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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MRL Adaptability,Versatility, For The Military and Flooding

mrl, floods, flooding, military, vehicles, cars, helicopters,amphibious,tanks, equipment,secret squirrel

Roadable Aircraft - Aerocar Aerocar

Enlarge image (will open in a new window)Moulton B. Taylor dreamed of producing a roadable aircraft, which could be used as a family car and, as the need or inclination arose, have wings, tail and propellor quickly attached. After World War 2, Taylor set to work to produce such a vehicle, and by late 1949 a prototype Aerocar had flown.

On 13th December, 1956, the improved production Aerocar 1 received FAA certification. Four further Model 1s were built, for demonstration and sale. The six Aerocars so far built accumulated over 200,000 road miles and 5,000 flight hours. The final version was a much improved Aerocar III, converted from a model 1.

The car itself was a fairly conventional front-wheel-drive automobile. The power plant was an Avco Lycoming O-320 aircraft engine in the rear of the vehicle. This drove either the road wheels or, via an extended drive shaft in the detachable tail boom, a propellor to the rear of the Y-form tail structure. Braced monoplane wings were fitted in high configuration to the rear of the car. Unless the wings and tail boom were all correctly engaged, it was not possible to start the engine for flight.

Conversion from air to road could be achieved by one person in five minutes. The detached aircraft components could be towed behind the car in folding wheels fitted to the wing roots.

The Aerocar project ended with the passing of new legislation relating to automobiles in the United States. To meet 1970s requirements, the Aerocar would have to become too heavy and expensive to be practical.
Roadable Aircraft - Hafner Rotabuggy Flying Jeep

Enlarge image (will open in a new window)The work of the Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment at Ringway, Manchester, on the Rotachute from 1940 onwards led to the suggestion that the free-wheeling autogyro principles employed could also be applied to larger loads. The designer, Raoul Hafner, suggested the Rotabuggy, a Jeep (or "Blitz Buggy") with rotors, and the Rotatank, a similarly modified Valentine tank. A development contract was placed with the M.L. Aviation Company at White Waltham in 1942, covered by specification 10/42.

Preliminary tests involved loading a Jeep with concrete and dropping it from heights of up to 7 ft. 8 in. (2.35 m.), demonstrating that the standard vehicle could survive undamaged from impacts of up to 11g. A 46 ft. 8 in. (12.4 m.) dia. two-blade rotor was then fitted, as well as a streamlined tail fairing with twin rudderless fins. Other additions were perspex door panels, a 'hanging' rotor control next to the steering wheel and a rotor tachometer and glider navigational instruments.

The Rotabuggy, camouflaged, carrying RAF roundels and a prototype "P", was tow tested behind a 4½ litre supercharged Bentley, and achieved gliding speeds of up to 65 mph (105 km/h) IAS.
The first flight was made on November 16, 1943. Later, some flights were made behind a Whitley bomber from Sherbourne-in-Elmet.

One witness described how she watched a Whitley take off with a Jeep in tow, circle and land. The Jeep, still in tow, did not touch down at the same time, and the witness realised that its occupants "were unhappy". With the pilot holding the hanging control column and the driver clutching the steering wheel, the Jeep made a series of up and down movements, whilst the audience hoped it would stall on a 'down' rather than an 'up'.

This it fortunately did, the driver taking over and driving flat-out after the Whitley, to which it remained attached. When it stopped, nobody got out for a while; the pilot was then assisted out and lay down beside the runway to recover. Apparently he was exhausted from trying to control the joystick, which had whipped in circles for the whole flight.

Apparently this flight was one of the worst, and the handling and flying qualities of the Rotabuggy were officially recorded as "highly satisfactory", especially when large tail fins had been fitted and greater rotor blade articulation provided. However, development of Horsa II and Hamilcar vehicle carrying gliders made further development of the idea unnecessary.

Now the existing technology could be applied and upgraded..................the time is reviving sutch a concept we could vastly reduce road traffic congestion, and just imagine, not being on a ROAD, the Labor government could not use and apply a road tax, nor could any other existing government of England. And now after having gotten this far in my proposal, you realize that it's certainly not a taxing engineering idea.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


A Sound Project, Re-Discovered, Re-Engineered.

Hafner Rotabuggy Flying Jeep

The work of the Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment at Ringway, Manchester, on the Rotachute from 1940 onwards led to the suggestion that the free-wheeling autogyro principles employed could also be applied to larger loads. The designer, Raoul Hafner, suggested the Rotabuggy, a Jeep (or "Blitz Buggy") with rotors, and the Rotatank, a similarly modified Valentine tank. A development contract was placed with the M.L. Aviation Company at White Waltham in 1942, covered by specification 10/42.

Preliminary tests involved loading a Jeep with concrete and dropping it from heights of up to 7 ft. 8 in. (2.35 m.), demonstrating that the standard vehicle could survive undamaged from impacts of up to 11g. A 46 ft. 8 in. (12.4 m.) dia. two-blade rotor was then fitted, as well as a streamlined tail fairing with twin rudderless fins. Other additions were perspex door panels, a 'hanging' rotor control next to the steering wheel and a rotor tachometer and glider navigational instruments.

The Rotabuggy, camouflaged, carrying RAF roundels and a prototype "P", was tow tested behind a 4½ litre supercharged Bentley, and achieved gliding speeds of up to 65 mph (105 km/h) IAS.
The first flight was made on November 16, 1943. Later, some flights were made behind a Whitley bomber from Sherbourne-in-Elmet.

Of course, this sound project must be reinstated. It combines the easily manufactured mass produced and versatile jeep, and helicopter, in short saving money in and personel in assembly and manufacture lines. Jeeps can carry all sorts of light guns and where with all, that helicopters at present carry, but yet won't require complex and diversified assembly and manufacture, in short a Swiss Army Knife of Helicopter Jeeps can be created much more easily in modern times! Indeed in this age of austerity, Britain will be easily able to afford helicopters, all types of helicopters, based on a simple jeep helicopter base platform, just as on finds at a vehicular dealership, here's your car, add the options, here's your helijeep, add the weapon systems!For yet greater versatility, this revived project will be morphed into using an existing amphibious jeep chassis-the ultimate in versatility!!

Now as a further extension of the project, regard this Soviet engineering attempt.
The Antonov KT (Kr'lya Tanka) - also referred to as the A-40 or A-T - was developed in 1940 by the skilled designer of weight-carrying gliders, Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov. The aim was to test the viability of the idea of supplying partisan forces with light tanks to harrass the enemy's lines of communication.

A T-60 light tank provided the 'fuselage' of the unit, the unlocked tracks being the 'landing gear'. An unstaggered biplane wing of plywood and fabric was attached, together with a pair of tail booms with twin vertical surfaces and a high-mounted single horizontal surface. The aerodynamic controls comprised a single lever operating all flying surfaces from the driver's position. The flying surfaces were to be jettisoned directly on landing.

The unit was towed by a heavy bomber such as the Petlyakov Pe-8 or Tupolev TB-3. Whilst Western sources say the KT never left the ground, Soviet sources say a single successful flight was made in 1941 or 1942. With only limited official support, the programme was cancelled shortly after that time. England, not to be outdone, had a autogyro project in the works, involving the use of a Valentine tank. Sadly, this idea was not proceeded with, no doubt the effects of those tampering with proper engineers,those whose jealousy of sound engineering ideas resulted in the suppression of the engineers and their ideas.

However, we know better nowadays, at least we in the MRL do, and so we can combine this idea with that of our flying amphibious jeep. In short, to the flying jeep add a recoilless rifle.I should add that this idea worked well and was in actual fact used, a recoilless rifle integrated in the chassis of a motor scooter,truly inovative at the time, and an engineering project that worked in theory and in practice as well.
This turns our utility vehicle, suitable for carrying troops,equipment etc in to a combat zone, flying,swimming or driving, into a flying,swimming or driving light tank as well...........the penultimate in engineering versatility.
Sutch is the way, England must proceed with our backsides to the future................ever forwards by going backwards!!!

Realizing that funding may not be at hand, I propose we do what America did, by not really declaring war on Iraq,and thence invading it in it's version of a benevolent war of liberation. Here we note that America found over a hundred billion dollars it needed but didn't have.I propose instead to do the same,somewhat, and fund the projects by declaring war on France.I'm willing to negotiate, I'm flexible, perhaps a war against Holland, or perhaps Denmark would be easier. If not, we'll have to invade Jersey,just queitly, not tell them, merely go as disguised tourists,not damage anything or anyone, merely toruisting about, spending thither and yon, and then returning. Once home we can declare it a successful invading war of liberation and have billions availabble to spend as we will. Of course, this being the way of the world, then let's invade France,Denmark,Holland, and Jeresy as well, and we'll have millions of billions available for project fundings!!!!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


M.R.L. Flooding Solution

The government is in crisis, England is in crisis, England is flooding, and the government is England's crisis. Recent vents of flooding in Britain have touched me deeply, saddened me, disheartened me, having seen the vicious flooding in America's formerly Great City of New Orleans, and pondered the effects on the people of Britain. Indeed utter destruction was wrought in New Orleans, and was wrought in England as assistance was rendered, the people left to fend for themselves.

New Orleans was entirely the fault of a laggard American government, ignoring the pleas of the Mayor
and Citizenry alike, to expand,improve,shore up,renew and/or build new and more solid levees,quite simply, dyke structures. Britain's flooding is also the fault of a government laggard in it's behavour, doing nothing to remedy the situation,the problems have continued to flood through governments past and present, as water through an American dyke. However there is engineering genius to be considered,British ingenuity, the adaptability of the British people in the face of adversity, all in the face of laggardly,inept, and ignorant governments which have allowed the problem to exist.

However, the problem can be solved quite easily with proper application of modern engineering techniques already existent.Indeed, I have THE solution.
It struck me quite plainly as I gazed on an amazing waterway,canal system, in Germany. I suddenly realized that one waterway crossed over the other, as a flyover, an overpass, one canal crossing above the other...............a canalway, in the sky, and in the ground. Well,here in Britain the idea will fly but the M.R.L. is more down to earth as are the engineering projects I endeavour to present. You see what needs be done is to live with both flood and non flood conditions. How? Well the German canal system is illustrative of this, it works, it's hardly leaking and collapsing as so many American unnecessary water canal projects do.Ours,however,is necessary. What we have to do, in each village and town, and interconnecting roadway, and within the towns, is to construct the roads themselves within walled dykes(I won't call the levees calling to mind the American travesty's of failed concrete walls). Now when it floods the water is contained within these canal roadways and channeled away when it's done, and back to dry road uses when it's gone. But how to live with this,how to maintain a dignified lifestyle? Well, quite simply it requires and adaptive change of lifestyle. All can be accommodated within any and all existent conditions, flood or no flood. Cars,vehicles, lorries, must now be of the amphibious type.

Recall the early amphicar,we all saw Branson's mucking about in one(no doubt a failed attempt to walk on water, the amphicar was as close as he could come).There are many varieties of such vehicies available. Look at the ingenious lorries the Cubans adapted to cross the sea to get to America. There are even yet amphi Recreational vehicles, allowing for caravan trips whilst in or out of flood conditions, indeed these can even be built as buses, for intercity, and in city transport of the population. Well now, we have accommodated transportation, business lorries, the common man's car, what of housing?

Well there are different approaches to actual housing for some may not prefer the amphi recreational bus vehicle. We can mount existing larger or smaller caravans, on barges(for those inclined to caravaning), and tether them to place,these will then rise and fall with the tide, or remain earthbound in event of non flood conditions,and so can still function as caravans in any and all conditions,allowing a waterworld,waterpark vacation in conditions of wet flood, and regular caravan camping in event of dry! Camp all around I should say! And,do! For those inclined to regular housing we can adapt as the Dutch have, with actual house type house boats, again tethering in place. What of larger edifices, well
the dying industry of cruise ships can be utilized and the ships transported to the flood areas and there they shall sit, or float depending on conditions,acting as buildings,apartments and whatever else form of other building is required.

Ah you say, what of air transit? Well, we do have, you know, existent, amphibious helicopters and yet aircraft of all types so each village can have it's own aerodromewaterport, no problem there at all.

There, we have covered it all, solved it all, and easily with modern existent technology.Indeed the M.R.L. excels and revels in solving the problem which past and present governments have utterly failed at.The M.R.L. solution! Good for you! Good for us!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL on Roadable Aircraft - Aerocar Aerocar

Moulton B. Taylor dreamed of producing a roadable aircraft, which could be used as a family car and, as the need or inclination arose, have wings, tail and propeller quickly attached. After World War 2, Taylor set to work to produce such a vehicle, and by late 1949 a prototype Aerocar had flown.

On 13th December, 1956, the improved production Aerocar 1 received FAA certification. Four further Model 1s were built, for demonstration and sale. The six Aerocars so far built accumulated over 200,000 road miles and 5,000 flight hours. The final version was a much improved Aerocar III, converted from a model 1.

The car itself was a fairly conventional front-wheel-drive automobile. The power plant was an Avco Lycoming O-320 aircraft engine in the rear of the vehicle. This drove either the road wheels or, via an extended drive shaft in the detachable tail boom, a propeller to the rear of the Y-form tail structure. Braced monoplane wings were fitted in high configuration to the rear of the car. Unless the wings and tail boom were all correctly engaged, it was not possible to start the engine for flight.

Conversion from air to road could be achieved by one person in five minutes. The detached aircraft components could be towed behind the car in folding wheels fitted to the wing roots.

The Aerocar project ended with the passing of new legislation relating to automobiles in the United States. To meet 1970s requirements, the Aerocar would have to become too heavy and expensive to be practical.
Roadable Aircraft - Hafner Rotabuggy Flying Jeep

Enlarge image (will open in a new window)The work of the Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment at Ringway, Manchester, on the Rotachute from 1940 onwards led to the suggestion that the free-wheeling autogyro principles employed could also be applied to larger loads. The designer, Raoul Hafner, suggested the Rotabuggy, a Jeep (or "Blitz Buggy") with rotors, and the Rotatank, a similarly modified Valentine tank. A development contract was placed with the M.L. Aviation Company at White Waltham in 1942, covered by specification 10/42.

Preliminary tests involved loading a Jeep with concrete and dropping it from heights of up to 7 ft. 8 in. (2.35 m.), demonstrating that the standard vehicle could survive undamaged from impacts of up to 11g. A 46 ft. 8 in. (12.4 m.) dia. two-blade rotor was then fitted, as well as a streamlined tail fairing with twin rudderless fins. Other additions were perspex door panels, a 'hanging' rotor control next to the steering wheel and a rotor tachometer and glider navigational instruments.

The Rotabuggy, camouflaged, carrying RAF roundels and a prototype "P", was tow tested behind a 4½ litre supercharged Bentley, and achieved gliding speeds of up to 65 mph (105 km/h) IAS.
The first flight was made on November 16, 1943. Later, some flights were made behind a Whitley bomber from Sherbourne-in-Elmet.

One witness described how she watched a Whitley take off with a Jeep in tow, circle and land. The Jeep, still in tow, did not touch down at the same time, and the witness realised that its occupants "were unhappy". With the pilot holding the hanging control column and the driver clutching the steering wheel, the Jeep made a series of up and down movements, whilst the audience hoped it would stall on a 'down' rather than an 'up'.

This it fortunately did, the driver taking over and driving flat-out after the Whitley, to which it remained attached. When it stopped, nobody got out for a while; the pilot was then assisted out and lay down beside the runway to recover. Apparently he was exhausted from trying to control the joystick, which had whipped in circles for the whole flight.

Apparently this flight was one of the worst, and the handling and flying qualities of the Rotabuggy were officially recorded as "highly satisfactory", especially when large tail fins had been fitted and greater rotor blade articulation provided. However, development of Horsa II and Hamilcar vehicle carrying gliders made further development of the idea unnecessary.

Now the existing technology could be applied and upgraded..................the time is reviving Sutch a concept we could vastly reduce road traffic congestion, and just imagine, not being on a ROAD, the Labor government could not use and apply a road tax, nor could any other existing government of England.Also,consider the versatility,adaptability, of said type of aero-car or similar engineering marvel, why house could be built with elevated platforms to accommodate the suitable times, flooding for example, on hearing of impending floods, the car could be flown to the roof barn shelter,(door in it's roof), and there housed, so when flood conditions are in effect, the aero car could fly one out to safety. Also further increasing adaptability, engineer said aero car such that it is amphibious in abilities, thus being useful as a boat should the flood creep up on one and one has not flown the aero car to roof shelter. And, yet more, yes, it's ability to be used in Venice like city conditions, where cities have been walled in WITH water and adapted since the situations are ridiculously beyond control, such as say, New Orleans, and English midlands town,cities,villages so often hit by flooding that the Labour government keep insisting will not make their usual yearly return or two. And now after having gotten this far in my proposal, you realize that it's certainly not a taxing engineering idea,but a great all sound all-rounder!!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


A Sound Project, Re-Discovered, Re-Engineered.

Hafner Rotabuggy Flying Jeep

The work of the Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment at Ringway, Manchester, on the Rotachute from 1940 onwards led to the suggestion that the free-wheeling autogyro principles employed could also be applied to larger loads. The designer, Raoul Hafner, suggested the Rotabuggy, a Jeep (or "Blitz Buggy") with rotors, and the Rotatank, a similarly modified Valentine tank. A development contract was placed with the M.L. Aviation Company at White Waltham in 1942, covered by specification 10/42.

Preliminary tests involved loading a Jeep with concrete and dropping it from heights of up to 7 ft. 8 in. (2.35 m.), demonstrating that the standard vehicle could survive undamaged from impacts of up to 11g. A 46 ft. 8 in. (12.4 m.) dia. two-blade rotor was then fitted, as well as a streamlined tail fairing with twin rudderless fins. Other additions were perspex door panels, a 'hanging' rotor control next to the steering wheel and a rotor tachometer and glider navigational instruments.

The Rotabuggy, camouflaged, carrying RAF roundels and a prototype "P", was tow tested behind a 4½ litre supercharged Bentley, and achieved gliding speeds of up to 65 mph (105 km/h) IAS.
The first flight was made on November 16, 1943. Later, some flights were made behind a Whitley bomber from Sherbourne-in-Elmet.

Of course, this sound project must be reinstated. It combines the easily manufactured mass produced and versatile jeep, and helicopter, in short saving money in and personnel in assembly and manufacture lines. Jeeps can carry all sorts of light guns and where with all, that helicopters at present carry, but yet won't require complex and diversified assembly and manufacture, in short a Swiss Army Knife of Helicopter Jeeps can be created much more easily in modern times! Indeed in this age of austerity, Britain will be easily able to afford helicopters, all types of helicopters, based on a simple jeep helicopter base platform, just as on finds at a vehicular dealership, here's your car, add the options, here's your helijeep, add the weapon systems!For yet greater versatility, this revived project will be morphed into using an existing amphibious jeep chassis-the ultimate in versatility!!

Now as a further extension of the project, regard this Soviet engineering attempt.
The Antonov KT (Kr'lya Tanka) - also referred to as the A-40 or A-T - was developed in 1940 by the skilled designer of weight-carrying gliders, Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov. The aim was to test the viability of the idea of supplying partisan forces with light tanks to harass the enemy's lines of communication.

A T-60 light tank provided the 'fuselage' of the unit, the unlocked tracks being the 'landing gear'. An unstaggered biplane wing of plywood and fabric was attached, together with a pair of tail booms with twin vertical surfaces and a high-mounted single horizontal surface. The aerodynamic controls comprised a single lever operating all flying surfaces from the driver's position. The flying surfaces were to be jettisoned directly on landing.

The unit was towed by a heavy bomber such as the Petlyakov Pe-8 or Tupolev TB-3. Whilst Western sources say the KT never left the ground, Soviet sources say a single successful flight was made in 1941 or 1942. With only limited official support, the program was canceled shortly after that time. England, not to be outdone, had a autogyro project in the works, involving the use of a Valentine tank. Sadly, this idea was not proceeded with, no doubt the effects of those tampering with proper engineers,those whose jealousy of sound engineering ideas resulted in the suppression of the engineers and their ideas.

However, we know better nowadays, at least we in the MRL do, and so we can combine this idea with that of our flying amphibious jeep. In short, to the flying jeep add a recoilless rifle.I should add that this idea worked well and was in actual fact used, a recoilless rifle integrated in the chassis of a motor scooter,truly innovative at the time, and an engineering project that worked in theory and in practice as well.Further versatility added by making said vehicle,amphibious.Now the English army has a truly useful vehicle, a vehicle replacing many items being all in one as it were, replacing amphibious vehicle,jeep transport,gun equipped helicopter-bomber,tank............does Labour develop such a the Tories either for that matter. Nay, only the MRL has the for sight,the intelligence, to concept such a marvelous vehicle.
This turns our utility vehicle, suitable for carrying troops,equipment etc in to a combat zone, flying,swimming or driving, into a flying,swimming or driving light tank as well...........the penultimate in engineering versatility.
Sutch is the way, England must proceed with our backsides to the future................ever forwards by going backwards!!!

Realizing that funding may not be at hand, I propose we do what America did, by not really declaring war on Iraq,and thence invading it in it's version of a benevolent war of liberation. Here we note that America found over a hundred billion dollars it needed but didn't have.I propose instead to do the same,somewhat, and fund the projects by declaring war on France.I'm willing to negotiate, I'm flexible, perhaps a war against Holland, or perhaps Denmark would be easier. If not, we'll have to invade Jersey,just quietly, not tell them, merely go as disguised tourists,not damage anything or anyone, merely touristing about, spending thither and yon, and then returning. Once home we can declare it a successful invading war of liberation and have billions available to spend as we will. Of course, this being the way of the world, then let's invade France,Denmark,Holland, and Jersey as well, and we'll have millions of billions available for project fundings!!!!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


M.R.L. Flooding Solution

The government is in crisis, England is in crisis, England is flooding, and the government is England's crisis. Recent vents of flooding in Britain have touched me deeply, saddened me, disheartened me, having seen the vicious flooding in America's formerly Great City of New Orleans, and pondered the effects on the people of Britain. Indeed utter destruction was wrought in New Orleans, and was wrought in England as assistance was rendered, the people left to fend for themselves.

New Orleans was entirely the fault of a laggard American government, ignoring the pleas of the Mayor
and Citizenry alike, to expand,improve,shore up,renew and/or build new and more solid levees,quite simply, dyke structures. Britain's flooding is also the fault of a government laggard in it's behaviour, doing nothing to remedy the situation,the problems have continued to flood through governments past and present, as water through an American dyke. However there is engineering genius to be considered,British ingenuity, the adaptability of the British people in the face of adversity, all in the face of laggardly,inept, and ignorant governments which have allowed the problem to exist.

However, the problem can be solved quite easily with proper application of modern engineering techniques already existent.Indeed, I have THE solution.
It struck me quite plainly as I gazed on an amazing waterway,canal system, in Germany. I suddenly realized that one waterway crossed over the other, as a flyover, an overpass, one canal crossing above the other...............a canalway, in the sky, and in the ground. Well,here in Britain the idea will fly but the M.R.L. is more down to earth as are the engineering projects I endeavour to present. You see what needs be done is to live with both flood and non flood conditions. How? Well the German canal system is illustrative of this, it works, it's hardly leaking and collapsing as so many American unnecessary water canal projects do.Ours,however,is necessary. What we have to do, in each village and town, and interconnecting roadway, and within the towns, is to construct the roads themselves within walled dykes(I won't call the levees calling to mind the American travesty's of failed concrete walls). Now when it floods the water is contained within these canal roadways and channeled away when it's done, and back to dry road uses when it's gone. But how to live with this,how to maintain a dignified lifestyle? Well, quite simply it requires and adaptive change of lifestyle. All can be accommodated within any and all existent conditions, flood or no flood. Cars,vehicles, lorries, must now be of the amphibious type.

Recall the early amphicar,we all saw Branson's mucking about in one(no doubt a failed attempt to walk on water, the amphicar was as close as he could come).There are many varieties of such vehicles available. Look at the ingenious lorries the Cubans adapted to cross the sea to get to America. There are even yet amphi Recreational vehicles, allowing for caravan trips whilst in or out of flood conditions, indeed these can even be built as buses, for intercity, and in city transport of the population. Well now, we have accommodated transportation, business lorries, the common man's car, what of housing?

Well there are different approaches to actual housing for some may not prefer the amphi recreational bus vehicle. We can mount existing larger or smaller caravans, on barges(for those inclined to caravaning), and tether them to place,these will then rise and fall with the tide, or remain earthbound in event of non flood conditions,and so can still function as caravans in any and all conditions,allowing a waterworld,waterpark vacation in conditions of wet flood, and regular caravan camping in event of dry! Camp all around I should say! And,do! For those inclined to regular housing we can adapt as the Dutch have, with actual house type house boats, again tethering in place. What of larger edifices, well
the dying industry of cruise ships can be utilized and the ships transported to the flood areas and there they shall sit, or float depending on conditions,acting as buildings,apartments and whatever else form of other building is required.

Ah you say, what of air transit? Well, we do have, you know, existent, amphibious helicopters and yet aircraft of all types so each village can have it's own aerodromewaterport, no problem there at all.

There, we have covered it all, solved it all, and easily with modern existent technology.Indeed the M.R.L. excels and revels in solving the problem which past and present governments have utterly failed at.The M.R.L. solution! Good for you! Good for us!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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