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Monday, May 30, 2011

Secret Squirrel On The European Union,To Be Or Not To Be,A Nation?

Secret Squirrel turns his attention to the strange entity,known as Europe,The European Union,as it’s called ,it’s formation and transition,from the economic union of the European Economic Community (EEC), to the presently evolving European Union (EU), and how it,Europe,a United Europe, regards itself and most definitely appears to be at the present time,a Nation,a single nation, a singularity,rather than a plurality, rather than a simple union,an old boys club as it were.Well it isn’t an old boys club, but rather,indeed, it is functioning as a single nation,indeed many time,s and at and on many levels.It does have a unified military command,the structure is there,yet each member nation state has it’s own internal army,even yet Navy, but functions in a unified force,directed, when it functions as NATO,visibly with respect to conduct directed at the oil rich Arab nations.

Picture this,a Europe,united,the European Union, has a central parliament,makes some laws for ALL to follow,and they must follow those, allows individual states of Europe to have their own local laws,as the United States does,as did the American
Confederacy.They appointed a President over it all,as it were, but the President is not elected out of the people of Europe, but rather in a form dictatorially appointed by representatives of the member national states of the European Union.The Confederate States of America, did much the same thing, first appointing a President out of their selection, then moving towards a form of
election of the President.There is no common Constitution, really as such,but then a much vaunted Constitution is a thing of paper off ignored,twisted and bent as suits item in either case, an artificiality,not really an indicator of anything at all
really,a mere superfluous trapping of an illusion of centrality of sorts.It has a common civil service (the European Commission), a single High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, a common European Security and Defense Policy, a supreme court (European Court of Justice — but only in matters of European Union law), a peacekeeping force (Eurofor), and an intergovernmental research organisation (the EIROforum with members like CERN). The European Space Agency counts almost all the EU member nations in its membership, but it is independent of the EU and its membership includes nations that are not EU members, notably Switzerland and Norway. The European Court of Human Rights (not to be confused with the European Court of Justice) is also independent of the Union. It is an element of the Council of Europe which, like ESA, counts EU members and non members alike in its membership.There are aspirations, the EU does have a flag, and an anthem,but people in Europe don’t seem to be waving things about, nor singing about them.

They are trying to develop a central common currency, in transition,and do have one ,the Euro,but not succeeding well there in terms of it’s declining faith/value internally and world wide, but in the due process entirely moving towards it.It’s currency structure is much that of the Confederate States Of America as it was, and Europe is presently.Each state of the Confederacy still did have and use it’s own currency, but yet also there was the agreed on unified currency,the Confederate Dollar.The appearance of a single currency in Europe is the first such monetary instrument since the Roman Empire.Financial the states(nations of Europe), maintain their own systems of taxation,and the European Parliamen Presidency has not levied a Federal income tax,in unanimity over all of Europe.Indeed individual states still control their own economies, and the confusion of their internal and separate external financial economic dealings disorganized to the extents there are individual “bankruptcies” occuring, which is heavily pressuring their common currency. indeed the United States also suffers internal “bankruptcies”(in reality,but not regarded as being such,one must keep up appearances),however their currency isn’t unduly pressured(it being the peg mark of the world presently and so sits as the untouchable prima donna,on a pedestal currency immune to such things as the common devaluation all the lesser bagmen currencies suffer from).

Now isn’t Europe as it is then structured as the United States,is really,and in terms of view of the American Confederate States,in having a Central Federal type of central government, thence also separate nation/state governments much as the American states are,(and the Confederacy was) and so shouldn’t it therefor be considered to be as ONE country, as it were, in all things? Now citizenship?Yes, it is possible to be a European Union citizen,besides beign a citizen in any specific country state, those of Europe ARE European Union citizens.Consider,The European Union (EU) consists of 27 individual countries, which entitles all citizens to live, travel and work in the country of their choice. Citizens can freely travel, work, retire, or just vacate without any problems in any EU country. The European Union provides individuals and families with choices that other individual countries around the world cannot offer. The “Single Market” that was created in 1993 states that people, money, services, and good can move freely within the European Union. Currently over 450 million EU citizens are provided with these options.The 27 EU
countries have different immigration programs in terms of foreign work programs,true,different ways to obtain citizenship,different unemployment rates,different inheritance of citizenship, and other official immigration programs which allows individuals to live in one or several EU country states. Some immigration programs can end with a citizenship while other programs are time limited and related to work or tourism. The advantage of citizenship in an EU country is that the laws and regulations of the EU is applicable to any country that you decide to live and work in.An individual who becomes a citizen of any EU country automatically is granted EU citizenship. EU citizenship is not a separate “national” citizenship, but is related to the individual’s rights in any of the 27 EU countries. For example, a citizen of Poland has the right to move to Spain and
work/retire legally. In short,the basic pattern here matches that of The United States of America,and the individual states that make it up.

Now should European Union be regarded as being a nation, a single nation, made up of unified country states? It functions as such to all intents and purposes, but not being regarded as such, the European Union nation has,most definitely,an unfair
advantage,say in sports for example, the Olympics.Why should each state of Europe be allowed to send so very many athletes there for, whilst the United States gets to send, by comparison, a very few? Most certainly this puts Europe at an enormous advantage in terms of the so-called, thence, International sports,the so called World Cups. Shouldn’t also Europe,the European Union, then be forced to close hundreds of diplomatic missions etc abroad, and then be forced to have one in each,the European Embassy etc as does the United States,and Australia etc and other separate nations? Shouldn’t, indeed,Europe be forced to ONE seat at the United Nations,ONE seat on all United Nations Committees of whatever kind,and,of course, ONE seat on the Security Council as well, in keeping with global propriety and fairness to ALL the other nations of the world?Shouldn’t the European Union, as it is, be forced to be regarded as a single nation and treated as such ,in fairness to all nations of the world?

Presently,maintaining an unofficial Confederated States Of Europe,puts Europe at a distinct advantage in the way things work.One readily sees this in the example of the Olympics and the World Cup, the deck is most definitely stacked in favour of all things European. And so too, thence, in bodies such as The United Nations, the deck is stacked in Europe’s favour,in any and all votes, Europe has a far larger number votes thence, and more votes are good votes.In manners of keeping up appearances a few states must vote against. In the security council, Europe has a total dominating,controlling role.In the world militarily,such as in the present on going domination of the Arab oil states, the instrument of the European NATO is seen as a deciding,determining, factor,all the while still having the aura,illusion, of the activities not of a single driven entity,but that of separate nations merely acting as one. Indeed,there is the old adage, there is safety in numbers, the greater the numbers the better,but in plurality there is dissension,the confusion of the many-headed Hydra, whilst in singularity,there is drive,motive,direction. Indeed one can only ponder, what direction is Europe taking.

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