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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

MRL,Secret Squirrel Studies Boobquakes

MRL,Secret Squirrel, Researches Boobquakes.

I,Secret Squirrel have turned my attention to an interesting remark,event, and reaction to female cleavage, breasts as it were, showing'em, all of'em,or parts of'em their earthquake causing effects,their causing boobquakes in the world.Now why should I do this you might well ask? A ranking Islamic cleric has made interesting remarks concerning female cleavage

"Many women who do not dress modestly... lead young men astray, corrupting their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes," Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi was quoted last week as saying by Iranian media.

Well, these remarks were noted round and about the world, and echoed round and about the world,and a there was a response to these remarks.So,breasts were big on Facebook on Monday,April 26th,2010,a fateful day,a day of great significance, as a female blogger called on women to prove wrong an Iranian cleric who preached that cleavage causes earthquakes.Over 100,000 people joined the group and showed off their stuff that fateful day.Well..... she was proved....... wrong.

As the cyber-organized event dubbed "Boobquake" got underway, a temblor measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale hit Taiwan which means quite clearly there was and is great merit to the cleric's contention.

Now she herself rejected the notion that accentuating her breasts,and those females who joined her, caused an earthquake in Taiwan, saying she would only consider taking credit for temblors in her time zone.She does acknowledge local effects. She pointed out that there are known natural causes for earthquakes. Of course there are, natural cleavage,the effects of natural breasts on the world! We have proof of their influence,directly and scientifically there was the Monday Event, and the resultant directly provable effect on Taiwan.

We note also the suspicion that government knows of the effect, but being quite on events due to the uncontrollable randomness of things, beyond the encouragement,generally, on females to keep covered up.We notice the effect of breasts on John Ashcroft, the simple effect of statues showing breasts had on the lad.Clearly he's in the know and so endeavored to start a campaign to cover up the breasts on public statues.Alas, he failed, it seemed there were just too many,and buying them all brasierres was beyond his abilities. However, I believed we can discount the effects of simple statues,his reaction being really just a chicken littleism in the world of art.Fortunate it was that in his response he didn't go out and paint brasierres on topless painting artworks as well.But we notice the significance of Ashcroft's actions.Did you know, that in the private sector,Ashcroft's firm had 30 clients, many of which made products or technology aimed at homeland security,clearly indicating further knowledgeability of the effects of cleavage and breasts as weapons,weapons of mass destruction, random mass destruction,senseless mass destruction.Quite clearly he focused on them,publicly displayed fear of them.We notice that America marched in to Afghanistan and Iraq, quite clearly stating they were looking for weapons of mass destruction.They didn't find any, they were covered up by burkas.

But imagine now if the women could be directed,perhaps focused, this would have great potential as a military weapon you know!Clearly imagine if we could direct all of'em in a particular selected direction! Indeed imagine the effect of this. However there are problems you know. Africa for example,is notorious in many ways,particularly with regards to cleavage, as a matter of fact,much total cleavage as it were, and there are millions of'em out and about and pointed,wiggling and jiggling, in many and all directions round and about,imagine the effects of the random convergence...earthquake!Clearly the effects of this is the resultant randomness of earthquakes.Sadly we must see to it that women are properly covered in public you know. But we're loosing it you know, a lost cause really, nude and topless beaches abound, cleavage is proudly displayed as women knowingly display their power.So we all sit in wonder, and wait, as the next collective female cleavage focus occurs,we wait for the next earthquake to occur. Most definitely there is knowledgeability, but further research must take place. We must learn more about breasts so that convergence could more properly be directed.The world's greatest weapon, may be, at hand?

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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