The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Squirrel on The Falklands,Vehicles,Fat Tax,Prisons &Air Travelle


air, cars, Falklands, fat, finances, fuels, gas, mrl, prisons, tax, taxation, transportation, travel, vehicles

Secret Squirrel On The Falklands Of The Day

The British claim to de jure sovereignty dates from 1690, and the United Kingdom has exercised de facto sovereignty over the archipelago almost constantly since 1833. Argentina has long disputed this claim, having been in control of the islands for a brief period prior to 1833.

Here we have an excerpt basis from the BBC
As stated by the BBC.........
The battle over the Falklands

"The long running dispute between Britain and Argentina over the ownership of the Falkland Islands has its origins in the founding of an Argentine settlement on the islands in 1826.Most of the Argentine settlers were expelled by a US warship in 1831 and a British expedition took control of the territory in 1832. British sovereignty was declared in 1833, although Argentina has always disputed this."

And there ends the BBC epistle on the Falklands
as they were....

with a firm and sound foundation,based on the historical facts of the day and past days,in equality and fairness for all, here is where my analysis of the situation begins........

So, there are historical parallels then....America has problems with present day Texas,(historically much as the Canadaian colony has with French Quebec separatists,Spain with French Basque separatists) there being a separatist group who claim annexation of Texas by America was illegal and improper, and that Texas should nowadays enjoy self-sufficient sovereignty .Originally,Álvarez de Pineda claimed the area that now comprises
Texas for Spain in 1519, the first European settlement was not established until 1682, when René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle mistakenly established his French colony, Fort Saint Louis, near Matagorda Bay instead of at the mouth of the Mississippi River(the historical French equivalent of the American/Canadian Fort Blunder,Vermont err Canada problem). The colony was short-lived, but its presence motivated Spanish authorities to begin settlement activity. Several missions were established in East Texas but were abandoned in 1691. Twenty years later, concerned
with the French presence in neighboring Louisiana, Spanish authorities again attempted to colonize Texas. Over the next 110 years, Spain established numerous villages, presidios, and missions in the province. So Texas initially belonged to the Spanish until they were kicked out. light of any claims of the Argentinians over the Falklands, with America
negotiating, I would be more than delighted to preside over negotiations between Spain and America for the return of Texas to Spain,the obviously rightful owners. Indeed these can begin immediately or after the Falkland negotiations,should there be any, occur,with the outcome of those obviously being used in influence of the Spanish American negotiations for Texas ownership which I would be happy to
preside over.

Now there's more, as Britain can legitimately also claim Texas.The Falklands is rather much like the British American dispute over Texas,in which America
annexed Texas Britain in effect, annexed the Falklands first. So should the Americans believe and negotiate sovereignty such that Britain has to give the Falklands over to the Argentinians, perhaps America should return Texas to Spain as well? This might then result in a Spanish British conflict over Texas,of course,going back to the times of the American annexation of Texas before Britain
could, but being skilled in negotiations I would be happy to preside over such negotiations as would then be necessary, and I assure you, there would be judicial fairness and impartiality on my part,you in Britain could count on it. Indeed we
could then proceed with proper annexation of Texas to Britain, and thence perhaps might have to negotiate with Spain over the issue of the ownership of Texas, but at least such negotiations would be between two legitimate party nations.

Also to here continue, there is another developing side to the Falklands, perhaps only regarding oil and mineral rights.........consider.Now Hillary Clinton wishes Britain to share the oil with the Argentinians,to negotiate over the oil rights round and about the Falklands, if not yet within the Falklands itself. America seems to regard Britain as having kicked the Argentinians out hundreds of years
ago .......well.....Hillary Hillarity not......America kicked Britain out hundreds of years ago, perhaps Hillary will be so kind as to negotiate for Britain a fair and
equal share in American off shore oil, thank you very much.However I assure you a much better negotiator with America for such an event, would, of course, be myself but I'd be willing to negotiate with her after negotiations with the Argentinians over oil rights and mineral rights in the Falklands between Britain and the Argentinians are concluded, should they come about.And all such negotiations will be with a firm and sound founded established and agreed on foundation,based on those historical negotiations and events as well.

And so all things will be settled in fair and equitable fashion for those all
round,America,Britain,Argentinia, and Spain. Britain will a best loose the Falkalnds then entirely, acquire Texas at worst,all America once again as best, and in the least as well, acquire shared offshore oil and mineral right with respect to America.And a good time will be had by all,

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


M.R.L. Approved British Made Car Prototype

Most Cost Effective Vehicle Ever

Secretly in a local Shanghai suburb, one man has created what has to be one of the most cost effective automobiles ever. China was chosen for the British car prototype due to the immense secrecy which can only be achieved in China,
imagine American Automobile manufacturers attacking this latest threat to their former domination of the vehicular market.

The car has a very simple design, basically a bunch of wood scraps tied together with wire, four wheels, and a seat that can barely fit one person.

An open frame allows for a nice breeze, so an air conditioner is not required, and it even has a headlight.

No word on the gas mileage this things gets, but all in all the vehicle is pretty impressive, and fuel mileage will be dependent on the engine finally selected for the production vehicle, and will be available in economical single and much more powerful dual cylinder, four stroke and two stroke engine versions,lawnmower engines have a firm inside track, and what with the development of the battery powered lawnmower,and obvious green electric version is being planned.

Production models will be modified to include a convertable roof,a roll back sheet of plastic will do nicely, and expanded by use of a tow ball to tow a trailer to increase versatility, and also allow for use of said trailer as a Rumble/Jump seat.

All that remains, what with the collapse of the American car manufacturers, is to jump in to an ever expanding market with a suitable British made production version.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


M.R.L.'s Cow Methane Driven Cars

How now Brown's cow...............what have we here? I have discovered an excellant system of highly efficient automobile fuel, and it's free......indeed have you got a cow man? Well? No? Haven't got a cow? Well....get one..........for your own backyard, and have free automobile fuel for the rest of your life!!

Imagine, yes indeed the system is engineering genius,mine of course, and already proveable in operation, indeed provable and efficient as in the example of already on the road propane powered taxis,cars,buses,lorries(trucks).

Cows can produce 500 litres of methane every opposed to your average cowboys who produces 1/2 to 3 litres per day..........(the latter figure being studies of Mexican and Argentinian cowboys on a strictly national bean diet).Researchers in Argentina (this study comes by means of secret agents squirreled away in Argentina)were surprised to find that a single 550-kg cow produces between 800 to 1,000 liters of emissions each day............more than enough for the day, and any excess production could be utilized for home cooking and heating uses,the barbie so plastic tanked as well. Indeed, these methane filled
tanks can be used anywhere propane is presently utilized! Even yet trains could become methane cow powered. Imagine, The Iron Horse, becoming know as The Iron Cow!!

The method of collection? Well the Argentinians have been conducting
experiments with cows to collect the methane they produce.Little do they realize that that tank full of methane, could easily be substituted in vehicles
for their already installed propane tanks(these tanks are housed in the boot(trunk), of the vehicles should they be of the passenger type, and other places for non passenger types,such as roofs for buses).! Well I can see you're thinking, how ridiculous it would be to drive about with a cow in the backseat producing methane for the car.......however,we don't need the entire cow, just the tank of methane it fills up, and indeed whilst driving on that tank, the cow could be in the backyard busily filling up yet another tank ready as needed! A truly efficient self-sustaining vehicular fuel energy system!Indeed, we are free! Free from fuel costs! Free to drive about as well please! free! Free! Free! And..the fuel supply is free as well!!Well for a surety the oil companies have gotten on to this, indeed at this very moment both pills,injections, and feed additives are being developed to stop cows from producing these massive free amounts of methane.

So, gasoline cost $0.94cents per litre..........propane $0.42cents per litre....cow methane per litre The cow can be kept in the backyard and allowed
to graze, saving cost and effort of cutting the grass as well.......increasing the
savings...........the cow also provides added plus.......

Now a per trip values estimate, on gasoline a 600km trip,at 60 litres of gas per trip, on propane the same trip consumes 80 litres, but of much cheaper cost,nearly half, but with propane this drops to zero. As to distance, well the 600 km figure for the day is highly acceptable as a base rate.............even for say taxis. Now
taxis,many, are already equipped with propane tanks. All that remains is to substitute the cow collection methane plastic tank.............easily swapped in with a fresh tank as the cow produces it...imagine.

The plot's afoot, I can sense Government and Big Business
seeking to send my free fuel engineering system
to ruination of the people.But fear not, get a cow man! And get a methane
collection tank! Convert your vehicle to propane driven, but wisely substitute a plastic methane tank swap system!!!!Free yourself!Get a cow,man!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


M.R.L. Solves Britain's Prison Problems.

There are severe problems in England what with prison overcrowding, and a general lack of prisons, arising from the extreme high cost of construction of such facilities, and maintenance of same in terms of prison staff etc. In the 60's arose a system of construction, prefab, which was used to construct several buildings, including the then considered ultra modern Habitat 67 at the Man and His World exhibition in the colony of Canada during the World's Fair of that year.

Interesting, Habitat 67,really prefab concrete boxes piled one atop the other, sticking out here and there etc.and interesting piece of engineering.
This engineering principle was carried forwards to ships in the form of cargo containers, and can be stacked say 14,000 to a vessel, each container cell being say 20x8x8 in terms of feet, interestingly, the size of a prison cell, particularly those of the Americans in Guantanamo Bay. The idea presents itself. Now a prison at
sea is a grand idea, utilizing containers,stacked, , expandable to the max limit, say 7 such ships could accommodate the entire prison population of Britain! However,
these ships consume say 1660 gallons (imperial),of fuel an hour...........not worth the cost to send'em on a sea cruise is it?

But the idea has presented itself, a prison island, indeed yes, imagine an island in the Indian Ocean, not requiring heating costs,and not worth it, the air conditioning costs, merely a form of bed and breakfast,lunch,dinner...........a gigantic
container ship type island, stacked with prison cells, as converted cargo containers, ever expandable..........look at Diego Garcia, an island almost abandoned, it could easily become the prison for Britain, indeed the name, Diego
Garcia,Her Majesty's Prison For The Extremely Naughty, comes to mind. Look at what is there now a large airbase with several long range runways constructed, as well
as a harbor suitable for large naval vessels so delivery of prisoners and containers to house new arrivals is a thing of utter ease.As a territory of the United Kingdom, the head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. There is no Governor appointed to represent the Queen on the territory, as there are no native inhabitants.

Thus the island itself is ideal, as an island, indeed, the lesser prisoners could act as guards and prison staff, making them useful to the full, reducing the costs of maintenance grandly, just requiring prison ship patrols about the island to prevent shall we say, prisoners attempting to break in to the island to enjoy it's lush location and tropical accommodation. Problem solved.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL Proposal,Participatory Government, We Offer

A Referendum On Taxing The Fat Of The Land,YOU Decide."

In America......
According to a recent Washington Post article, legislatures in at least 25 states are currently debating more than 140 bills aimed at curbing obesity.......According to the Post, six bills proposed by New York State Assemblyman Felix Ortiz (D) would slap hefty taxes on not only fatty foods,

BBC headlines read........

Government unit 'urges fat tax'
Burgers are among the foods likely to be hit by a 'fat tax'
Plans for a tax on fatty foods.

In short........Welcome to fat Britain, where one in three adults is overweight or obese, and where childhood obesity has increased threefold in 20 years. England has the fastest increasing weight problem in the world.Are there plans afoot by the Labour government to capitalize on this? Yes!

And comment from

"This Briefing Note looks at the potential for the introduction of a 'fat tax' into the UK in an effort to reduce the growing prevalence of obesity in Britain. There are different forms such a tax could take. One possibility is to tax the nutrient contents of foods such that those containing more fat or salt, for example, are
taxed more heavily. Alternatively, particular types of foods, such as snacks or soft drinks, could be subject to a tax, or VAT could be extended to foods that are currently zero-rated but have a high fat content.Revenue from a 'fat
tax' could be used in various ways, such as financing subsidies for healthy foods or exercise equipment, funding advertising campaigns for healthy eating or in schools. Alternatively, it could form part of general government receipts."

There are other reasons for a fat everybody all round, for example charging overweight insurance policyholders since they are more likely to claim or cost claims due to their condition of being fat. The rationale is twofold.

First, fat people are more likely to develop expensive health problems. Second, fat can be avoided or reduced through exercise and healthy eating. If we charge fat people more for health insurance—or charge thin people less, which amounts to the same thing—people will improve their habits.

Recall, in the Americas,not long after the attack on Pearl Harbor, in the winter of 1942, physiologist A.J. Carlson made a radical suggestion: If the nation's largest citizens were charged a fee—say, $20 for each pound of overweight—we might feed the war effort overseas while working to subdue an "injurious luxury" at

Airlines have taken to charging,Air France is initiating a Fat Tax, and on other airlines, overweight passengers requiring two seats, not really a tax,but a form of fat compensation,are charged for the extra seat required.............Ryanair is going a touch further,also considering

* Charge per kg over 130kg/20 stone (male) and 100kg/15 stone (females);

* Charge per inch for every waist inch over 45 inch (male) and 40 inch (female);

* Charge for every point in excess of 40 points on the Body Mass Index (+30 points is obese);

* Charge for a second seat if passengers’ waist touches both armrests simultaneously.

Well, in ye olde days, things were done by weight, such as awarding local Aristos,Kings or whatever a form of truage based on weight,(taxation by Spanish Alcaldes in America,a direct example) of course, meaning fatties were really expensive(later on there evolved taxation without representation, whereby they were inappropriately available for the weigh-in and simply gave out a stated weight,this led to revolting situations due to over taxation)...........yet here the lean and slim were taxed at the behest of the really really fat, and heavily too.

Well, there also was the revival of the poll tax of the horrid 1800's to be imposed on the people by the government,in short equal taxation for everybody,regardless of income, in short not taxing those monetarily fat more, for being so. Merely increasing the taxation on the lean, the poor as it were.

The UK Poll Tax Riots were a series of mass disturbances, or riots, in
British cities during protests against the Community Charge (commonly known as the poll tax), introduced by the Conservative government led by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.The Labour party was no good, recall the response of the Labour Party and the Labour movement and some sections of the far left, including Militant, was
to condemn the riot as senseless and to blame anarchists,in short agreeing with and supporting the poll tax.However,wisdom prevailed and the Poll tax,brought by Britain's Iron Maiden,and supported by New Labour, ceased to stab at the
body politic of the people. Well why not reverse this discrimination and tax those who are fat, charge'm by the pound, and all round fat poll tax based on weight, taxing the people at large on the basis of their weight. This encourages slimming down, doesn't it,this encourages a healthier populace by the introduction of a
healthy short,the government of the people, would then live off, truly, the fat of the land!!!! This could be done on the national basis. As for restaurants, they could introduce a walk in scale system, weigh the clientelle as they walk in, and so meter tax their
meal on the basis of weight, those fatter paying a sliding upwards scale of more meal tax. Monies such accrued by government could be diverted to the typical governmental pork barrel politics pork spending projects.

Indeed Gordon Brown's Labour government is running on,and has presented to the people it's manifesto, the motto,"Let Them Drink Water!"

What will result? Well other nations could then initiate and encourage a huge
economic immigration and brain drain on Britain by using the motto "Give Me Your Tired, Your Rich, Your Big Fat Asses".So we are left with the dilema,but we in the MRL have a solution to all this, the typical pass the buck system, but not the one you imagine from other parties! Nay! We in the MRL would set up and encourage a true
democracy, the plebiscite, a vote by the people, by the plebs, the
plebians,YOU, which will pose the question"Do we tax and live off of the fat of the land.?" YAAAH! Or Nay? Do the Eyes have it, Or the Nose? You will decide!!! That's the MRL,that's democracy,that's democracy in action!! Good for the MRL! Good For You!!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


M.R.L. Short Distance Travel Solution

Everyone has experienced some sort of discomfort on short trips,county to county. If using airplane there is a problem now what with security delays etc. making such flights a nuisance. Bus schedules are seemingly never quite right with
respect to departure times, arrival times,return times etc.

However there is a solution to the problem, taken from available technology from medieval times and from modern times.The solution to these county to county
travel trips is quite simply a catapult, launching the traveler complete with his or her luggage, and, at a suitable time in their flight, the proper
altitude of launch achieved, a para glider parachute opens
allowing the passenger to guide themselves to land, on their feet,at quite the proper wished landing point.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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