden,secretive and closely guarded ares,in the mysterious areas of ,The London Library,amongst the stacks of cretinous idiocy which are the books of
politics and government,I have made a fascinating and utterly legal and regal discovery!!

Legally, the Queen has the power to appoint whomever She wishes to be the Prime Minister. Equally, if She so decided, She could appoint nobody to the office and could keep it vacant. There is no legal requirement even that the person appointed as Prime Minister be a Member of Parliament.Conventionally, however, the Prime Minister is the leader of the party with an overall majority of seats in the House of Commons. However, what with Tony Blair,who came and went, and has basically by himself destroyed Britain,and the advent of Gordon Brown not quite as bad,but in far
less time.I've seen more intelligent creatures than them lying on their backs at the bottom of ponds.I've seen better organized creatures running around farmyards with their heads cut off.There have been more useful things than they thrown out in the refuse heap.If any of them stood beside a rubbish tip bin, the sanitation crew would haul'em off...Just look at them as selected Prime Ministers, at their handling of Britain,the economy,the wars(shouldn't have any of those,shouldn't have to, not statesmen they),why can only conclude that Her present selections of said Majority Party head have not been all that good, as a matter of fact,unforgettably disastrous.She could, if She wished, run in to a Kindergarten and select Little Fauntleroy,The Even Younger, and he or she could hardly do worse than Blair, or Brown.

Now in Her powers that be, being able to select somebody who hasn't been elected, and not having even yet to select from a political party........thence I have concluded that since I really am the most stupendous best man for the job................well...................will somebody be so kind as to bend Her ear such that She select me, I, Secret Squirrel,the NEXT Prime Minister of The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland!!!!!!! She may actually have forgotten that at that time, the time of appointment of HER Prime Minister,that SHE has the absolute authority and ability to select the Prime Minister, whomsoever She wishes! Then I shall become the 78th Prime Minister,counting from Sir Robert Walpole,and I shall pass the duration of time of Lord Salisbury, and Lord Liverpool, and so I,Secret Squirrel,shall be all that is required in that role for the duration. Secret Squirrel,THE man for the job.The right man! For a change!

Secret Squirrel,Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland!!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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