The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Secret Squirrel On Fukushima,And The Shape Of Things To Come.

Secret Squirrel noticed that they,TEPCO and The Government, said they were trying to save the Fukushima reactors, yes, save the reactors, ,save the reactors,that was what they said, they were trying to save to reactors............not the people.Not the people, from the radiation spewing forth, contaminating,poisoning the earth, entering the water, inundating,invading, entering the very food they'd eat, the vegetables, and also the farm animals, the farm animals to be eaten for meat,cows,pigs and chickens et all, and the milk that they'd drink...........the reactor blew, we saw, the column, the white column, and............the ring....the nuclear ring.......I imagine they'd prefer the heavenly term halo, for that is where the radiation so released, the caesium that comes from inside the reactors,comes from,that and when the meltdown,and so the Fukushima nuclear plant, turned Japan,and the life for the Japanese, in to a living under the Heavenly nuclear halo.There are claims that other reactors won't do the same thing, as occurred in Japan, the reactor DID blow open, and spew radiation, and the dreaded poisonous, long lasting cesium in to the air and round and about, and it to the water and in to the soil, and in to the food,animal and vegetable,and on to the people.They say that other reactors won't do that,they're encased, but the Japanese ones haven't been encased, and we have to ask why they weren't, when encased ones were being built at the same time,by the same source designers, with safety in mind, as they were in Japan, as they are in Japan. They say the encased ones won't blow open.Well, place a stick of dynamite on a stump,light it, it blows, but that's about it, negligible damage to the stump. Place the same stick of dynamite on the stump, light it, cover it with a can, and it can and will obliterate the stump.The containment of an explosive release at the moment of explosion, concentrates, and magnifies many times the blast. The encased concrete reactor is safe?Chernobyl blew a 2000 TON metal lid, right off and up,enormously in to the air, releasing the radiation, and poisonous caesium in to the air, and in to the water, and in to the soil and in to the food, and on to the people,and it remains for many many years.

They released radioactive steams in to the air, with associated radioactive particles.They said they were containing the water they were pouring on to the reactors, which was becoming horrifically radioactive, and they found humungous amounts of radiation in the sea, where it was contaminating and entering,the fish, which as you know live beneath the surface of the water.Amazing! There it is, think now,ponder, assess.And where did that humungous amount come from?Well, they seemed to indicate thence, the small leaks? Or were they lying, TEPCO, AND The Government..........and just releasing it all willy nilly in to the sea.They DID show imagines of a leak, they said was the source,but notice it is a rather small crack, a very small the smallest crack can release a massive quantity of radiation in to the water to contaminate the sea,the fish,and render them, unsafe to eat,unless you wish to risk death,in the short term, and cancerous death in the long,slow term.

Well, you know the effects of radiation in the short term, the burns(recall the workers were burned by contact with radioactive water,they told you that much it was found out when the made it to hospital),you know the effects of radiation, the hair falling out,etc etc etc.But what is a cancerous death due to radiation, in the long slow term,the very slow term.Well, I know,you see when I was ten, they had these "phosporous" glow in the dark material on watches,and, what should happen, but one of these tiny balls fell off somebodies watch, the girl, in front of me, picked it up and swallowed it, just like candy.Well, I told her that wasn't such a good idea.On it went, I encountered her in high school, she complained of frequent stomach aches,I knew what from, that radioactive tiny ball was stuck in there.I encountered her again, 30 years after, in hospital,she had stomach cancer, a mass
had grown over the years.She died, slowly,painfully.Yes, there it was, the tiny round glow in the center of the mass,I told them, they found it,there it was, the cause of death............cancer of course, but a cancer induced by that radioactive tiny ball that had lodged in her stomach, triggered the cells to surround it and try protect the body, and then mutate to cancerous cells, and
cancer, due to the effects of the radiation,death forty years later,due to a tiny radioactive ball, and something not that massively radioactive, just trapped, within the body, sitting there,emitting it's tiny level of radioactivity,to the cells it rested on,was lodged on.That's what it does,that's how it happens, and that's what it will do, and is doing, to the Japanese, and anybody else, who ingests the materials, or inhales the materials.The nuclear particles from the nuclear plant, are higher levels
than that tiny ball, even yet they being so very much smaller,but so very much yet more,radioactive.

If TEPCO, and The Government,had THEY not lied to the people of Japan, if they had not tried to ridiculously save the reactors, far less Japanese would have suffered,and WILL suffer, the effects and fates similar, as expounded immediately preceding.What you have read above is the shape of things to come for a great many of the Japanese who lived close to the reactors,who will eat the food,animal and vegetable, who will eat the fish,who breathed in and swallowed and/or inhaled, the radioactive particles spewed forth by the reactor plant's explosions and radioactive water leaks.We salute you, you who are about to die, slowly, you
who suffered the TEPCO,The Government,The Nuclear Lie.

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