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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Britain Pays For Scots To Have Far Better Benefits


scotland,england,labour,social,benefits,inequality,health,care,schools,tuition,hospitals,northern ireland

England,Wales,Northern Ireland Pay For Scots To Enjoy Far Better Social Benefits Than They Have,All Under Labour Government.

Scotland receives

• Free prescriptions,which will cost English taxpayers £50 million a year.

• £22 billion "subsidy" paid to Scotland.

• £1,500 a year per head more than England to spend on schools and hospitals.

• Free tuition fees for all students from 2009, while students in England and Wales must pay up to £3,000 a year for their studies.

• Access to expensive state- oftheart drugs for illnesses such as Alzheimer's and eye disease, which are not available on the NHS in England.

• Free personal care for the elderly

• Free central heating installation for all pensioners

• Free eye tests and, by the end of the year, free dental checks

• Better rates of public sector pay for nurses and other workers.

• Discounted bus travel for teenagers and free travel for pensioners

So, since Labour has provided all this for Scotland,I propose that Labour should also have provided this all for England,Wales, and Northern Ireland as well, and is completely and utterly remiss in not having done so.In all equity,equality and fairness, it should be so endeavoured to provide the British people ,the rest of the United Kingdom, those left out,England,Wales and Northern Ireland,equality with the people of Scotland, in short total equality, egality,fraternity, for all within the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland,all for one, all for all, but misfortunately, Britain is forced to Labour on.

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