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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Americans Desert Support Of Britain's Falklands



So, What, A Friend We Have In America

So sings and sang Tony Blair,Gordon Brown,on the behalf,misfortunately,of the people of Britain.............but it really is not so,not in the manner they sang it as......

US refuses to endorse British sovereignty in Falklands oil dispute

Falklands war veterans, one holding up a sign that reads in Spanish "The islands are Argentine," referring to the Falklands islands, demonstrate in front of the National Congress in Buenos Aires, Giles Whittell, Washington and James Bone, New York

Washington refused to endorse British claims to sovereignty over the Falkland Islands yesterday as the diplomatic row over oil drilling in the South Atlantic intensified in London, Buenos Aires and at the UN.

Despite Britain’s close alliance with the US, the Obama Administration is determined not to be drawn into the issue. It has also declined to back Britain’s claim that oil exploration near the islands is sanctioned by international law, saying that the dispute is strictly a bilateral issue..........more at the Timesonline article.but now to comment.........

So the Yanks desert Brits,so what else is new?No mediation, means no sharing,sharing means acknowledge of legitimate claim on the Falklands by the Argentine's, best all not part, not nothing,for Britain.But when UK supports US in it's doings,it's invasion, invasions of lands totally foreign and alien to it, lands,not even which it remotely can state it has any legitimate claim to, shouldn't the US have supported UK in their legitimate quest to utilize their islands,their possession, the Falkland islands, and all drilling is within legitimate international definition of legitimate waters of Britain's Falkland islands! A quest for oil??

We now see the reason, the Argentine's then try to again claim the Falklands for the oil they are not entitled to, anymore than the Americans were and are entitled to the oil of the Iraqis and Afghanis. Indeed we all know of the American invasions of Iraq, and Afghanistan, and know of the great,heavily favoring the US supremely heavily, oil contracts, in those same invaded,conquered,occupied,areas of the world foreign to America, areas invaded on various pretexts such as weapons of mass destruction which were never found, and so called liberations etc.

We also notice the problems with respect to and with Somalia, yet one doesn't see any great USA invasion to bring order to and end piracy,or a mass liberation policy to liberate the people there from repression,human rights violations etc et all........obviously Somalia has no oil so this leaves the USA browned off with respect to Somalia. So in all these invasive events round and about the world, Britain supports America, it's people die for American policies in those foreign lands, and yet when Britain wants support for it's legitimate territories and rights, America, and Americans, desert Britain,the people of Britain? Indeed,yes. It's their thing to do.

Maybe the other reason Obama will not come out in support is because his country is over run with Latino's, plus Obama is said to have made a comment about how his father was treated during the Brit occupation of Kenya by us,but chooses to avoid his treatment of Iraqis taken prisoner in the so called weapons of mass destruction invasion of Iraq.Maybe Obama should hand back the USA to its rightful owners, the red indians. Maybe we should come out and support the Indians on this issue. The same goes with regards to Argentina, hand back Argentina to the South American Indians then maybe we may consider leaving the Falklands to its original owners the Penguins.

The Reason for the lack of Support is easy enough to understand .. the American Oil Special interest groups are hoping that the Seas around the Falklands will supply them with a source of Cheap Oil that they don't have to go to the Middle east to get..So if Argentina gets the Falklands back then America can Squeeze them economically to get the cheapest possible price for Oil..IF the UK However retains the Falklands The OIL companies will sell the Oil on the World Market not something America Wants... this, confirms the USA have no real friendship with us apart from using our boys for cannon fodder.

It also confirms that Britain does not have a friend in America,it is in now way shape or form a friend, and it is time that Britain, and the European nations also realize that they do not have a friend in America,but,they do have each other. All that remains,is that Europe must collectively decide,on a common bond, a band of brothers marching together, unified,one and all, all for one and one for all, a deal with the Falklands situation, decisively,by European action,the Argentinians THEN cannot win. And what will we see, what do they fear,they the Europeans? American turnabout and support of the Argentinians.........and for what.............oil.So let us sing, what a friend we have in America..........Europe must be a friend to itself.

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