The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Secret Squirrel:America's King Size Candy Bar Ban And The Shape Of Things To Come.

Secret Squirrel has noted changes in America, changes brought about by the new mini sized candy bars,changes that will severly affect the shape of things to come in America,a king sized candy bar ban which will effectively initiate a prohibition type back lash,with respect to king sized candy bars,recalling the days of prohibition,prohibition of alcohol consumption.

This effectively brought about a depression, in the people and the economy as well, people turned to speakeasies to drink their sorrows away and party on to an enjoyable time whilst pushing the depression government, and government of the depression and prohibition out of their minds.
Well, now, prohibition of the king sized candy bar has been brought about, and people have responded, and reacted to this,in much the same fashion that they did in the first prohibition era.The new prohibition era has followed suit exactly, depressing the people, and depressing the economy and the people have reacted and responded in the same way.The candy bar prohibition is having and has had, it's effect.Yes, in America, there are weird scenes inside the gold mine as the nation responds to the king sized candy bar ban.

   We find changes and responses everywhere. Take the cars parked at the Westmount Lookout,the local lovers lookout point.Indeed there were sighs and moans of pleasure coming from the backseat of a car,so loud they attracted a cop. Up he came,"Hands up!!" he screamed. Suddenly a teenage boy and girl stuck
their heads up,head and shoulders emerge,fully clothed, their hands up,clutching in each hand, half eaten king sized candy bars,illegal king sized candy bars.The cop seizes their bars as evidence, cuffs'em and leads'em away,whilst chastising those gathered around, warning against the lewd conduct of
munching illegal king sized candy bars,the drug of choice.

    Downtown at Candy's Bar And Grill the police burst in, rush past patrons to the back room,with their siege bar.The crash in to a Chinese Door at the back and burst in to the real operation,The Candy Bar, a speakeasy.The patrons scatter screaming,king size candy bar wrappers litter the floor,the teen patrons are cuffed and led away,doin' the Tennessee Purp Walk.
Here note the activity in a typical speakeasy, and subsequent raid of the soda pop and king sized candy bar speakeasy.....

Note the hidden camera surveillance video from the candy bar speakeasy,note the innocent fun they're having.........note the happy effect of a candy bar and soda pop orgy of great and good times had by all.Laissez les bon temps roulez.let the good times rule in Non-New Orleans jive,but note the party poopers.....the raid, the feds,the Inscruitables......

    In schools,teens open their lockers, their books fall out, and with them, their illegal stash of king sized candy bars.They hit the school, and the school defect, er Prefect, and the Principle,confiscate the bars, call security and the cops,and the teen is hauled away to continue his education in the big house.

    On the streets,in the back alley,one follows,discretely, a schoolgirl...she head down the alley,suddenly in front of her, there's a flasher,his trench coat held wide open in front of the girls......she reaches out.......grabs's.......a necklace,She pays for it in illegal king sized candy bars.

    A car is seen to pull up to a schoolyard.The driver opens the door,shows a little girl a stash of illicit king sized candy bars.she gets in, the door closes, and the car pulls away.Typicly it may be her father, trying to please her, her father trying to get her to come home from apre school hijinx, or...maybe not, it may be a Paul Saville.

     In seminaries nuns are seen reaching in to Priest's Holes,and pulling, come up with, a king sized candy bar as their reward.

     Beside school walls,excited young girls are seen grabbing their boyfriends,slamming them in to the wall...........and......suggestively.demanding....he give her his king sized one....candy bar of course.

     At the local movie theatre candy bar, in the dim lighting, a young girl is seen, seemingly opening her blouse,pulling the ends wide apart, revealing google eyed clarke, reaches under..................and gives her her illicit king sized candy bars.She's paid, she leaves.

     Parents come home, find teens rolling about the floor of the rec room, in a soda pop filled orgy of wild king sized candy bar munching,sighing,moaning,groaning in an orgy of ecstasy, empty pop bottles and discarded king sized candy bar wrappers littering the floor.
     It happens,the parents left their teenage son at home for the weekend, they thought he would spend a quiet evening with friends.
But they returned to find their 1million home had been destroyed,Before they left he reportedly asked his parents for 20 to buy fish and chips for friends before waving them off on their weekend trip.
Hours later more than 100 party-goers descended on his parents' gated property throwing objects from windows, smashing chandeliers, defacing cars and urinating out of windows. The lawn was strewn with broken glass and teenagers shouting and screaming as bottles and cans were thrown at the neighbours' property, prompting them to call police.It was an orgy of violence and destruction fueled by the consumption of massive amounts of soda pop, and energy drinks,and, the
massive consumption of huge quantities of the illicit king sized candy bars.
Neighbours arrived home shortly before midnight last Saturday and witnessed the destruction. 'There were teenagers all over the road, shouting and screaming, making a huge amount of noise,' she said. "It took six police cars and two ambulances to deal with the carnage."
'You could not see the grass for bottles and cans.
'Kids were drinking, vomiting, things were being thrown out from windows - an indoor fan - and even this obscene humungous fat man, I swear it looked like frenchman Gerard Depardieu, weeing out of a first-floor window.' She could not identify any of the children, many of whom were wearing hoodies.
Another neighbour called the police but was told to refer the matter to the council's noise abatement team.
The lad's mother,however,declined to comment on the party. She said: 'It was absolutely a private matter.' A typical scene played out in America.

     It also happens.Illegal king ssized bars brought in from across the borders, via Mexico, and Canada, in transport trucks, by barge, by boat,rowed across lakes, and rivers, borught in by rail car, or in car boots by bootleggers.Also from Europe,Australia, illegal king sized bars flown in and brought in by ship.Candy Bar Transport Trucks, abandoned farm barns, the goods are transferred,
and then moved to abandoned warehouses. There illegal Mexican immigrants work night and day, gluing several small bars,still wrapped, together, then rewrapping them in king size bar wrappers,thence sent off to downtown distros,and speakeasies.yes the Candy King reigns supreme,even to the point of end point fraud.
Local mob controlled radio stations blare out over the airwaves Sammy Davis Jr.'s....... The Candy Man...................

And the Carrie Nations..........Sweet Talkin' Candy Man...

    Whatever fuelled and influenced Michelle Obama's efforts to reduce the size of candy bars? One recalls King Henry I, who decided that one yard would be the measure from the tip of his nose, to his outstretched thumb. Perhaps, a King-Sized effort to use Obama's penis length as a measure limit for candy bars,and so make a mark in history? Or was it, really, all utterly and completely, The Candy Mob.Indeed. The Candy Mob? Yes, reduce the size of Candy Bars, seeminglyu to patrioticly follow the dictates of Michelle Obama, wife of the American President, The First Lady,seemingly encouraging her appearing to have power, and be the driving force behind, the reduction in size of candy bars, whilst at the same time, maintaining,or perhqaps, increasing their prices?Also at the same time, what with the rise of King Sized Candy Bar prohibition,engendering Candy Mob controlled Speakeasies,and illicit importation asnd maunfacture of illicit and illegal king sized candy bars,spawning a vast underground,subterranean market for themselves? Perhaps........all of the above.

   Yes Squirrel has seen this,America's future, the shape of things to come in America.Yes the world has recently seen strange immense bird kills, amazing frog kills, massive fish kills.In some areas of the world it's been claimed that far inland there have been huge rains of fish.There have been many massive whale beachings, dolphin beachings.Jelly filled donuts are almost disappearing,and now, the banning of king sized candy bars. Indeed we can hear the hoove beats on the streets, the clippity clop of the Horsemen of the Apocalpyse, coming,indeed as predicted.The signs are there.Yes, America, this is the shape of things to come. The election draws near, what's to be done, but remember, "Vote For Insanity,You Know It Makes Sense."

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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