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Friday, April 2, 2010

MRL ,Changes,Do Things Ever Change.

voting,vote,politics,politicians,government, mrl, change,elections

MRL,Do Things Ever Change,And Is Change Good For All That Matter

Voting for change,we vote for change,we are always told to vote for change,done at election time it is,supposedly. In Britain there hasn't really been any,just the same old,same old. Canada voted for change, and the changed the $1 paper bill to a coin. They voted for change again, and then the $2 paper bill was changed to coin. Now Canada is to vote for change again. Would seem the $5 bill is due to be changed, to 5$ coin.Is change good? Well, not if it's Canadian money, I prefer pounds,US Dollars, etc. Is change ever all it's cracked up to be? Is change good? Not necessarily. We are now forced to carry change in our pockets as there's no room in our wallets for all that change, and you know what that change promises, a pocket full of mumbles. Soon we will have been carried back to ancient times when people were forced to carry their change in sacks. On seeing so many large and full sacks, the ruler then changed the taxes,to get mos of their change. Things changed then and People were then carrying far less change,money lessened, since the rulers would not change the taxation to reduced levels,the only change in taxes being increases or added taxes, and so things stagnated when there was less, creating the stagnant economy,and people would no longer buy their meat but go out to hunt the stag,so necessary now to their livelihood.

But is change all that good? Too much change is a problem, too much change is a very weighty matter, which brings things like holes in pockets, and so we have less change when some of the change is lost.The government wishes change, change brought about by removing our pence. Well I won't drop my pence for them, nay, they're all men in government,of sorts, at any rate. But they're intent on taking our pence,leaving us without our pence. Well, they just won't,and don't change do they? Well, if we're to keep our pence, we'll just have to throw the present government out,else things won't change, but we all know that who ever replaces them will do what ever they wish and so there really won't be any change at all.Indeed politicians are always confusing people by frequently changing their minds,and then things will simply go loopy until election time arrives and we have to change things once more.Time may change things, but they can't change time.Do things ever really change, does change ever really change things?It's oft been said, that things will never change,politics certainly have never changed.
Oh well, I'm off to change for bed, at least it's timely as I've changed the setting over to Savings Time.Things

will never really change.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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