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Friday, March 26, 2010



Interesting..............Tiger Woods.......Jesse James.....Eliot Spitzer....Mark Sanford.........and yet more, touch more than marital infidelity...mistresses........glorified whores by another name.........married men all.............

According to data assembled from a wide variety of times and places, ranging from mid-15th-century France to Malaysia of the late America in modern times, to date,politely called mistresses, prostitutes make more money--in some cases, a lot more money--than do working girls who, well, work for a living.This begs the question of why married men go to prostitutes ,rather than buying from their wives, who presumably will be low-cost providers, considering that they can sell sex within their marriage,they seem to go for more expensive prostitutes, politicians paying the most even yet bringing them in by plane and by train,no less, some even yet journey to far off lands to meet them and avail themselves of their services....and yet we have to ask, why do they do it,or are they forced to do it?Married?Hmmmmmmmmm......perhaps it's theirs or is it that marriage is not all it's crack'd up to be?

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