The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

MRL's Secret Squirrel's Dynamic Plans For Improvement


hurricanes,global,warming,climate,war,income,tax,floods,house,underground, secret squirrel,airlines,catapults,broadcasting,education,languages,teaching

M.R.L. Solves Hurricane Problem and Global Warming At The Same Time.

Secret Squirrel has studied closely hurricanes and global warming,searching for solutions to the problems associated with them,preventing them.
So Bill Gates is now attempting to patent a new invention of his,and others,the project is a brainchild of Intellectual Ventures Lab, an invention lab founded by ex-Microsoft executives......Pull barges out to the middle of the ocean and pump water down to where the temp is 40degrees cooler and pump the water back up to cool the ocean.

Bill Gates has introduced a plan to stop hurricanes before they hit land, PCWorld and others report..............but notice his greed, all for himself, notice the diagrams shown show the required barges just off the American coast in the Gulf Of Mexico............notice the funding plans, notice Gates, Myhrvold and associates believes the project could be funded by selling insurance to hurricane-prone areas residents including funding from state, federal and local government agencies......................funded by selling insurance to hurricane prone people,is that not patently an attempt at extortion?? Aha! Clearly,his ridiculously puny, project cannot possibly even yet succeed, indeed even yet may not be meant to................a plan derived by whimpering little ponzies..................suckling at the teat of limitless government funding on a useless idiots project.

Well we remain unaffected by this........ we cannot be held to ransom,nay, we must not be held to ransom no one in Europe can nor should be held to ransom, and subjected to funding and paying for these ridiculous and idiotic schemes.............we simply don't have hurricanes, and that solves our problem. But, we must assist the world in the elimination of the threat of Hurricanes, and we must do it in such a fashion that the people of the world are not held to ransom, not subject to massive funding and expenses and insurance schemes to fund that type of project...nay, not when a scheme which costs virtually nothing and scientifically does the job of stopping Hurricanes worldwide is at hand, and also a project which at the same time, will stop, utterly Global Warming!

Actually I have fathomed something, I have a much less expensive plan to accomplish the total stoppage of Hurricanes,Cyclones and whatever they are called, and to stop Global Warming by introducing Global Cooling.............and,nay, I am not greedy, this is from I,Secret Squirrel, from the M.R.L., for the world........absolutely free!!

Indeed all that really needs be required, is that we break off as needed, vast chunks of the horrifically massive and convienient Antarctic, and Arctic ice caps, and direct the flows in to the gulf stream, There the massive ice pieces will swirl round an about the Atlantic,following the Gulf Stream, moving round and about off the coasts of the nations and continents,slowly melting. The Pacific has similar circulation ocean currents and there too the principal could and would be applied.Actually the effect is much like the scientific concept of cooling ones drinky winky as one swirls the ice cube in it round and about.

Now I know what you're thinking, the melting ice will inundate and drown Holland as it melts.

Firstly I don't live in Holland,and so too does not 99.9% of the rest of the world as well.

Secondly if anything did flood Holland they all wear wooden shoes so they would all float upside down until rescued and moved to higher ground.

Thirdly, and most importantly, is the scientific fact that the ice caps sit on top of the sea as it were, in short the top of the sea has frozen causing the ice caps, and that being the case, the ice which is frozen water, has already thence displaced itself in the sea, and so is merely being returned to the liquid state, so adding not a drop of extra water to the sea itself, just cooling the earth down for us all to enjoy.

Of course, I must mention this, the effect of my Global Cooling technique will also benefit all of mankind with respect to Hurricane control as well, due to the already mentioned scientific fact that cooling down the sea, and hence the earth, will prevent,stop, eradicate, Hurricanes thence as well, all along the American coast as well, at no additional charge, at no cost at all...............this cheaply and inexpensively solving the problems of humanity. Indeed, my scheme,here patently free for the good people ,of not just Britain,not just Europe, but indeed of the entire world, will give stoppage to Hurricanes,stoppage to Global Warming, and stoppages to Bill Gates.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering,


MRL......Gift The People! Abolish War!!

Secret Squirrel has set about to find a solution for war,to prevent war,to abolish war!!We note how the cost of war in Afghanistan soars to £2.5bn
this according to The Guardian newspaper article here found
The cost of Britain's military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq this financial year has soared to more than £4.5bn, an annual increase of more than 50%, figures released yesterday reveal.

So,if there was no Afghan War, No Iraq War, all in support of the Americans, Labour could easily have gifted the entire population of Britain, at 60,943,912, each, man woman, and child according to the census figures, at least have gifted each, gratis, with 2million pounds!!!!!!! But Labour hasn't hasn't it......why continue the wars, why have the wars in the first place......why not do the right thing, cease all war operations, bring the lads back, let'em rest in Britain as they should and give each citizen(and they count amongst the citizenry as well), 2 million pounds!!! Why that would easily solve everybody's problems! And it is obviously easily affordable!!!But then, Labour is a problem isn't it.................. Well, as M.R.L. I propose when we come to power we avoid, wars, declare wars illegal, refuse to participate in wars entirely and so suitably we can easily afford to give each and every citizen, $2 million pounds. Also, since Income Tax was introduced to fund wars, and wars being deemed unnecessary..........we can also abolish income tax and so the citizenry's $2 million pounds will be a tax free gift.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


M.R.L. Emergency Flood Measures Project-Project Drain Hole.

I,Secret Squirrel have a project to do away with floods.
The West Midlands flooding disaster was and is a disaster. The previous flooding in Cumbria etc etc etc were and are government efforts made to prevent them, no efforts made to see to it they don't re-occur. Indeed we in the M.R.L. have a grand solution to prevent all such future floodings. True I have other anti-flood projects in the engineering works, planning etc done, but the government has refused to see sense to implement them, at least they've extended pub hours at the behest of the M.R.L. we can be thankful for that. Now there is a speedier solution to the problem, may take a few years, but the job will get done and the engineering is sound, using existing modern technology, we can and will persevere in our efforts to get things done, the way of the M.R.L.

Now, water, as we know, is found in rivers,lakes,wash tubs, wash basins etc. so we all know as the Romans taught us, water flows downhill and collects in the deepest places, there finding it's water level as it were. Well we also all know, that in our tubs, and basins,there is this thing called "a drain", usually present with a plug, the drain can be open allowing water down it, to drain, or it can be stoppered,collecting water till the plug is pulled. Well, in the flood areas, we have a major collecting basin, which is lower causing flood waters to collect, and this lower area in all cases, is then obviously stoppered, by the very earth they live on.

Well, I have pondered engineering manuals,books,diagrams and have discovered some interesting projects. Firstly came the Americans, with a Project Mole Hole, a project to drill a mile deep or more in to the earth, really an attempt by them to reach what they,and we, believe is the land of the Mole People, and so escape the Hell that it is to live in America,and also to negotiate with the Mole People to have them attacks the Russians. They informed the Russians, of their benevolent research digging project,and they then canceled the project, probably out of fear that the Mole People would find it better to invade America and make it the land of the Mole people. The Soviets, however,took the task seriously(perhaps they wanted to find the Mole People,once they learned about their existence, and encourage them to invade America), or else knew what to do..........what with all the ridiculous failing American projects of the day, (New Orleans levees..................Boston Big Dig.), one can assume it is the latter.

I have in my hands this secret Soviet digging project. Here let me elaborate..........

"There was a drill-rig enclosure, over 200 feet tall,and over forty years ago, researchers in the Soviet Union began an ambitious drilling project whose goal was to penetrate the Earth's upper crust and sample the warm, mysterious area where the crust and mantle intermingle– the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or "Moho.",or so they led everyone to believe, it was actually short for Mole people, and attempt to drill down to the dreeded Mole People, open negotiations with them and have them attack the Americans. So deep is this area that the Russian scientists had to invent new ways of drilling, and some of their new methods proved quite inventive. But despite the valiant effort which spanned several decades, the Russians never reached their goal, and many of the Earth's secrets were left undiscovered, and the Mole People never contacted. The work done by the Soviets did, however, provide a plethora of information about what lies just beneath the surface, and it continues to be scientifically useful today. The project is known as the Kola Superdeep Borehole.

Beginning in 1962, the drilling effort was led by the USSR's Interdepartmental Scientific Council for the Study of the Earth's Interior and Superdeep Drilling, which spent years preparing for the historic project.Inside the project's 200-foot-tall enclosure resides a unique drilling apparatus. Most deep-drilling rigs use a rotating shaft to bore through the ground– using a series of extensions which are incrementally added as the hole grows deeper– but such a method was unworkable with a hole as deep as Kola was planned to be. To overcome this, the Russian researchers devised a solution where only the drill bit at the end of the shaft was rotated. They accomplished this by forcing the pressurized "drilling mud"– the lubricant pumped down the drill shaft– through the specially-designed drill bit to cause it to spin.

Today, the deepest hole ever created by humankind lies beneath the tower enclosing Kola's drill. A number of boreholes split from the central branch, but the deepest is designated "SG-3," a hole about nine inches wide which snakes over 12.262 kilometers (7.5 miles) into the Earth's crust. The drill spent twenty-four years chewing its way to that depth, until its progress was finally halted in 1994, about 2.7 kilometers (1.7 miles) short of its 15,000-meter goal."

Well, the technology is at hand, what needs be done, in each area of England with major flooding recorded in the past(assuming the government knows where and when and that they occurred).........a locate the lowest part, there in the center, we drill our hole, three feet wide will do nicely, and there equidistant(that's engineering terms), meaning at equal distances out from, the center, we drill four more such holes, say a mile equidistant, and then equally symmetrical to each other(more engineering terms, means in a nice pattern), and there we drill our holes,not Mole Holes,not Kola Holes, but ruddy great and good proper English Holes!. We drill a touch deeper than the Soviets did(must improve on things), fit the tops with a drain cover, and there and then we'll have naturally water drains just like in our bath tubs!! And, you and I just know this will work(as will and do all of my engineering projects). So there in hindsight, is our solution to the problem of flooding in Britain. Ever we proceed, with our backsides to the future,moving ever onwards, whilst looking behind us.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


Whilst consulting anciente documents hidden away in the subterranean
tunnel depths of an abandoned English Saxon monastery, I came across
the secret coded charts of one ancient prognosticator Nostradumass.

It seems that he has predicted a horrific hurricane to strike Hull
from the North Sea bringing inundations of stinky herrings,sardines,
and Norwegians, soon, the date being unspecific,but the signs are

the prediction goes on that the "city shall rise up, upon the waters
and shall flourish and grow."The future has been shown, the warning
of the hurricane to come is as clear as leaks in levees but he date
is as murky as flood water.Clearly this is a frightening prophecy,
and we must prepare, indeed we shall actually follow the prediction
in assisting the city in growing and flourishing. I have pondered
things engineering wise and know what actually needs be done.
What we must do is raise the city, not in alarm, but each and every
edifice must be raised up on stilts, as it were, actually fortified
concrete slabs, to a new height twenty feet higher, complete with
lawns,front and back.

We have a clear example of this in action in
the South Sea Islands, where houses are built upon stilts, though
there this is mainly to prevent snakes from entering the edifices,
here we have seen such an example of construction applied to flood
waters as well.Indeed also we must similarly raise on pillars, the
roadways as well.The city will thus be raised above events, and so
avoid catastrophic failure due to flooding!

Indeed we can make use of the extra space beneath the raised city,
for rail,tram, and bus traffic only thus making the city's regular
transit much more efficient. Of course, when a hurricane arises,
especially the hurricane, those employed down there will have to
retreat upwards to the safety of they city, until such a time as the
flood waters subside thence to get things going once more transit
wise. In short we in the M.R.L. will have solved the problem of
flooding cities.

The Great City Of Hull will be our shining beacon to the future
of our ability to solve the problems of the future with the examples
of the past, truly we shall progress and move forwards, with our back
sides to the future.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister of Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


Emergency MRL Flood Floatation Equipment

As floods occur, the local populace is always imperiled. No matter what, incumbent governments ignore the
problems, stating the waters will subside if one simply waits, and also that flooding won't occur again,such as occurred in the middle of England does, point in fact ,but in the meanwhile the local populace,which is the people of England, suffer,worry, drown etc etc etc.

Indeed they suffered yet again,as well,in the city of New Orleans in the former colony of the Americas...........indeed 7inches of a rain storm, and the populace was once again waist deep in water. While the occurrence was suppressed in the Americas press, I made note of the fact and set my engineering skills to work. What needs be done? To assist the populace to float through such events,to enable them to empower them, to be able to weather a flood whenever it suddenly occurs,whether government acknowledges the flood occurring or not! Indeed how to deal with such a sudden event,how to be ever ready for such an event? Well, the best course of action is to wear devices such that the populace could ever be ready. Now wearing bulky life vests is on the ridiculous side, so we must turn our engineering expertness to the actual design of clothes themselves. Now, we usually have two forms of weather, mostly hot or extremely regularly warm, and a touch on the cooler side.

Well now I have discovered, existent a ready made solution for the female population, the bikini, the bikini with suitable inflatable water wing breasts! Indeed, this would benefit in terms of style as the female could have a larger set of bristols,zoomers or whatever they are referred to, and at the same time,in the event of a flood could maximally inflate such that they become life saving ,buoyant water is show in the accompanying picture.

For the cooler days, a dress could be worn, an inflatable dress,but not only inflatable, one that inflates into a full size kayak boat dress and so save the wearing much discomfort and worry during flood situations...again see the accompanying picture of the kayak dress as it could be used.Indeed we in the MRL would see to it, that every female in Britain would be provided,gratis, as in free, as in at no cost to them, one of each of these items. Of course, they might like to purchase more for their wardrobe but that extra cost would have to be born by them. As for males, a suitable pair of blowup kayak pants could be developed for their supply and use.

Indeed as ever, hands reaching out across the water to our misfortunate colonials in The Americas, particularly New Orleans,we could also sent up not lend lease as they provided during our war ,but rather borrow rental during this period of their meteorological war.

See accompanying images of these fascinating,useful and necessary flood clothing items.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


M.R.L. On The Development Of Underground Housing.

So here is the headline finally out. Secretly I have been encouraging the development of such housing, clearly it has vast energy savings and advantages for the citizen and also for the nation,finally there are those on whom wisdom is not wasted,why just the other day I was discussing with a housing builder who was in fudiciary difficulties,that he should go read on...........

And I here quote...........

Unveiled: Britain's first £2m underground mansion designed to keep away prying eyes

By Daily Mail Reporter

Proving just how much the housing market has gone through the floor, the go-ahead has been given for Britain's first underground mansion.
Developers have announced plans for a £2m subterranean property, which will be entered via an unassuming door at ground level and descend up to 50ft below............The house will be heated by an underfloor heating system, while hot water will come from a large-scale ground source heat pump which uses heat exchange technology to capture warmth in the ground to heat the house........the property would be fitted with a state-of-the-art ventilation system, and claimed that it would require up to 75 per cent less fossil fuel than a regular family home.....'There are some very sensible and practical reasons for developing down as opposed to upwards. The property has very little impact on the surrounding environment.
'It is easy to heat in winter and to keep cool in summer and by incorporating the highest standards in renewable design solutions the energy demands of the building can be cut to almost unquoted.

Of course, this is a touch pricey but one can see the advantages. Also as one has large homes, or mansions, one has smaller ones as well, and clearly smaller ones could also be, and should also be, built on similar lines.Also we should extend our helping hand and wisdom to our misguided cousins across the sea,those in the lost colonies of the expanded Virginia's presently known as,the Americas. It seem there they have great problems what with hurricanes and tornadoes.They suffer from vast destruction of their the solution is since the destruction is above ground, the solution is to go underground, build the housing underground! Indeed I am sure this would improve Britain's field position in the field of Foreign Affairs,helping hands across the water,eh,whot!!! But imagine,the fear,the trepidation,imagine this huge tornado coming, what with its great enormous sucking and blowing, and gone is one's house! Now what with the house underground, the only such event that could result in that would be marriage and it's divorce!!!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL Plan To Profitably Reduce Effects of Global Warming

Secret Squirrel here expounds on how to reduce the effects of global warming and to turn a profit at the same time.Some scientists and people, are worried about the ice caps melting,due to the effects of global warming,with the resultant massive flooding of seacoast areas. Of course ways have been pondered to reduce the global warming, hence reduce the melting and the effects of melting of the ice caps. However, there is a constructive,productive and lucrative method of assisting in this.................what we do is simply to build ice mining and melting and bottling establishments in the arctic regions..........that's right, mine, melt the ice, then purify,bottle it, and sell the bottled water! Grand! All Europe requires bottled water as the city supplies are in shoddy contaminated and disease spreading states hence there is a huge market for it. Indeed yes, also, Britain itself could make use of such a vast and unquenchable supply through a national publicly owned for shares utility and so reduce the effects of the profit hunger money grabbing privatized companies so shoddily managing and profiteering over Britain's own water supply, selling it back to the British people and such exhorbitant rates!Also,the product could be sold to the Arabs in exchange for oil, barrel for barrel as it were, that'd make gas as cheap as water for us,or at least should were it not the present mostly foreign oil profiteering companies!! Indeed I strongly suspect rumours of this project has already been espied by certain nations, noticeably the Chinese,Russians and Americans who have staked huge claims to vast areas of the antarctic when they got the merest rumour that such an enterprise had been proposed,and indeed, possibly already existed.Indeed this entrepreneurial endeavour solves the issue of oil pricing, and European water supply, and reduces the effects of Global warming as well.............We in the MRL must push forwards such an enterprise to properly utilize the Falkland Islands Antarctic territorial claim area and turn over an excellant profit while at the same time reducing global warming.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL Airlines, SUTCH An Airline

Ah yes, Air Sutch, and airline of EXPERIENCE, and airline to EXPERIENCE, nothing ridiculously VIRGIN-al here.............

Ah well...............time to ponder engineering improvements to airlines, improvements to lower fuel consumption, improvements to provide travelers with greater flexibility in a free choice of ANY destination, improvements to provide travelers with the ability to travel right to the door, within the very yard, of their destination.
Firstly airlines must be equipped with,airports as a suitable gathering,collecting,departure point is mos+t definatly required. This means we can use EXISTING airports, thus reducing costs tremendously.Savings all around, only one class, steerage, and tremendous fuel saving,savings in reduction of airline aircrew personel,reduction of aircraft if needed as all will fly full.

Passengers for Short Distance Flights.

Now at said departure point there will be a suitably constructed, along Roman lines, since theirs were unquestionably the best,CATAPULTS. The passenger will mount the catapult bowl, complete with luggage,wearing THE most modern of steerable paraglide parachutes, and thence will be launched in to the air in the direction of their destination. Of course steerage will be done by the passengers, and the only flights will be those of steerage class. Hence for short range flights the passenger can arrive at the door of their selected destination. Sutch passengers will also be provided with maps to ease their ability to reach their own destination.The paraglide chuts will be picked up locally and returned to the airline for reuse.A suitable courier company pickup system can be utilized.

Medium Range Flights.

For medium range flights we will require the assisted takeoff of a suitable airliner, but nothing extravagant need be used as extreme high altitude flight will not be necessary. Here we follow the dictates of Felix Baumgartner. Each passenger is provided with the required carbon fiber airfin and oxygen pack strapped to their back, along with a paraglide parachute with which to glide to the door of their destination. Of course this will give them the ability to land within the yard of their destination. They can take along a mandatory two bags for proper balance, and will be provided with maps for their destination. The backpack and chute will then be picked up locally and returned to the airline for reuse(here we see we can please the Greens with our recycling, and also note the immense saving in fuel since no actual fuel is used by any passenger.

Long Range Flights.

This will provide an immense saving in fuel and of course maximal passenger destination selection. Here we take off in our airliner. Again the passenger will be disembarked in the air, using the paraglide parachute, and glide down to their selected destination. Here the airliner will take off, approach the destination area, and descend to the discharge altitude for the convenience of the passenger. The passenger will again be supplied with a map, and be required to have two carry bags for aerodynamic balance in flight. Should it be necessary for the airline to provide a second ballast bag, or even yet both for long range commuters, there will be an additional charge. As with all other flight packages, the flight equipment and any ballast bags will be picked up locally and returned to the airline for reuse.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL Secret Squirrel Uses Acoustic Mirrors To educate The French

I,Secret Squirrel,here propose to make use in the education field, of the Denge Acoustic Mirror dishes,which have been gathering dust on the cliffs of Kent these many years, forlorn and abandoned, all but forgotten, their former task having been long forgotten to the minds of many British people.But, I am intent on once again utilizing the dishes, but in reverse of their original design as listening posts. Now we all know that a microphone is actually a speaker and a speaker can actually be a microphone.

I am proposing to re-activate the Denge Dishes, in reverse. In World War II they were employed to listen for enemy planes arriving from France, what I propose to do is to reverse this, use the Denge Dishes as speakers and broadcast to France. Of course we shall broadcast sensible things, such as encouraging Frenchman to learn English,encouraging them to tune in to the Shivering Sands Radio Sutch which I intend to have reactivated to transmit English lessons to them, informing them of Radio Sutch, also interspersing ads for things like Wimpy's and other still British institutions. Indeed we shall encourage tourism,inviting them, nay daring them, to cross the channel,to leave a life of tours of the sewers of Paris and, also I propose to secretly undertake
subliminal broadcasts duplexed with the original amplified audio such that the French are encouraged to join Britain.The French will certainly be aware of them and know them as those Denge Dishes.

I must admit that in my researches of this I met a very old couple in Glasgow, regular Glaswegians they insisted they were, and in the oddest Scottish accent they, the nice Goebbels Family of Glasgow, suggested the broadcasts to France,encouraging me to even yet mention their intent to return. They referred to them as being educational indoctrinational propaganda broadcasts.They also frequently interspersed views and opinions with frequent mentions of a certain "schweinehund", which I took to mean he wished me to advertise his brand of what seem to be some kind of pig hot dog.They also suggested paving over France, which would be nice effectively giving us a huge parking lot for our visits to Europe.Frequently also they used the terms "Vee Krauts" which I take to be their brand of Scottish canned cabbage,which raised the possibilities of advertising revenues to fund the project.

As for the remaining wide screen long and rectangular acoustic dish, I propose a simple whitewash of it, and to utilize it as a drive in theatre, creating a tourist reception center by day, where the French can view tourist type films before they actually enter England to acclimatize them before they commence their fascinating tour of England, and by night to utilize it as a money making,revenue generating Night Drive-In theatre.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

It is proposed that the formerly abandoned world war II anti-aircraft offshore gun platform forts,Red Sands and Shivering Sands, Shivering Sands being formerly employed by our Great Architect and Founder, The Lord, Sutch, who utilized Shivering Sands for offshore radio broadcasts of Free Radio,Radio Sutch, be once again occupied and used again in their original noble task,that of Free Radio.

Indeed I have made the horrific discovery, that the most foreign French, speak French, being Frenchman. This is just not suitable and proper. Indeed we must re-initiate Radio Sutch on the platforms, and transmit directly aimed at France.the Quebec of the colony of Canada, radio transmission of ENGLISH lessons. In short I propose to attempt to educate the most foreign French in the speaking of proper English, and so improved, they too can be called English.
It may be an impossible task, but the attempt to educate and improve them, must be made.

In order to help stave off the enemies of the Queen's English, those who would attempt to shut down the stations, I propose to make a deal with the Vatican, Sutch that Vatican Radio transmissions could be thence relayed to those horrifically foreign places. In exchange we would have Nuns stationed on the platform, and as you know, this would suitably provide the platforms with a suitable defensive shield, as we all know, Nuns, are Canon.

The work of Lord Sutch must continue, we must persevere, and and endeavour to educate the French via the means of radio transmissions. We shall also of course, transmit such music as Lord Sutch deemed fit for transmission in the days when he ran the station, in efforts to avoid the French becoming bored with their educational experiences.
Free Radio!! Free Radio to Free the French from linguistic ignorance.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


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