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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The Falklands Negotiations,The Japanese Planned Monster,& Flooding


floods, flooding, monster, Godzilla,Falklands, Puerto Rico,Spain, Britain, America, USA, war, negotiations

Secret Squirrel Muddies The Waters Of The Falklands.

Secret Squirrel has studied the Falklands politics of the day, and has seen fit to here muddy the waters of the Falklands,a technique he learned from his father, following the pub rules of argumentation and the spreading of and disseminating and countering all forms of false informations,politics, and various propagandas of any and all sorts of out sorts.Firstly let's consider The Americas,specificly the area encompassing the revolting colony of America. Now, firstly, the
Republic of Indian Stream resulted from an ambiguity in the Treaty of Paris (1783), which established the border between the newly independent US and the remainder of British North America(specificly the colony of the Canadas as it presently is today). It defined the border between the US and (what was to become) Canada in the north of New Hampshire as the northwesternmost head of the Connecticut
River. There are however several possibilities, as shown on the map: the heads of Hall’s, Indian and Perry Streams, and Third Lake, the origin of the Connecticut River itself.The US and Britain each interpreted the ambiguity to
their maximum advantage, the US considering Hall’s Stream the border between the two states, and Britain opting for the waterway beginning at Third Lake. As a result of this, the area in between was neither here nor there. Except for tax purposes. Both states sent tax and debt collectors into the area – which chagrined the inhabitants so much that they declared their independence… but only until the Americans and the British could sort out their differences.

July 9, 1832, the inhabitants revolted,against all,not only the Americans and America, but wrongly against Britain,and declared the disputed area to be a sovereign nation. Settlers drafted a constitution, which spelled out
the rights and obligations of the citizens. They instituted their own court system, issued their own stamps, established a militia, and did all they needed to be a self sufficient entity.Neither government was happy with the situation and continued to attempt enforcing its laws on the citizenry of the Indian Stream Republic. Then,in 1835, New Hampshire Militia invaded militarily, by means of military force and coercion , then occupied the area and the border was established according to the ‘maximalist’ American interpretation of the Treaty of Paris.Being declared
American by right of military invasion,seizure,annexation,in short American possession.

However,the situation/seizure/incorporation very much closely resembles the Falklands, and the present Falklands situation.One specific,Hillary Clinton,present American Secretary of State),wishes to be the intermediary in some such as she states, to be wished by her and the Americans, negotiations between Britain and the Argentinians(Argies),with respect to(disrespect to according to THEIR wishes,the people of the Falklands that is),the Falklands. In short, should the Americans "negotiate" the British withdrawal and renunciation of claim to the Falklands,or halving any such claim(as it seems both they,the American government,President, and one Hillary Clinton, the American Secretary of State,seems to wish),I feel that it is our moral obligation(ours, the MRL, since New Labour is politically immoral)to once again open and claim The former Republic of Indian Stream, and NOT merge it with the presently situationed colony of Canada, but keep it for ourselves.

Since America is intent on giving our Falklands to the Argentine's well then should we not see to it that THEY give Puerto Rico to the Spanish,once more,returning it as it were? I should think so, and indeed should events center on oil rights, then we must also support the giving of oil rights for offshore Puerto Rico to the Spanish,just to prove we're not selfish you know.

We should there for position ourselves such that we hold negotiations between America,and Spain,with respect to, the return of Puerto Rico to Spain, which first discovered and occupied it since 1493.......all the way to 1898, when the Americans by military force and invasion, removed both it and Cuba from Spanish possession.And we recall just recently that the Puerto Ricans voted against joining America, remaining,in preference,as sort of Puerto Rico's status as a semiautonomous Commonwealth,sort of but not quite,free associated state, colony, state and nation of the United States, not American,not part of America, but rather still stuck with the status of American territorial possession in reality,not free and independent being kept basically as a farm club for the development of the token
content Puerto Ricans allowed to play in the American baseball leagues. And that situation is ridiculously nowhere nears the Falklands,who are hardly by any means enslaved cricket players(won't find a Falklander in the British cricket leagues,no you won't,thank-you very much) but obviously a grave injustice all round,especially with respect to Spain,for whom we show our sympathies.

Secret Squirrel,

MRL,(MP,Dunny On The Wold),

Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


Japan Inches Ever Closer to Building a Real Gundam
Posted at 6:00 AM Jan 11, 2008


That darned Japan! As soon as you beat them in a World War, in just over 60 years, they're already planning on building giant war robots...or at least pricing them out. Official Pal o' TR Gia sent me this troubling link,.........
a translation of a post on Japan's Science and Technology Agency's Japanese SciencePortal website, which figures the official cost of making a real, moving, 60-foot-tall Gundam mobile suit at a mere $725,000,000.

You can check out how the costs break down at the article on Pink Tentacle, but it does not include labor in the final tally, or beam sabers, or locating an emotionally damaged 15-year-old boy to be the pilot (although in all honesty, those last things seem to be a dime a dozen in Japan) presented............................

$725,000,000 Gundam
11 Jan 2008

Gundam -- Ever wondered how much it would cost to build a working, life-sized Gundam robot? At least $725 million for the parts and materials, according to an estimate published on the SciencePortal website run by the Japan Science and Technology Agency. The price tag for this giant humanoid, which would stand 18 meters (60 feet) tall and weigh 43.4 metric tons (nearly 100,000 lbs), does not include the cost of labor (this is where an extensive pool of robot slave labor comes in handy), nor does it include the cost of the infrastructure needed to support the machine once you are ready to climb aboard and take it for a walk.

Estimated cost of Gundam parts:
Aluminum alloy (honeycomb) $1,800 43,875 $79,000,000
(+ Metal manufacturing/processing) $240,000,000
Main computer (IBM) $1,550,000 1 $1,550,000
Gas turbine engines (GE) $52,000,000 7 $364,000,000
Superconductive motors (IHI) $260,000 30 $7,800,000
Motor drivers $260,000 30 $7,800,000
Reducers $760,000 30 $22,800,000
Sensors $910,000
Cockpit $450,000
TOTAL: $724,310,000

Note that unlike in the anime, the Gundam described here would merely be able to walk — it would not have the ability to fly or have any fancy weaponry. Also, instead of Gundanium, the robot would be covered in aluminum alloy plating.

Gundam -- An IBM Blue Gene supercomputer would serve as the Gundam’s computer system ($1.5 million sounds like a steal), and its movements would be driven by 30 giant 400KW motors — 12 in the legs, 2 in the torso, 14 in the arms, and 2 in the neck. A 400KW motor is quite powerful — by comparison, the Shinkansen bullet train uses a 300KW motor. The motors alone would cost $7.8 million, but to power them would require the equivalent of 7 Apache helicopter engines (the helicopters cost an estimated $52 million each).

While $700 million is a lot of money (more than the GDP of Liberia, Grenada and a dozen or so other nations), it does not seem like so much when you compare it to the cost of other large-scale machinery. Military tanks costs around $4 to $7 million each, commercial passenger planes cost around $200 to $300 million, rockets can cost around $100 million to launch, expensive fighter jets can cost billions, and aircraft carriers cost about $5 billion.

A robot of this size and stature would face a number of physical challenges, such as the inability to walk without completely destroying the ground surface beneath its feet. When humans walk, we exert about 1.5 times our body weight of pressure on the ground (and on our feet) with each step. This poses a huge problem for a 43-ton humanoid, which would probably need to have very wide feet (to distribute the pressure over a larger area) and walk very very slowly. Dinosaurs found a way to get around, though, so giant robots probably can, too.

But perhaps the greatest challenge of all would be to find the funding for an enormous walking machine with no apparent practical or military application. With no money, this Gundam will forever remain just a dream.

Long before Pearl Harbour, the Australians warned the Americans about the Japanese, as I recall at the time,before Pearl Harbour,the Australians were being attacked by the Japanese...............and indeed, Chamberlain was warned,solidly, about the Germans,but then at the time it was said he was eating Polish\French sausages and had adapted to a liking of them..................shunned and being shunned by everyone else. And so it is for us to regard these intelligence reports in a very grave light and,of course, warn our existing government of the impending Japanese invasion using these giant robots. Imagine, all those years of those Japanese monster and robot movies, the merest tactical planning inscrutably hidden from warned..................whatever will we send against them as first wave.........Labourmen in Bunny suits?

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


Emergency MRL Flood Floatation Equipment

As floods occur, the local populace is always imperiled. No matter what, incumbent governments ignore the
problems, stating the waters will subside if one simply waits, and also that flooding won't occur again,such as occurred in the middle of England does, point in fact ,but in the meanwhile the local populace,which is the people of England, suffer,worry, drown etc etc etc.

Indeed they suffered yet again,as well,in the city of New Orleans in the former colony of the Americas...........indeed 7inches of a rain storm, and the populace was once again waist deep in water. While the occurrence was suppressed in the Americas press, I made note of the fact and set my engineering skills to work. What needs be done? To assist the populace to float through such events,to enable them to empower them, to be able to weather a flood whenever it suddenly occurs,whether government acknowledges the flood occurring or not! Indeed how to deal with such a sudden event,how to be ever ready for such an event? Well, the best course of action is to wear devices such that the populace could ever be ready. Now wearing bulky life vests is on the ridiculous side, so we must turn our engineering expertness to the actual design of clothes themselves. Now, we usually have two forms of weather, mostly hot or extremely regularly warm, and a touch on the cooler side.

Well now I have discovered, existent a ready made solution for the female population, the bikini, the bikini with suitable inflatable water wing breasts! Indeed, this would benefit in terms of style as the female could have a larger set of bristols,zoomers or whatever they are referred to, and at the same time,in the event of a flood could maximally inflate such that they become life saving ,buoyant water is show in the accompanying picture.

For the cooler days, a dress could be worn, an inflatable dress,but not only inflatable, one that inflates into a full size kayak boat dress and so save the wearing much discomfort and worry during flood situations...again see the accompanying picture of the kayak dress as it could be used.Indeed we in the MRL would see to it, that every female in Britain would be provided,gratis, as in free, as in at no cost to them, one of each of these items. Of course, they might like to purchase more for their wardrobe but that extra cost would have to be born by them. As for males, a suitable pair of blowup kayak pants could be developed for their supply and use.

Indeed as ever, hands reaching out across the water to our misfortunate colonials in The Americas, particularly New Orleans,we could also sent up not lend lease as they provided during our war ,but rather borrow rental during this period of their meteorological war.

See accompanying images of these fascinating,useful and necessary flood clothing items.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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