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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Secret Squirrel Comments On Canada's Radiation Monitoring System.

Secret Squirrel has discovered that Canada has a Canadian Radiological Monitoring Network(the CRMN,as they call it, they,the politicians),the people of Canada call it something else, useless,utterly and completely, useless.It monitors radiation levels about nuclear plants in Canada, but it also is charged with general air monitoring for radiations,radiation levels, for such events as for Chernobyl, and Fukushima.In short it is supposed to show the radiation levels,in the atmos over Canada,and the cloud direction,course,path, and spread, the pilgrim's grim progress of radiation clouds entering airspace over Canada.What with the Fukushima triple reactor meltdowns and explosions, et all, the nuclear fuel rod storage pools releasing massive quantities of radiation,from fuel rods which have again gone self critical etc,one has become fascinated
watching this tragic comedy of errors unfold in Japan,and one ponders that this almost cannot be exceeded. However,in the United States we see new guidelines for radiation ingestion and exposure being changed, upgraded,increased almost daily as the Japanese initiate such changes in Japan,to accommodate the increasingly radioactive situation as it is.Truly comic is it
not?One imagines that this cannot be exceeded.But Canada is sure trying. It's own nuclear monitoring network has simply been shut off,as they say, and its website now reads "Please note that as of March 25, 2011, the frequency of data collection by NRCan using the mobile surveys has been decreased due to the low levels of radiation being detected." It is,of course, to
laugh.And it is the politicians who are laughing, at Canadians.

As a matter of fact, the system is always on,supposedly,unless they switch it off, guarding Canadians, keeping them informed, of the nuclear radiation dangers present in the atmos over Canada, over the people of Canada, at any given time, especially in times of emergency such as Chernobyl, and Fukushima, when radiation clouds drift over Canada, and manned, as in staff are
employed in jobs doing this, paid to do this, by government, our government, the government of the people, who pay the heavy taxation, that paid for and funded it all in order to help warn and protect the general population of Canada who are the people, who elect the politicians to be the government to protect the nation of the people,who paid the taxes to fund the system which was built by and arranged by a previous government who wished to know the level of radiations affecting the people adversely from things like Chernobyl, and of course,the then yet to come,many times more and future, Fukushimas, in an unbiased,uninfluenced way,twenty four hours (24Hours), a day,seven (7) days a week, twelve months (12 months) of the
year,each and every year.In short informing the people of the true levels of the harmful entity that is radiation that is floating around in the air about them from foreign nuclear accidents, uninfluenced by foreign governments which, say, might have loads of great dirt on the government with respect to its behaviour.

The latter is the only "justification" that can be thought of that would result in the turning off of the radiation monitoring system in light of the emergence of a massive nuclear emergency that the system was designed to inform the people of. The other can be, perhaps, let's say, a pay off of sorts, yes, money, the almighty dollar in various ways, but on national international scales,well Japan, has a national debt 225% of it's GNP, Canada only at 40% (Australia is at 20%,they're obviously doing very much better, they also didn't turn off their national radiation monitoring system realizing what the system was exactly for). so how could Japan influence Canada there, offer to pay off Canada's international debt and accept it in its place, increasing theirs, all for the requested turning off of the embarrassing(to them)(and for the Canadian people, damaging)nuclear radiation detection system. Let's see, can we think of any other things that might apply..any other reasons?Hmmm somebody in government heavily in to farming say and if they,we, the people,the citizens of Canada, find out there's radiation on the veggies in any particular region, then they,the Canadian people ,we,won't buy the veggies the lad is selling in that nuclear infestation region, or perhaps the milk, yes, the dairies won't accept his milk in
that region,or perhaps, the Canadian people won't buy the local milk, in efforts to protect themselves and future generations of Canadians from the mutating effects of nuclear radiations? Could that enter in to the picture?Hmmmm... strange things are Canadian politicians, the Canadian form of government.What possible reason is there to hide the truth, the actual readings, from the people of Canada whom they supposedly revere,and serve?

I'm not criticizing the system, of monitoring,but I am criticizing the fact that it has been turned off, by political command, and by political command the people of Canada are not being informed by the system meant to keep them inform,ed, of the radiation clouds drifting over them,over Canada, as it is capable of, and supposed to do.Curious it is that hey turn off a monitoring system in times of nuclear radiation cloud crisis,which is actually meant to monitor the radiation cloud and it's spread itself,at a time when the system is supposed to be functional to do just that,inform of the spread of a dangerous radioactive cloud over and through a nation, the nation of Canada in this instance. We note the Europeans haven't turned theirs off, that the cloud has gone over Canada, and has reached there and is detectable there(indeed the Swedish monitoring
station that detected Chernobyl, has detected also Fukushima, after the cloud passed over and through Canada, over the Atlantic, to there,(and one assumes that it lessened on it's long journey there, but was obviously much more potent, whilst over Canada).Curious, it did have to pass over Canada to get there, as it's drifting in that direction,we know that by and through American monitoring of the cloud over their nation, they have a national radiation monitoring system which they didn't turn off,it's supposed to detect and monitor such clouds, the radiation levels,,course and spread, that's what they use it for.But they,in Canada,the Canadian government, decided to turn off the monitoring system,which is always supposed to be on, since they are detecting radiation levels which are said to be too low, yes, too low, too low to monitor and inform us
of,true,levels,(assuming you could ever get any truth at all from a politician, especially,as is evidenced, by a Canadian one.Yes, levels of radiation so low, that the cloud has reached Europe, and is detected there, at levels.On the way there, over Canada, particles of nuclear radiation contaminant dropped, and entered the solid, they water, landed on the veggies, found it's way in to the milk,landed on you, and was breathed in by you, at whatever levels the cloud did produce but are forever unbeknownst to you,

1) because they turned the system off,


2) because you know you couldn't believe the levels that it was at as you can't NOW trust a politician, your own government, to tell you NOW,after all this. You know the logic there,IF we reveal the true levels now, things will be worse for US(the politician), so lets keep things low.

Well what did Canada do, what happened?Well,remember how we(oh dear I used we, when I meant government of the people of Canada) started to detect some of the radioactive fallout from Fukushima as it began raining down upon Canada?Well, the Prime Minister of Canada,(with the knowledge and consent of the rest of the collected politicians, known as Parliament,evidently
said,"Well, I have a great idea. Let's turn OFF all the detectors so that we stop detecting radiation!" And so it was with their knowledge and consent, their complacency,it was decided that we turn off the radiation detecting system, and then we won't have to worry about a problem of radiation floating over and descending on Canada, there will no zero reading, zero
radiation then,and everything will be fine.Seems all that expensive equipment, and the cost of the staff to maintain and use it,didn't go to waste, not the millions it cost and cost to maintain.And don't worry about the radioactive fallout. It's all safe now.And we can turn the system back on and go back to doing nothing.Or perhaps we can scrap the entire system as being unnecessary, a redundancy and we could save millions.No waste there, we could sell it used to say, Europeans perhaps,they use theirs for something, yet more equipment and they could do an even yet better job! Hey why not,get some resale value off the system the Canadian government doesn't use!!Mind you,I don't believe they'd really like to assist any other nations you know.

The Americans responded with an interesting manoeuver with respect to the Japanese triple meltdown.They realized that one day they will be faced with a similar situation,and they noted,we noted, that SUDDENLY, as if in some form of catastrophic event, the Japanese quickly raised acceptable levels of radiation, in food, in drinking water, in milk..........quite a studied response. They also raised the "acceptable" levels of radiation a body could be exposed to,supposedly safely,as in no harm done, no cancers later on etc. Strangely this happened just after the Fukushima reactor meltdowns(they now admit that all three melted down in the first three days,well, we did seem them explode,wasn't rocket science to figure they'd been holed earlier on!). And now, what has been the US EPA response..........So what to do? If you’re the United States Environment Protection Agency, there’s only one option: Declare radiation to be safe!Yes indeed, friends, they reached a moment of comedic insanity at the EPA, where those in charge of protecting the environment are hastily rewriting the definition of “radioactive contamination” in order to make sure that whatever fallout reaches and reached, the United States, falls under
the new limits of “safe” radiation.And so..........all's well! Now, not before, but now, until the next one with higher levels when the EPA will raise the bar once again! Now that's really grand, it's like discovering there massive numbers of rapes, and then simply declaring rape is no longer a crime, so the crime figures show well, and all's grand,no crime.

Of course, Canada,the Canadian government, the Canadian politician, follows suit.In Vegas they can make white tigers disappear right in front of your very eyes, but with the help of government, (the Government of,Japan,The United States,Canada)they can cause the world’s largest nuclear catastrophe to vanish by simply redefining radiation exposure limits,now we’re going to add Chernobyl-sized radiation releases to the equation of our lives, too?Talk about Health Canada
being the stupidest people in Government, while low doses are being seen in BC, those low doses add up daily to harmful effects after time. Health Canada are a group of people who have no common sense what so ever. It seems the governments need to protect the nuclear industry, just as those same Governments Have Been Covering Up Nuclear Meltdowns for Fifty Years to
Protect the Nuclear Power Industry,even with respect to the recent cover-up in Canada,the recent Radioactive Leak Into Lake Ontario. They couldn't even get their story straight about that one. With all the focus placed on the Japanese radiation leaks as well as the toxic plume of radioactive particles now in the United States,in Canada the potential disaster is
receiving virtually no attention,there are no figures released for the radiation plume in Canada, and we all know why,don't we. After all the government just tells you there's nothing to see here, move along, everything is fine....Do they really think people are just too stupid to figure it out?

Ah, the fascination of watching this tragic comedy of errors unfold,with respect to Environmental Protection Agency activities, in the U.S.,in Japan, government almost cannot be exceeded. But Canada is sure trying. Its own nuclear monitoring network has simply been shut off, and its website now reads “Please note that as of March 25, 2011, the frequency of data collection by NRCan using the mobile surveys has been decreased due to the low levels of radiation being detected.”Yep, since they’re detecting low levels of radiation, this is apparently justification for turning off the monitors altogether, which of course is the kind of brilliant early warning plan that could have only been dreamed up by a brain-dead bureaucrat.

Canada stands condemned, the government of Canada stands condemned,the politicians of Canada stand condemned,and they have condemned the people of Canada.And we can be sure, that it is the people's wish, the people's increasing wish, that they
could be, in future, spoken of,should be spoken of,in only,rather self-illuminating, glowing terms.It is their wish,but, sadly the people never seem to get their wish,but perhaps, what with the lie of the nuclear dream,perhaps,just perhaps,it may happen.In the meantime, all the people can do is heap condemnation,derision and abuse on them,while nuclear radiation particles rain down on they,the people, and the government won't tell the people exactly how much, and where it is.

For you in Canada,there's no help nor hope for you,with respect to the radiation levels, however using these two sites......
The EPA government network,USA.
A private network established by a geiger counter sales group.

You can draw a near conclusion,but you have to assume a higher reading than the nearest America site shows for you, since Fukushima and Canada are higher up,more inline as it were, than lower down America.That's the best I can do for you,that and suggest to you that you get your own reliable geiger counter, and know how to use it.Of Course,your government can do
better,the Canadian government could do better, it could tell you the actual readings,but it won't, it doesn't want to, it's turned the monitoring system off or it won't inform you, and,or,both, and it may still, for some reason, choose to lie to you when it does.So it goes, for you.Sad for you,sad you're a Canadian.

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