The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Secret Squirrel Improves The Game of Football(Soccer)

Secret Squirrel now chooses to relax, sit back watch some footie(or football, but that's soccer to you Yanks,no, not the wife,nor bird, thats' the soccer where you kick this small,light ball round and about for a bit,whilst seemingly doing some variation of an Irish dance,and on occasion as the Irish Dance and situation demands it, pop right straight up in the air when somebody gets near you...Italians are very,very good at this).Eh now whot's this'n?The referees missed a call has he?Oh my, he certainly has.Well now what's to be done.Great rhubarb it's caused, one manager's incensed,yelling,screaming,gesticulating(that's giving birth to new and improved epithets), and the others as smug as the Cheshire cat! Well these problem arise in all forms of the footie game,FA,FIFA, etc etc etc et all leagues, at all levels, including World Cup and Olympic footie.

So what is to be done? Well,in America, they've introduced the instant replay, the review,of existing plays,and goals of highly questionable nature and parentage etc etc etc.Now this involves a request by a team to have the video review in the first place.Ah! But at what what cost?Well there is a penalty for being wrong in some instances, and not in others,in order not to cause frequent stoppages for the wrong reasons,such as a manager(coach to you Americans)using one to also assist in resting a team, or allowing passage of changes of stratagems. Goal line reviews,and touch line reviews(out of bounds in America) etc are and should basically be free, for the sake of absolute clarity,obviously,but other stoppages introduced to review things of, and in footie, such as dangerous challenges, or missed trips,or real ones, in challenges might best be subject to some form of video review,as these are the ones that most incense managers, that and the "hand of God jobs meaning the hand balls. Indeed, referees are human,in spite of some ponderings amongst managers and also the lads,the cats, in the stands,but one must remember that Darwin has stated, and it's been accepted by most,that referees are descended(yes,descended,not ascended take note), from

Well, goal line questions could be resolved by camera reviews, as in America, basically set up the same way,in mechanics that means a camera overhead, two cameras behind the net directed at the net area opposite, and two on the goal line, each directed at the opposite goal line area. Touch lines require a camera each end of the touch line, and we're done,needn't even be expensive jobs as any cheap variety'd do really,not rocket science that and those. But what of the rest, the challenge questions?Well to further assist things and not have to deal with stoppages, why not quite simply then introduce, not one, but two referees of the match, yes,indeed,I reiterate,additionally not one but two, add another lad out there, a second pair of eyes to scrutinize things.Now that'd keep things flowing along nicely, no unnecessary stoppages in play, and hey, whatever, all's fair and equal then isn't it!All problems thence solved. All that remains is to allow the managers to complain sufficiently,in whatever fashion is deemed the proper etiquette for the same to initiate and trigger a review of events and at what point to do so, in efforts,to avoid and reduce actual stoppages to those absolutely then necessary to keep the flow of the game right and proper. Imagine, thence all problems solved,solved by Squirrel, couch potato extraordinaire,to quote the Roman Caesares(in keeping with the propriety of the games,pronounced,actually and correctly, Chayseeray)........."Let the games begin!"

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