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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

MRL Discovers Canada,A Supposed Nation Of Government By Representative Population?Not So.

I,Secret Squirrel,have discovered that the Conservative Party Prime Minister of Canada,Stephen Harper,has announced intentions to increase the numbers of seats in the Canadian Parliament,by 30 seats, but is this right and just, or is it an attempt to sway and balance things improperly,in favor of the Conservative Party he is head of,to favor the province of Ontario directly to the detriment of both Parliament and the greater majority of the provinces of Canada,especially that of Quebec? Such it is indeed, the figures speak for themselves.
The figures derived from internet searches, but in all cases are nearabouts,roundabouts workable.

Population Ontario 2003 12,238,300
2010 13,150,000

An increase of 1 million(no need for micrometer exactitude),now, 18 news seats is 55,555 persons per seat,obtained by division.That is the representative figure we sill use here as it is the figure obviously used here for the Province
of Ontario,let's equally apply this to all calculations there for, in equality and equity,55,555.

Population Quebec 2003 7487200
2010 7879167

At that figure Quebec at an increase of 400,000 should add 7 new seats............but,negative the 7 seats,they're not going to receive any.This is Wrong.Very Wrong.

Now we continue using the figures for each other province of 2003, to 2010
BC with seven new seats the population differential should have increased by 388,885
4419974 2010
4146600 2003 ..increase only about 300,000............differential of 5 seats new............BC is getting 7 new seats,1 to 2 seats shouldn't be in existence by representation, as Canada's Parliamentary seats are by,as stated, populational representation.

We continue with Alberta...another province getting seats should the Canadian Prime Minister have his unwise way...

Alberta with 5 new seats should have been 277,775
3164400 2003
3632483 2010 increase only 500,000......but hey, that's 9 seats there, not 5,Alberta and Albertans,are being shorted 4 seats here,not equitable and equal by populational representation if it?

Seats in the House of Commons are distributed roughly in proportion to the population of each province and territory,in democratic fashion, or,at least are supposed to be so.

These are the numbers of seats as they presently are........

Ontario 95
Quebec 75
BC 28
Alberta 21
Manitoba 14
Saskatchewan 14
Nova Scotia 11
New Brunswick 10
Newfoundland 7
Northwest Territories 1
Yukon 1
Nunavut 1

total 282

Now, here using the 55555 persons to seat, we get a parliament of 567 seats total, not the actual 282,we'd be SHORT 285 seats, so the actual representative figure would not be his applied 55555 figure,and obviously the base Ontario
seat increase is improper,mathematically, not representative of the population at all ,as we have determined, but actually twice that 111110..........hmmmmmm..........half the seats all round and about then...Seems Stephen Harper's math leaves much to be desired, as has his governmental performance, including shutting Parliament down on two occaissions to suit himself and his personal and Conservative,political aims.

The 2003 population figures are 31 510 000 for Canada(This is the UN estimate, guess Canada couldn't figure it out),and the present population estimate for 2010 is set at 34 036 795.
So growth is in area of 2526,795 which should really be 45 new seats,not the 30,15 short here,not by representation of population then is it,for the total sum of the nation actually.Indeed the increase shown is already inequitable generally ALL ROUND ABOUT the nation of Canada.Clearly the added seats do not reflect,nor are they representative, of the total right and proper,population of the people of Canada.It is NOT JUST QUEBEC which is taken short, but obviously ALL THE OTHER PROVINCES not on the Prime Minister's added seat list.Only 3 are on his added seat list,and
obviously based on figures,they are also being representatively improperly represented by the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and also those provinces having all experienced populational growth, are robbed by the Conservative government in not being given seats as well.Improper,This is wrong.Wrong.

So as Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently announced legislation to add 30 new members of Parliament because of Representation of population, but for the other
provinces,the seats would stay the same.Obviously not the proper thing to do.

The headlines read......

"Conservatives eye adding 18 seats to Legislature
But `we don't need more politicians,' Tories say"

according to the Toronto Star

So figures derived from the 55555 figure,seats SHOULD be

Ontario 18 new
Quebec 7 new none new
BC 2 less getting 7
Alberta 9 new getting only 5

This should things be right and proper with respect to the other provinces, which in fact we have proved that they aren't,based on total population changes within Canada representative population figures Stephen Harper prefers to ignore.So at 30 new seats,Quebec gets none,(Based on actual math that should be 20 seats in an actual reality but the population is not being properly represented in this in the first place.)Should be 32 new seats, Quebec getting 7 of those,roughly 21 per cent, and the rest of the provinces should also be getting new seats, if all things were in fact done properly.But Stephen Harper doesn't want things properly done.

So what do we determine from all this? Any way we figure this, the specs of the Conservative Prime Minister,Stephen Harper, are utterly and completely wrong, in all areas in all sectors. The people are not being properly and fairly represented, the specs are all wrong, the people are being wronged, being abused, their vote is being trashed,their representation,trashed entirely. They are being robbed of their votes, in all fairness,equality,equity, there is not being presented,represented, by the Conservative Party, by the Prime Minister of Canada,Stephen Harper.
Obviously the electoral seat adjustment is entirely improper,unfair,inequality reigns supreme,inequity,iniquity, the creation of rotten burroughs to suit the Conservative Party, to suit the Party of the Prime Minister of Canada, by the
Prime Minister of Canada,one Stephen Harper, personally, not representative of population,and calculated to reduce the representation of the people of Quebec,most directly, and all other Provinces within Canada's Confederation totally as
well,and this improper action,should it be allowed by the other parties, in only a fair and open vote,would sharply increase the improper representation of the people of Ontario, and no doubt will be calculated to favor Conservative Party
vote lines, as they most certainly do keep track of voters and counts within the electoral boundaries.The same Prime Minister who shuts parliament and parliamentary debate on the issues of the day,shuts parliament to rule in dictatorial fashion, and further extends this evil to the creation of rotten burroughs within Canada to favor
his own political aims, and his party aims. There obviously must be opposition to the addition of the new seats, and so too should the Bloc Quebecquoise, and also the Parti Quebecquoise utterly and completely object,also the entire Liberals and the entire NDP,in view of the inequity with respect to all provinces,with respect to inequality shown all provinces, and so on a vote of non confidence,they should combine to bring an end to the present dictatorial Conservative government and bring about a free and democratic election,and let the people speak.

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