The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Secret Squirrel Says We Must Keep The Right And Proper Bully.

     Secret Squirrel has taken great umbrage at what he has found to be ocurring, the attempts to ban, bully,bullies,bullying. Nay indeed Squirrel soundly supports the bully,the bullying in all its forms. Why let us now look at what they are actually attempting to intellectually ban,what the reality of what they wish to ban actually is! Firstly we will look at the term,and definition, and we shall the look at what it is they are attempting to actually ban!

vb   , -lies, -lying, -lied 
According to English Collins Dictionary.

a procurer; pimp

a fine fellow or friend

a sweetheart; darling 
      vb   , -lies, -lying, -lied 

dashing; jolly  my bully boy    

very good; fine 
(Also)    bully for you, him, etc 

Informal   well done! bravo! 

bully   n any of various small freshwater fishes of the genera Gobiomorphus and Philynodon of New Zealand,   

bully beef 
      n   tinned corned beef,   (Often shortened to)    bully        
     (bully, anglicized version of French bouilli, from boeuf bouilli boiled beef) 

bully-off     (Hockey) 
1    a method by which a game is restarted after a stoppage. Two opposing players stand with the ball

between them and alternately strike their sticks together and against the ground three times before trying to hit the ball 

2   bully off     intr, adv   to restart play after a stoppage with a bully-off,   (Often shortened to)

   bully      Compare     ?   face-off 
     (perhaps from bully scrum in Eton football; of unknown origin) 

bully pulpit n. dominant position, use of an office with power and influence ...

So here we have bully,bullies,bullied etc etc etc etc which, et all the "public" seems to be against, or at least the press tells the public ,they,the people, etc are against... bullies................all bullies....well just look at it all.........where would we be without bullies? Why certainly up the creek without a paddle,and nowadays things being as they are, that creek is really a sewage and sludge channel isn't it? And,well, right you are. And the press are wrong.Lets look at it all, where we would
be without bullies.

Now firstly, procurer,pimp.Whatever do these do?well now....a procurer,a pimp, they go arm in arm, with the women of the night of the day, and all days, and all down through history as well, starting with and in the bible.......indeed the procurer finds business for the said woman, finds clients,he pimps....A pimp is an agent for prostitutes who collects part of their earnings. This act is called procuring. The pimp may receive this money in return for advertising services, physical protection, or for providing, and possibly monopolizing, a location where she may engage clients.Like prostitution, the legality of certain actions of a madam or a pimp vary from one region to the next. Pimps may punish johns for physical abuse or failure to pay, advertise services to potential clients without alerting police, and enforce exclusive rights to 'turf' where their prostitutes may advertise and operate with
less competition.In short, the enterprising lad is a combination of advertising executive,lawyer, and constable for the girls.And, he's there when they need him. Clearly the girl would have much less business and a much more difficult time of things.

Next, a fine fellow, and a friend.Well it wouldn't do to outlaw,ban, ones friends, nor fine fellows.Nay indeed.We would be very bored in our old boys clubs.Also our times at the pubs with the fine fellows, and friends, would be nixed..............we'd be skint bored to distraction I dare say.

Now a sweetheart, a darling. Ban these? oh dear, whatever would we do with our time when we weren't at the Old Boys, playing cards, nor at the pub, just wouldn't do.Nay, no lacey entertainment.Nay indeed bully for me,bully for you,good for us, and may we all enjoy in return a ruddy great bullying too.Obviously for us there are quite a few we'd certainly appreciate as bullies, and enjoy a great time
bullying them as well, eh whot!

    Now, as for the dashing, the jolly, the bully boys.........what'd the world be without bully boys, the boys of the clubs,pubs and sports.Not a good thing to ban those.

And now what of not even yet bullying, the saying of bully for a good job at sport or whatever.Why words of encouragement and congratulations are always and should be always, in good direct order. No bullying must not be banned.

Bully pulpit, a public office or other position of authority of sufficiently high rank that provides the holder with an opportunity to speak out and be listened to on any matter.why this would do in public speaking events, speeches challenging government, and councils...why it would positively do in Hyde Park, perhaps England's finest and most cherished and sacred institution,nay.............would
diminish,remove,revoke, the very thing we require in our society, the voice of opposition, the opinion of everyman.Nay, no to the banning of bullying.Most definitly.

Now there are also fresh water fish, bullies, and we all know it just wouldn't do to ban such fine fare, nay not food, and there's the added plus of consumed fish fending off,preventing, things like alzheimer's,.dementia.........nay the bullies must remain for the common good of all.

Still on food, eh whot not? Bully beef, now banning such a fine thing as bully beef,nay,just not right and proper, such fine fare it is at the pub, the Old Boys Club, or even yet for those most fortunate, to have it at the din dins table at home eh whot! Silly thing, ban bully beef. Ban bullied beef, ? Nay there must be yet more bullying, all round.

Now there are yet other terms defined as bully and associated,here consider......

bully-off     (Hockey) 
1    a method by which a game is restarted after a stoppage. Two opposing players stand with the ball between them and alternately strike their sticks together and against the ground three times before trying to hit the ball 
2   bully off 
    intr, adv   to restart play after a stoppage with a bully-off,   (Often shortened to)    bully    

Compare     ?   face-off  ( perhaps from bully scrum in Eton football; of unknown origin)

Now ban bully,ban bullies, ban bullying, why just look at the effect this would have on sport.Canadians could never play ice hockey, the game could never start, nor restart those in effect after the time of a bullying ban.'Course this affects our hockey as well, what the ignorant colonists calls field hockey, but which is in reality truly hockey, and is known as such,not ice hockey as ice hockey came to be
played on ice so required a modification of its name nature. And what, no bully off, why there would just be no further rugby, game could never be restarted,resumed,continued, be rather a short minute match without it, just alter the nature of the game beyond belief.

Why those that ban bully,bullying,bullies, why they're just a renegade band of yobs, whimpering little ponsies, effeminate scrotum fluff who'd do themselves in at insults,barbs,epithets.Why just imagine them in a war, why the enemy would merely set up loudspeakers and shout words at the bobos,the retards and the silly little gits would snuff themselves rather than do anything else. Nay, just isn't a sound
idea, t'is an idea born out of those of ignorance, and low intelligence.Whimpering pansies the lot,ridiculous deviants,those with tiny if any twaddles.There's nothing wrong with them that reincarnation wouldn't cure.Why for them simply calling them names would result in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,and words are not enough to degrade and deride them for attempting to ban the term and terms associated with bully and bullying! Bully!Bully! Bully for you!Bully for Squirrel!Bully!Bully!Bully for us all! Squirrel says Bully is for all reasons,Bully is for all seasons!

Let us have none of this banning bully stuff!Bully!

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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