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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Of Technology Failing Us And Everybody Failing Britain



Air France, A330,flight 447, breaks apart in the air, after clogged pitot tubes which determine airspeed confuse the CPU flying the machine, the pilots being unable to sufficiently override and fly the aircraft,the confused plane flying itself improperly,breaks up in mid air during a storm.The plane's computer system reported a series of technical problems about four hours after takeoff and immediately after entering a large storm system a few hundred miles from the far eastern coast of Brazil,flew itself to a crash condition.

We may never know why runaway Toyotas suddenly seem to be everywhere. The scariest possibility, however, is that faulty computers are driving some victims to their deaths with frightening randomness. Suspicions that an elusive software glitch in computer-controlled throttles is to blame.

The standard rule of thumb, advice for the best of times..........KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid............the more the mechanical, the more easily controlled,the more easily maintained. The more a CPU and electronics handles things, the more things are that become utter disasters.Remember with electronics,

"Nothing can go wrong,can go wrong,can go wrong,can go wrong,can go wrong,can go wrong,can go wrong,can go wrong,can go wrong,can go wrong,can go wrong,can go wrong,..........


The Falklands, As It Is And Why.

Of course, one must always view things in the present day,concerning the Falkland situation as it is presently,in the harsh light of history, and of course, we must consider in a historical light, the fact that Labour has massively reduced Britain's grand and magnificent naval fleet,and the army is stretched thin by supporting America's war against and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.In short, none of the present situation with regards with and to the Falklands would be and could be, had Labour not maintained the British military as it was before the advent of the New Labour government, no thanks at all directed to any Labour leader, and certainly not the present Gordon Brown.Whatever occurs in future will be out of the New Labour utilization of, redistribution of,deployment of and reduction of the armed forces et all, Navy,Army,Marines,and Air Force.Also, the Falklands garrison should have been strengthened immediately after the last problem, with a larger garrison, and greater air element,also at least 4 frigates to patrol........and a few smaller patrol craft. But, the grandest mistake, was not to have done this when drilling for offshore oil was to take place, most definately a failure on the defense policy of the Labour leaders.

And, what of the situation of Britain as stand alone. Britain is supposed to be part of

1) Europe, why no backup support and defensive support from the supposed European nations with respect to Britain,and British possessions.Is it Britain for all and none for Britain as the present situation as presents itself.

2) Britain deserted by America, Britain supports America in it's wars with Afghanistan and the Iraqis,places it cannot even yet possibly have any claim at all what so ever for, and defensive support from America for Britain and the British people with respect to the Falklands.

3) NATO-America, Europe(mostly), these nations are supposed to rally to the defense of a member nation and it's territories...Instead they're off (including Britain)attacking and securing oil rich Arab nations...are they likely to attack and secure oil poor Argentina.......mostly not it seems.Nor do they seem inclined to defend Britain's stated territories and possessions, yet Britain seems obligated to defend theirs.

Britain has it's problems due to the years of failed leadership,lack of insight, lack of for sight, lack of political acumen,lack of the abilities to reason and plan ahead,as provided by the New Labour government's successive leaders et all.Under New Labour, Britain has achieved the same social status amongst it's formerly peer nations of Europe,Nato and the world,the same social status and power as an Arab Eunuch.

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