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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Promises,A Pocket Full Of Mumbles\War Of The Words


new,labour,gordon,brown,cadbury,kraft,unemployment,job,losses,promises,words,racism,derogatories, derogatory

Gordon Brown,New Labour Prime Minister...
1) Liar?
2) As impotent as an Arab eunuch?

Gordon Brown gives a worthless pledge to workers at Cadbury over their jobs.
Gordon Brown moved to reassure workers that their jobs were safe.
"We are determined that the levels of investment that take place in Cadbury in the United Kingdom are maintained and we are determined that, at a time when people are worried about their jobs, that jobs in Cadbury can be secure."

And so.............

Kraft Foods Inc. said Tuesday that it will close Cadbury PLC's Somerdale plant by 2011, despite an earlier pledge to keep the factory open. ...
Wall Street Journal

Cadbury factory closure by Kraft 'despicable'

Cadbury's Somerdale plant in Keynsham
The Somerdale plant in Keynsham is set to close by 2011
The decision by Cadbury's new owner Kraft to continue with the closure of the Somerdale factory in Keynsham has prompted dismay among workers.
Employees called the decision "utterly despicable" and said they had been deceived by Kraft.
Before its takeover of Cadbury, Kraft had indicated it would keep the factory in Keynsham open.

The Spoof comments on this with..................

Kraft issue an apology over American-English mistranslation
Written by matwil

Kraft issued an apology today over a statement made last week about the Cadbury factory in Keynsham, near Bristol.
'When we said last week that we were going to keep that factory open' said spokesman Cheesy McCheese, 'we used American English, of course. But in English - er - English that means 'we are going to close that factory down', which will happen next week.


The War Of The Words.

Words Words Words, The Long And The Short, The Name Game.

Prince Harry apologised for calling his fellow officer Ahmed Raza Khan "our little Paki friend"A magistrate who used the term ''Paki shop'' in court will not be sacked,A senior police officer was said to have racially abused a taxi driver by calling him ''a lying Paki.........others have used the shortened term Paki in place of Pakistani.,but is it derogatory, and when.......

Anton Du Beke on Dancing With...called his dancing partner, the actor Laila Rouass, a "Paki".A slang term to describe a Pakistani or one of Pakistani descent - used in an intentionally harmless manner **if** it's between non-Pakistanis or Pakistanis themselves.I think the supposed racist word is Paki,not Pakistani. What's so racist about Paki,its just the short form of Pakistani. Scot is the short form of Scottish.........Brit is not racist,Scot is not racist, Afghani is not racist.why is Paki racist, who considers paki racist, who declared paki racist.......Swede is short for Swedish........not racist.

Pakistan, Pakistani or "Paki" is not a race,just as Canuck or Canadian is not a race. Surely for something to deemed "racist" has to be linked to the route word "race"as in the Caucasian race.Curious, the language the speak is not Pakistani, but Urdu, can they safely be called Urds?MTV premiered a spin-off network called MTV Desi which targets Indian Americans,why, Indians are called Desi.......but is that racist to call Indians Desi, evidently not............. Desi means real native of India.......What really has happened? There are those who now define their selected words as being terms connected with the term racist, and, on gaining notoriety,or press, it becomes horrifically, a racist term.In short, any day now, the axe will fall on Swede, or Scot as being racist terms horridly used and abused by someone and some such person in improper fashion................Chinaman has been said to be derogatory, yet we have, perfectly acceptable, Frenchman,Englishman,Dutchman.............where's the problem with this??Who is defining these words as being racist when and as they please? Why and how can a shortening of a name be racist in one case and not in another?Doesn't make sense, perhaps it comes under the term..."Mad dogs and Englishmen."?

There are other words............look now.........

What is the origin of the derogatory and insulting term Hooplehead?

By here stating it is derogatory, I have made it derogatory, and for all time it must now be considered derogatory..........what is it, how did it originate?Did they create it, and did I make it a derogatory?

Would it not be a derogatory if say Fox net said it wasn't? Ah, and so starts The War Of The Words,originally initiated by H.G.Wells...........what is a derogatory word, how is it decided, who decides it?


-a member of the ignorant masses; an uneducated commoner; an idiot. word popularized by HBO's Deadwood

Try not to use big words-- it confuses the hoopleheads.

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