The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Secret Squirrel Ponders The Effects Of Nuclear Radiation.

Secret Squirrel has pondered the ever increasing nuclear radiation dilemma, as we've been made terribly aware by the Russian openness concerning Chernobyl,the greatest known atomic radiation accident, versus the virtual,by comparison, quiet of the Japanese concerning their Fukushima.

Ah yes, one recalls the expression of nuclear plants variously exploding and spewing out vast qautities of mutating radiation,as nuclear authorities and governments liked to tell us,would occur,using the term,"When pigs fly!" Well, flying pigs have been seen,throughout the history of nuclear, at Chalk River,Calder Hall,Chernobyl, Three Mile Isand,Fukushima (and believe you me you and I are also getting Fuked),and ,of course, many other places, at other dates and times,carefully ignored,and hidden from public view generally.Yes, no doubt the pigs were flying to market having been made more intelligent by the radiation effects,unquestionably given the ability to fly due to the massive radiation levels and accompanying genetic mutational effects.Unterestingly, a team of scientists has tracked down the genetic mutation that leads to blue eyes. The mutation occurred between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago,due to the effects of higher radiation levels, so before then, there were no blue eyes. Those who have green eyes,are continuations of the mutation, or in other words second generation retards.
Indeed,yes, imagine the increased development of,and occurrence of, hump backs,no doubt generated by nature,as it were,Mother Nature, a place to store more water so we can, and could, go longer distances without the necessity for water.Indeed there is massive mutation occurring in the children of Chernobyl,,9 times higher than those not exposed, and it's not JUST cancer,cancerous growths,either, it's bodily mutations, similar to the effects of thalidomide, and also other major bodilydeformities.The Japanese are terribly aware of this having been the victims of the American atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Imagine, the radiation mutating our veggies, one recalls,as I do,the experimental paper, The Effects of Radiation On Man In

The Moon Marigolds,indeed,yes, imagine the veggies becoming more..........err......mutated,altered, than the presently genetically engineered are.......yes,imagine feet,for example, the radiation could mutate them and eventually they would have feet.We could call our tomatoes in for supper,or whatever! Indeed, yes, but I think perhaps we'd best avoid the cucumbers and zucchinis. Bending over in the garden could put on at hazard,rather like a child bending over in front of Roman Polanski.

Imagine yet also people commencing to glow from it.They could stand at street corners at night,glowing, t'is all so very terribly green,you know ,save on electricity, eh whot!They could be waiters in the ever popular Glow In The Dark Restaurants. We could take some home, keep'em in the closet till needed,closeted as it were, then out'em,and have a useable workable light, won't burn out.............Everready, oh dear that name's in use, oh well we'll think of another.Imagine, if pigs glow green it's easier for farmers to find them at night.Fish with three eyes?Well now, much easier to escape larger predator fish! Win!Win!Win!All round.

In Hollywood what with such bad acting, Kevlar lined suits are the rage but,you, not being actors, if I offer you only one tip for the future, radiation suits, would be it.The long-term benefits of heavy, lead-laden radiation suits have been proved in nuclear power plants everywhere,for the time they do protect.Of course, the suits do have a vision visor, which is the Chink in it's armour(that, and they're mostly made in China,Okally Dokeally).But trust me on the radiation suits.But,indeed,yes,mutations could in fact be a good thing, after all the mutations would be,and are, alive you know, that would be ,and is,life, as they know it.They constantly look for life out in space and imagine that as life not as we know it,but as it is.

Who knows too, perhaps women will develop three breasts,what the heck!Now that's another good point to radiation mutation! And so, what with nuclear plants, nuclear explosions, escape of nuclear radiation,nuclear clouds spreading across nations,oceans, infesting land, sea, air, water,food..........why it's an all rounder then,a Jolly Good Show.

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