The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Secret Squirrel Suggests America Form A National Guard To Assist In Times Of Disaster.

Secret Squirrel has turned his attention to America,extends a helping hand, lends his mental acumin,and intelligence, his thoughts,his ponderings, notices that across the Great Puddle,across the Great Pond, there are severe problems in America.Americans are suffering from increasing National Disasters, massive devastating disasters, and Squirrel sees that they have little help beyond themselves, and those around them.Squirrel sees this as being just not right,there should be assistance,organized assistance,for the people, for the America citizen,a States National Guard to assist the American people, the American citizen,in times of vicious devastating disasters.Squirrel sees an America that staggers from one
disaster to the least it's people do....not that it seems that the government cares, it's President off in Europe and things on high profile luncheons, tying on the feed bag,hob knobbing with Royalty, with the creme de la creme of Europe,the Peers of The British Empire, dining,dancing the nights away ,tripping to the light fantastic of what is and are European parties, having a good time.

Meanwhile in America there is thundering,blundering,and it's certainly louder than before, gets so each time that there's a disaster of some sort,any sort,and it's Federal government,giving what little help it does,that looks like some kind of big
bassoon.Indeed Americans suffer from hurricanes,floods,massive forest fires, tornadoes, and they., the people of America,the tax payer, they, the American citizen,are left gazing at a vast field of ruins,debris,shattered lives.....there's no real help for them,for they,for you, you the people of America, you the America citizen, who paid and pays the taxes, to provide for the entity that they created,supposdely to help Americas ,American citizens, that missing entity called, The National Guard,no,the American people,you, they ,have to help themselves.............there's no help form the federal government, none from the state.Where's the National Guard? Don't see any"?Where have they gone? Hmmmmm whatever has happened?The National Guard,THEY,used to be there, helping the people, it was their job.But nowadays, we've noticably seen,there are
none.Indeed,disaster after disaster, in State after State,event after event, there is no National Guard.Where are the hundreds, the thousands,of State National Guard?

There just is nobody to help the people, at least cleanup some,to find,dig out the living,find the dead, help the people receive medical attention, food, shelter, but sees no organization beyond themselves. Years back there were some, I,Secret
Squirrel, remember, yes, there were,yes, it was called The National Guard,I,Squirrel, remember.It did exist. And they did help,greatly help, they'd help digging people out, finding people, gathering them,sheltering them and arranging shelters,
helping them find food and such places as to where they could find food, and shelter, and help them clean up, bring in emergency services, medical aid etc etc etc,I know,we saw them, in massive numbers,the National Guard, helping the American people as they were supposed to do,helping, bringing and keeping civil order as well, in times of crisis,disasters, but,sadly, it's come to this, there's none, no one,none anymore.

Well, It was a grand idea, a grand organized well working plan. Indeed we must look back at what was, and,taking a lesson from the past,I Squirrel suggest,that America,the individual States of America actually form a National Guard, separate if
needs be from the obviously disorganized Federal government(all they're good at is obviously going on foreign vacations, and official luncheons and dinners,visits and tour thither and yon, and visits for Government officials of all sorts.Well most
definitely America is out of sorts, and the people suffer. The States themselves, must form their own National Guard,once more, a National Guard to help the people as they did, in their days, and months, and time, of national state disasters.the
hurricanes, the floods, the tornadoes, the massive forest fires etc etc etc etc.......yes indeed this must be done.Consider! Isn't that a great idea, isn't it a good idea, isn't it the best idea?It is indeed, to me, to you....but we must approach the State Governors, the working State Government, to improve the State of Americans, bring them out of the state of confusion and disorganization, by and through an effect National Guard,a real National Guard, great for use in times of emergencies in America, a guard to serve,protect, assist the people of America! Indeed yes, the individual American States must form a National Guard.....and as was in the past, problem,emergencies etc etc etc effectively,efficiently solved!!!!!

Indeed Squirrel discovered, in his researches that there was, or is supposed to be a National Guard most definitely in existence,but seemingly presently misplaced.Indeed under the Government of The People of The United States,presently regulated and ruled by, and directed by ,one President, one Barack Obama,there was or is supposed to be what is described as being The National Guard of the United States which is a reserve military force composed of state National Guard militia members or units under federally recognized active or inactive armed force service for the United States. Militia members are citizen soldiers, meaning they work part time for the National Guard and hold a civilian job as well.Established under Title 10 and Title 32 of the U.S. Code, state National Guard serves as part of the first-line defense for the United States. The state National Guard is divided into units stationed in each of the 50 states and US territories, and operates under their respective state governor or territorial adjutant general. The National Guard may be called up for active duty by state
governors or territorial adjutant general to help respond to domestic emergencies and disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes.

One discovers even yet there is a National Guard remnant site on the internet, and it states to the effect that "Missouri National Guard Soldiers with the 117th Engineer Team Missouri Guard activates after weekend storms." Well there were actually horrific storms,vicious tornadoes,tornado after tornado, striking towns etc et all,mercilessly, leaving scenes of devastation reminiscent of the atom bomb, fragments of trees sticking up here and there, even yet the bark stripped
off,that's all there is to see except for rubbish and litter knee deep on the ground.....remains of house and buildings,that's all folks.But where are these hundreds of National Guard,where are the thousands of National Guard,one
doesn't seem to see any,oh bless us all, send even a paltry few to help, something in a uniform, anything will do, something must do,do help.But why aren't they seen in numbers they used to be seen, there in numbers helping the people of America?Why they're just not even yet noticeable.They seem to be present on paper, somewhere's,but not noticeably or seemingly in America.Where are they?

There is also a direct American military, an army as it were, which seem to be in barracks and bases round and about the country, sitting powerfully, doing whatever it is they do as they sit there powerfully.These seem unable,or useless, to help
in National disasters.They are an army of some kind, used in foreign wars, invading foreign nations, defending Americans from invasions by doing all that but nothing else. We did notice some in New Orleans during the Hurricane Katrina emergency, but they didn't seem to do what the National Guard used to do,they most certainly didn't do what the National Guard was supposed to do and does, no indeed,the National Guard General went about directing rescue and relief efforts, alleviating the disaster situation, but the Army General just went round and about kissing babies.The rest of his Army,well, they just boated about, stood on street corners, and handed out water bottles here and there,but only if the people would leave New Orleans.Clearly there is a problem, American and Americans are in crisis,but Squirrel sees a cure to the problems, an assistance, aid,help for Americans,self help for Americans, through the revival of an idea, the idea of a cure,the formation in each State in the Union, the formation of a STATE National Guard, The National Guard,to assist America,Americans,the American citizen, in times of national disaster.This force could be mobile to assist other neighbouring states in their times of crisis in times of their disasters.Indeed, Americans helping Americans.Do it Barack Obama,do the right thing Barack Obama, help the American people Barack Obama.Form in each State, a State National Guard,to help Americans in time of disaster,when you return from your European Royal tours.Do it Barack Obama, I, Squirrel am telling you,I, Squirrel guarantee, it will work.

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