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Saturday, April 24, 2010

MRL Secret Squirrel On Using Volcanoes!!

Secret Squirrel On Turning Volcanoes To Good Use.

Secret Squirrel has noticed that Iceland's volcano eruption has thrown up huge clouds of cancer causing dust, disrupted air flights all over Europe,and has shattered the Euro tourist industry for months to come. However, on
pondering the problems of volcanoes, a use has actually been found for them.Incineration of garbage was stopped years back, for several reasons, some cited a necessary reduction of burning fumes,there was also the high cost of
fuels etc used to generate the enormous heat required to properly incinerate garbage of all kinds, but major cause was the usual strange explosions the incinerators suffered from.Nowadays landfills are not only filling up, but the garbage is seeping down to the water table where it affects natural water supplies very much adversely. So,garbage is now ever increasingly being trucked to sea sides and there loaded on barges, and,sadly, and this will come home to roost in the future, dumped out at sea. Well, volcanoes produce vast amounts of gas anyway, and simply can't be
stopped from doing it, and they also don't require vast amounts of expensive fuel to burn as they are at enormously higher temperatures anyway, why not simply collect all the garbage to a suitable volcano site, and then simply truck dump the garbage in to the volcano. Solves all problems at the same time.Doing so will save the environment considerable harm and make a volcano a very useful thing to have.

Furthermore yet more use can be made of volcanoes, making, for example hot rolled asphalt and asphalt concrete,and indeed it has been proven as well, that volcanic ash makes further a sound foundation for roads and other pavements,and so it becomes useful in the making and maintenance of roads, and construction projects.

Pozzolanic cement,a mix of volcanic ash and limes, was discovered and used by the Romans, and used to line cisterns,aqueducts etc and are still intact today! It was even yet used in the making of the Suez canal.However in modern times it was left by the wayside when Portland cement came in to being(Portland cement being fired and ground up clay,an earth really,but never the less due to it's manufacturing process,needlessly expensive). Indeed we can return to the additional use and availability of far less expensive,pozzolanic cements(make it available and they'll
use it). Mind,remember, it has a yet better life span,obviously being intact from even yet Roman times, than does the modern Portland Cement,which though being expensive, crumbles quickly.

As there is evidence for ancient cement, there is also evidence for even more ancient concrete. According to Davidovits (1987), Farkas (1985) and Starr (1983), the stone blocks of the pyramids and the Sphinx at Giza, as well as other monuments built during Egypt's Old Kingdom, around the 27th century BC, are, in fact, of concrete,concrete from ash. Concrete was discovered by Romans who mixed volcanic ash with lime cement creating a concrete of superior strength. It was this that allowed the Romans to build fantastic edifices, water works, aqueducts, roads, harbors,
underwater structures, and lighthouses.The still standing massive Coliseum was built with this concrete. It is still used in concrete constructions today,but obviously it's use should be expanded.

Other uses for the ash have been abrasives,the rock is beloved in our barbies,much better than the crumbling ceramic barbie stones, and,indeed,yes, volcanic ash makes an excellent,natural,fertilizer!!!Volcanic rocks are rich in
nutrients needed by plants. They are so rich, in fact, that they are considered as "hard" fertilizer. These rich soils encourage farming, agriculture, and population growth,it merely has to be mined and crushed to powder for that use as well.

Geothermal energy sources are readily available near volcanoes, created in fact by them, but terribly under utilized in the day. Also, volcanoes,and volcanic areas, and areas of ancient volcanic activity, have a tendency to be signs of rich oil deposits,however, in modern times,these areas tend to be avoided.

In short,having a volcano can be an all round good thing,properly utilized of course. Perhaps we can get the Icelanders to sell their volcanoes,of course, incorporating, a suitable ownership with no fault clause?

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