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Thursday, April 15, 2010

MRL,Secret Squirrel,Demands Lower Gas And Oil Prices For The People

MRL,Secret Squirrel Demands Lower Oil and Gas Prices For Britain.

I,MRL,Secret Squirrel challenge oil and gas prices in Britain.The public is being used,abused,soaked, ripped off for it's own oil and gas,forced to do so by simple government(presently Labour) policies,continuing government policies, and we in Britain should be paying far less for our OWN oil and gas.

I noticed this in the headlines......

"Drillers find two major gas fields in North Sea

Two major gas finds have been made in the southern North Sea off the coasts of Norfolk, Lincolnshire and

Of course, this means yet even more gas has been found.

and yet more

"News - Scotland - Secret oil finds dossier released .

He said the significance of North Sea oil finds remained in large measure disguised from the public."

Now, noting that Venezuela has much oil,and gas for that matter, and exports oil etc to foreign lands where prices are extremely high for that imported commodity, even yet that which they call their own. It has been noted that Chavez, be whatever he may, has extremely low prices for gas and oil in his nation,interestingly 12 cents, being an oil
producing nation,Arab lands average 50cents, and even the lowly,dare we say it, Seychelles,Seychelles,Seychelles, by the sea shore, 98cents,to the gallon.

Well now, and this goes for gas(as in the vaporous heating,cooking,variety) as well.Gas ,vaporous, prices keep rising, yet that gas is not dependent on oil whatsoever.Clearly the public is being horrificly manipulated,lied to, massively price gouged, to reap huge profits for oil companies, which they have no right to. Gas and oil are yet not cheaper in the land of America,which has it's own supplies of gas and oil and claims to be not dependent on foreign gas and oil,as so still CHEAPLY imports gas and oil...yes, the land of America where the people regard their prices as being extremely high,which they really are, but as stated far lower than that in Britain.NOW,as Britain owns 90% of the North Sea oil and gas........why is Britain paying such extremely high prices for oil and gas?? Why should the people of Britain be massively abused, massively price gouged?I,Secret Squirrel demand a major price roll-back, I demand lower gas and oil prices for the people of Britain. It should be so.....we must demand that government make it so.

Secret Squirrel,

MRL,(MP,Dunny On The Wold),

Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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