The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Secret Squirrel Says,In The 60's It Was Flower Power, Consider Now....FAT POWER!!

If you have ever been curious about how much power can be generated while running on a treadmill, you will now easily find out. Power is defined as the rate at which you burn energy. As long as you know how much energy you burn in a given amount of time--something most modern treadmills can estimate for you--you can calculate your average power output during your workout. The calculation will require a few steps and unit conversions, but is relatively simple overall.

Firstly set up your treadmill to count the calories you burn during your workout. Usually, you will be asked to enter your age, height and weight to enhance the accuracy of the calorie counter. Consult your treadmill's manual for detailed instructions on how to do this.

Now complete the workout for which you want to calculate your power output. For example, consider a half-hour workout during which you burn 800 calories.

Next convert the calories to joules, the scientific unit of energy that will be required to calculate power in watts. Keep in mind that the capitalized "Calories" displayed on your treadmill--and on the nutrition labels of foods for that matter--are actually kilocalories. There are 4,186 joules in a kilocalorie, so the calculation to convert 800 kilocalories to joules would look like this:

800 kilocalories x 4186 joules / kilocalorie = 3,348,800 joules

Calculate your power output by dividing the energy you burned by the amount of time, in seconds, it took you to burn it. There are 1800 seconds in your half-hour workout, so:3,348,800 joules / 1800 seconds = 1860.4 joules per second = 1860.4 watts.Your average power output during your half-hour workout was 1860.4 watts, or 1860.4 joules per second.

Now Convert watts to horsepower, if you like, by dividing the wattage by 745.8, the number of watts in a horsepower. For example:1860.4 watts / (745.8 watts per horsepower) = 2.5 horsepower

Pretty good isn't that. Imagine if the fatman was converted to farmwork to pull a plow, he would be only really asked to do the work of either a one horse plow, or at worst case sceneario, a two horse team........conceiveably they,the fat people,the obese,the lards or whatever you would,could and do call them, could be employed on farms as a much cheaper alternative to a tractor,Mennonites,The Amish, The Pennsylvania Dutch could be rented these lards to apply them to plowing the fields by a completely acceptable, non mechanical means of exchange for room and

But there's more to things than that, on said treadmill each fatman could have their treadmill hooked such as to power an electrical generator and so contribute to the electrical Grid,creating electrical energy,electricity.

A large amount of fatties in a local gym scenario could provide a vast amount of electrical generated energy to contribute to the local power grids a specific workout times.A specific comic strip,Dilbert mentioned something in the scenario of.....

"Scientists will eventually stop flailing around with solar power and focus their efforts on harnessing the only truly unlimited source of energy on the planet: stupidity. I predict that energy companies will place huge hamster wheels outside of convenience stores and offer free lottery tickets to people who spend five minutes running in them. The hamster wheels will be connected to power generators.
        - The Dilbert Future "

Well they're somewhat in the ball park as to a working idea, just their idea of using lottery tickets to attract those to turn the hamster wheel treadmills.........rather t'is better to use the fatman, nicht whar.......indeed even yet to legislate that those above a certain BMI must report to local hamsterwheel or treadmill fat generating stations at specific times of the day, the time and time on a
treadmill determined by specific BMI mass being at a certain point above normal levels.Indeed local Health Centers could be employed as such for their treadmiils, everybody else continuing to exercise as normal on other apparatus at their leisure(they are also referred to as leisure centers as so would most definitly be in that regard.),but the local certers would become readily online energy adding
stations to a local power grid, making fat people useful members of society.
I realized there was a great use and need for fat people,in modern society, uses such that they would be employed properly, without actually abusing them, helping them,as it were?Yes, indeed, and this is an idea that occurred to me as I visited the local "fat" farm, the exercise,den of iniquity, at least from the point of view of the fat, which was strangely visited only by the thin,the lean, the slim, who
wished to stay so. Consider now, a power plant with water wheels and the people run in them like hamsters---> benefits= loss of weight and power saving, people dont get them to loose weight whilst adding energy to the world.these people them supplying America with free energy. How much energy? A lot of free energy! There are 3,500 calories in 1 pound of bodyweight. An average obese man weighing at a modest 300lbs. will contain 1,050,000 calories. Since there are 14,644 Joules in 3500 calories, a 300lbs person can provide over 4,393,200 Joules(4,393.2 KJ) of pure energy. One kilo-joule per second equates to one kilo-watt. The average U.S. household uses one kilo-watt of energy every second. Therefore, 4,393.2 KJ/60 seconds amounts to over 73.22 minutes of power for the average U.S. household. So that fat guy you see eating a sandwich at work can potentially power your whole house for over an hour.HEALTH and energy chiefs need to consider Squirrel's plan to make fat people power turbines by forcing them to run in giant hamster wheels,turning suitable electrical generators, thus contributing to any particular city's power grid!!
Now in Denmark, ponder this........Danish Hotel Pays Its Guests to Generate Electricity on Exercise Bikes
Just 15 minutes of cycling can produce 10 watt-hours of electricity, and earn you a free meal.Bored guests at a certain Crowne Plaza hotel can now skip the pricey mini-bar and hop on an exercise bike, generate some electricity, and earn some meal vouchers. The hotel in Copenhagen started the free meal idea as a way to boost guests' fitness and shrink their carbon footprint, according to the BBC.
The bikes are hooked up to generators that require guests of average fitness to pedal for about 15 minutes to create 10 watt-hours of electricity. iPhones attached to the handlebars display the amount of power being generated.

Hitting the 15-minute mark earns lucky exercisers a $36 meal voucher, and that's presumably on a repeatable reward system.Now what about making tha manditory for Fatties, yes, indeed, making them work to generate electricity, making them literally pimp themselves, to work for food they actually earn whilst generating energy for elecricty to be added to the naytion's power grid! This can be adapted to the Helath Center Eergy Generating Sections, such that the Fat People so "employed" to generate electricity, will also have to generate electricity to EARN their keep, to pay for their food at mealtime.A capital idea eh whot! Don't feel sorry for them, no...consider the famous words........“Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of
chocolate cake.”
- Anonymous

Yes, an all round jolly good show! Fat people at work for society! Loosing weight contributing to society!Generating lost of free elecrictity! Whilst helping themsleves and loosing wieght! Yes, and the generating electricity so that they can eat,and KEEP they fat they so desire! Amazingly and interestingly and useful vicious cycle!
Remember the words of Mike Meyers FAT BASTARD.....
"I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle."
That'll change to
"I generate electrcity because I'm fat, to loose weight, I generate electricity to gain money to eat, to keep me fat.It's a vicious cycle."
But..................society benefits.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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