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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Secret Squirrel Ponders A Study Which Claims Nuclear Energy Is The Safest Way To Generate Electricity.

Secret Squirrel has noticed that there is a study which claims that nuclear energy is the safest way to generate electricity............balderdash,falderall, friends of theirs, those and the mentally disturbed, the insane,as a matter of fact I use those who support nuclear as my measure of insanity,anyone else can at the most be a little bit fruity with regards to anything and everything else.

In Japan, there is radioactivity in the soil, the food is contaminated,you cannot eat the spinach, nor broccoli, nor anything else in that LARGE region, you cannot drink the water, you cannot eat the beef,the cows are contaminated and everything else in terms of edible farm animals,ground water is contaminated, miles away.There is radioactivity in the seawater at massive levels, contaminating the fish and rendering them unconsumable.The radiation cloud has been detected, in Canada,in the USA, in Scotland, Britain,Ireland, and again in Sweden which first detected what turned out to be Chernobyl.

Speaking of Chernobyl, the Japanese plant explosions,fires,radiation leaks, is yet many times less.So what is it all from? A meltdown? No they claim it's only a partial meltdown on one reactor.....hooray, thankfully it wasn't a full meltdown..of even one, yes it WOULD be worse, as logic dictates, then there's explosion, which they said didn't occur, but it can and may, it did at Chernobyl, and that is even yet worse,as has been proven, and as logic dictates.What have they said?It's many times less than Chernobyl.

What was Chernobyl?Well,it was the worst nuclear accident to date was the Chernobyl disaster which occurred in 1986 in Ukraine. That accident killed 56 people directly, and caused an estimated 4,000 additional cases of fatal cancer, as well as damaging approximately $7 billion of property. Radioactive fallout from the accident was concentrated in areas of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Approximately 350,000 people were forcibly resettled away from these areas soon after the incident. Recent estimations say that between 400,000 and 500,000 inhabitants (when including unborn children) near Kiev province had been exposed to a comparatively high dose of radiation, and there's a possibility of developing cancer, leukemia and DNA malformation in the next 10 to 40 years........What did and do they say?Chernobyl cannot happen again.............what will they say in Japan? It a
Fukushima cannot happen again?

There HAVE been other major and massive events......

October 1957

Fire destroyed the core of a plutonium-producing reactor at Britain's Windscale nuclear complex - since renamed Sellafield -

sending clouds of radioactivity into the atmosphere. An official report said the leaked radiation could have caused dozens of

cancer deaths in the vicinity of Liverpool.
Winter 1957-'58

A serious accident occurred during the winter of 1957-58 near the town of Kyshtym in the Urals. A Russian scientist who first

reported the disaster estimated that hundreds died from radiation sickness.

October 5, 1966

The core of an experimental reactor near Detroit, Mich., melted partially when a sodium cooling system failed.

March 28, 1979

Near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, America's worst nuclear accident occurred. A partial meltdown of one of the reactors forced the evacuation of the residents after radioactive gas escaped into the atmosphere.

You can compare, the events are beyond compare......and the effects, and effects on the public..........hidden.And there is a study which says nuclear energy is the safest way to generate electricity.But it is the government who dictates,it is the government who dictates the nuclear plants,and it is the government who did
dictate the nuclear plants, and who claim they aren't responsible for the failures and accidents concerning nuclear plants,the explosions, the fires, the releases of radiations.well they aren't responsible,they can't possibly be,they claim it is the
electorate who are responsible,regardless of their decisions, we have yet to have responsible governments, only governments of idiocy,stupidity,cretinism, imbecillity,ignorance et all.And the study,claims that nuclear energy is the safest way to generate electricity. Numerous cities within a 20km radius, had to be evacuated, due to the presence of radiation and hazards which proved to be true. Chernobyl was even yet worse. Who can calculate now the dead and dying from the effects of radiation from these areas,those who will suffer cancerous growths, and deaths, and their children horrific mutations..........and the study says that nuclear energy is the safest way to generate electricity.Well, coal and oil and gas fired thermal plants don't cause all this to happen when something happens internally to them, nor does it happen to geothermal, nor to hydroelectric energy
generation, nor to stored storage types of electrical generation system,and wind power.The study claims that nuclear energy is the safest way to generate electricity.Chernobyl,Pripyat, still empty and abandoned,radiation rained down on it, and it is still in the soil.......the area bout Fukushima...evacuated, radiation rained down on it, and it is still in the soil.The cost of nuclear energy is quite high,extremely high, far too high.Who's paying for the evacuated people,who's going to pay for the farmers and their lost livelihood,the crops and animals, the fishermen and their lost livelihood, the closed and abandoned businesses,who's going to pay for the health lost to those affected by the radiation,who's going to pay for their mutated children,who's going to pay for what can't ever be replaced, who's going to pay for human life?

In Canada,Toronto,the largest population city in that nation, is 17 miles from the Pickering Reactor group.Where will the Canadian government evacuate them to.Will it evacuate them anywhere?Will it simply tell them get out of town? More than likely just the latter, there will be NO help from them, from their governments,they will tell them that when they voted for them, they voted for nuclear, and they will tell them that as THEY are forced to evacuate wherever they can and may.The people will be left to fend for themselves.....the people of Toronto.The massive numbers of people in hospitals will be left.Canada has not the capability to evacuate a city the size of Toronto,not even yet those in hospitals,old peoples homes etc., and so too it is for the rest of you near nuclear plants.You will be on your own and
told to leave,as they did in Japan.....all they will tell you is.......that's all folks.The politicians will be taken care of,unquestionably.But not you.
And the study claims that nuclear energy is the safest way to generate electricity.

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