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Friday, April 1, 2011

Secret Squirrel Comments On The Simpsons Nuclear Ban

Secret Squirrel has discovered that the fat controllers at several Germanic speaking European nations TV channels have banned episodes of The Simpsons that contain jokes about atomic energy,about nuclear meltdown,and radiation and it's effects. They want to stop the hit cartoon poking fun at nuclear danger during the battle to save the earthquake and tsunami-hit Fukushima plant, reports the Daily Star,an yet other papers round and about the world.

The bungling Homer Simpson works at disaster-prone Springfield Nuclear Power Plant,where safety regulations are notoriously slack,he works as a Nuclear Safety Inspector, and constantly falls asleep and neglects his duties, run by money-grabbing Mr Burns, in the hit show. It is a running joke about safety at the plant, that has blown up or come close to meltdown several times.The Beer-swilling Homer,the Nuclear Safety Inspector, repeatedly puts the town at risk by neglecting his duties and
falling asleep. He even casually tosses away a radioactive rod he finds in his clothes during the hit show’s title sequence.

Episodes of The Simpsons which feature jokes about nuclear meltdowns have been banned in a number of countries - as a reaction to the disaster currently unfolding in Japan.German channel Pro7 was the first to act, vowing to screen footage from the popular cartoon series to make sure episodes which make light of nuclear crisis' are not aired for the time being.

Austria's ORF and Switzerland's SF networks have also done the same.ORF has used the most extreme censorship so far, banning a total of eight episodes until a review at the end of April, according to the Hollywood Reporter.They've even banned an episode which features scientists Marie and Pierre Curie dying of radiation poisoning and another which has jokes about a nuclear meltdown are among those that have been cut.

It mirrors Germanic governmental megalomanic styles of attempts at indoctrination,in efforts to protect government supplied views that nuclear is safe.Yes - that will fix the toxic, radioactive clouds emanating from Fukushima,clouds that spread not only over Japan, but round and about the world,clouds that poison and mutate people,and future generations of people, the children, the babies,yes,that will fix the radioactivity in the soil, in the food, in the water, in the fish, and that too will prevent recurrence,prevent nuclear plant explosions, meltdowns,yes that will prevent the Three Mile Islands, that will prevent the Chernobyls,the public will feel safe and will believe the government lie, the government lie that nuclear is safe,their Nuclear no-d'oh.

Merkel:Look in to my eyes,have I ever lied or hidden the truth from you before! You know you cannot see nuclear radiation, it does not exist, there is no such thing as a nuclear plant meltdown,you do not know about such things.Nuclear is good for you.Trust me....and you may not watch The Simpsons.

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