The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Secret Squirrel Proof That House Hippos Exist.

I,Secret Squirrel, have found most definite proof that the house hippo actually exists.Actual visual proof!Why just

look at this,see for yourself.

Notice how the Canadians have hidden the house hippo existence, trying to stamp it in to non-existence,we see serious elements at work here surpressing the truth,the actuality,the very existence of these house hippos.
But we know better don't we, we have proof don't we, we have logic don't we.
I always suspected, I somehow knew, yes,the existence of something, something mysterious, the crisps(chips for you

North Americans) would be out and in the morning there were less.I mentioned this to my girl, who's seriously dieting,and she's also convinced it's the house hippo, 'less it's the house spooks....but I'm not gonna consult the ouija board on such a paltry matter. Indeed I'm sure you've house hippos at the pub, they're sneaky, the pub snacks keep going down but nobody notices'em due to advancing inebriation....the Irish don't even know they exist, but then, that's not surprising, they keep seeing the Little People nobody else sees,(I'm willing to believe'em after a few whiskeys)they're hardly likely to spot a house hippo in that constantly advanced state.....I know I can't either. Yes, we all know the house hippo,don't from the proof video...

"It's night time in a kitchen just like yours; all is quiet, or is it?"

"The North American house hippo is found throughout Canada and the Eastern United States. House hippos are very

timid creatures and they are rarely seen, but they will defend their territory if provoked. They come out at night to search for food, water, and materials for their nests."

"The favourite foods of the house hippo are chips, raisins and the crumbs from peanut butter on toast."

"They build their nests in bedroom closets using lost mittens, dryer lint and bits of string. The nests have to be very soft and warm; house hippos sleep about 16 hours a day."

Sadly they go on to try to deny the existance of the house hippo.They? It's always they,they're to blame,it's their fault, and it is too....they're,they're...liars and deniers.

In either good to your house hippo, always leave a little something for's the
film,why just look at what the spy camera caught...notice the Canadian's are trying to pass them off as non
existent, but we know better don't we. Why just look, they don't believe in UFO's much less the one that was over my house the past week,they said it didn't exist........they said Churchill(Britain's greatest Prime Minister) feared UFO right out of a job he would be if they arrived, the lot'em of'em,and most recently elements in the British press, purporting to be governmental, even yet demanded that UFO's cease doing crop circles you know,why they could all clod off and sod off then, and be replaced........and just look at what Stephen Hawking said.......why here, at the

He said Earth might be at risk from what he imagines to be 'massive ships' which could try to colonise our planet and plunder our resources.....we'll certainly have to quash that kind of talk.,why zounds and zooks, sounds like they're either Americans, or the remnants of the British Empiremen,I'll certainly insist they join our British Empire Club when they arrive,firm solid members they'd make!

Of course the Canadians can be dismissed outright in most everything they say,their greatest Prime Minister,William Lyon(he did too, often),MacKenzie King ruled via Ouija board you know, they insist Hawking's just a ridiculous cripply ,shriveled ,shrunken dribbly little lad that drools a lot, and shows definite signs of being severely brain damaged,but we know better don't we.Yes, indeed, I'm off to feed my house hippo, and so too, should you.

And maybe I'll leave a beer out for the UFO people, that always seems to disappear too.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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