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Friday, April 23, 2010

Secret Squirrel,Increasing The Value Of The Pound

The MRL Currency Crisis Solution

Secret Squirrel knows Britain faces a currency crisis what with the virtual collapse of the pound to near 1 US dollar. know what they say penny wise.......Pound much is a Pound worth after the government foolishly ignored it in favor of watching pennies?

Presently against the US dollar it is worth $1.41. In 1970(I know it's so retro,but we're not going in to the 60's, times were just too good),it was $2.21, about a 45% crash. The signs were there, the writing was on the wall......the headlines read....."Pound COLLAPSES! TAKE WOODEN NICKLES!"

Well at the local coin shop, wooden nickels can be had for 50cents......consider 20 wooden nickles to the wooden dollar...a wooden dollar is now worth $10US,a considerably higher US dollar rate than the pound! But you'll see why we won't consider the British Pound against the Wooden Dollar,though in light of the modern crisis going to the wooden nickle dollar we would be much better off,there is still yet a better solution.

But I have discovered a much better solution............originally the currency was the then proceeded to the evolution of the Groat, which while it did not have much value in its day, as the Pound has depreciated, the Groat has increased to the astonishing figure of $140.00.

Now figure that against the US Dollar the 2009 Pound is worth $1.41, but the same US dollar against the Groat,NOWADAYS (just check any coin shop)the 1885 Groat is a spectacular $140.00. So all that remains to be done, is to change our currency from the Pound Sterling to the Groat Sterling,the 1885 ones.

Ah! Indeed! There's no Groat like an Olde Groat!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister for Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

MRL On Increasing The Value Of The Pound

I,Secret Squirrel,have determined a way to increase the value of the pound.
Have you got a 20p worth £50 in your pocket? Thousands of undated coins produced in Royal Mint blunder

The Daily Mail informs us that a rare error at the Royal Mint means that tens of thousands of the coins produced earlier this year don't have 2009 stamped on them. Coin experts say the lack of a date makes them worth £50 each, and potentially much more in future.However things are very interesting as it has been stated,according to The Sun, that the Government Mint, has stated it will buy back these coins from the public at a rate of 50Pounds..............curious, from 20p value to 50pounds retrograde, why that's a loss of Pounds 49.80 on each............the best the Labour Government can do is loose the public's money.

Interesting but worth mentioning what with the fall of the pound in value................It seems that to save Britain's currency, it only has to be printed or stamped without a date on it. One wonders if the Labour government will realize this or remain in it's usual state of stupified inactivity. Why the mind boggles, let's see, 20p, means each pound of course has 100p, at 100p, this would make a pound value in direct mathematical relationship...........250Pounds...........that would certainly improve the lot of the British citizenry.
But alas and alack, what does the Government do, try to buy back the valuable currency at a high rate........what a sad and sorry lot Labour are.

Secret Squirrel.
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.
The MRL,A Brilliant Discovery For Economic recovery.

Secret Squirrel has pondered the problem of coming out of the recession.
Well now, what with the stress of modern times, the recession, the reducing value of the currency(s) in use,against the US Dollar base.......... has caused much consternation, just look at the headlines found below.............

"Dollar falls to one-year euro low.
The dollar fell ahead of meetings of the G20 and Federal Reserve
The US dollar has fallen to a one-year low against the euro ahead of the G20 meeting of world leaders.
The dollar dropped to $1.4840 against the euro and it also fell against a basket of other currencies".

Interesting isn't it, this means the present recession is yet a good thing, the dollar dropped against the Euro in value,dropped mind, in comparison to ..........we also see................

"In Britain, a worsening reading of unemployment helped send the pound lower........"

And yet more...............

"The Australian dollar rose.
The Aussie is now at its strongest versus the U.S. dollar since August .... Can The World Change?"

And yet more speculation on currency problem and what with....the currency the world uses as a base, the US Dollar................

"UN Wants New Currency To Replace Dollar........."

But what do we also find..........

"BBC NEWS , UK , Scotland , ..............Scottish £1 goes for record price
23 Sep 2009 ... A Scottish banknote from 1836 has sold for a world record price at auction. The £1 note sold for £9000 ($US14,800) at the charity auction ..."

Aha, we find people charitable to the Scottish pound! Imagine, 9000 British pounds to buy an old Scottish Pound..........well wasn't it the American P.T.Barnum who said "There's a sucker born every minute!"............obviously he was right, but if the people must be suckers we must most definatally take advantage of that situation....indeed, imagine 9000pounds for an old Scottish pound! Imagine how they value then new Scottish stands to reason. And the new Scottish pound is printed up, quite simply, Willy Nilly, or is it Scotty Dotty............So to solve problems with the recession, the economy,the falling value of British pound currency, we simply go to to use of the Scottish pound. And what of the US Dollar, as if you really care. Well, all things considered, we always need a currency for comparison,of course. Now I know you're thinking, we must change the world comparative currency, from the US dollar. Well, no, in light of this brilliant economic discovery, we find we must keep the US dollar as the world base, indeed, we now have the US dollar as the jackas* currency to compare the new Scottish pound to, the currency which we can all now laugh at!!!!!! Now I fully realize that it might well be an embarrasement to run about and use the Scottish pounds, but we must rise above pettiness, rise above humiliation,we must all take our mulligan..........for a time, at any rate,say five or so years,after getting used to the much higher value currency, we merely replace the term Scottish on the note, to British!!Britain's economy,the economic problems, the recession problem...........all now solved!!! All that needs be, is we must bring in the winds of change!!!!!!!!!! As for me, well, I'm grabbing a bunch of new Scottish pounds and am off to Christie's to see what I can get for'em in British pounds.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


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