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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Secret Squirrel Ponders The Taser

Secret Squirrel here considers the Taser,a rather dangerous method of controlling either violent or uncooperative people,indeed there are a great many problems associated with its use,particularly the death of human beings.Why so many deaths from the use of Tasers in North America?In Canada, at least 25 people have died after police have shocked them with Tasers.No less than 334 American have died after Taser shocks, but "authorities" deem only 50 to have died as a direct result of a Taser shock(note it is provable in the hospital environment that electric shocks
can both start and stop human hearts).Tasers produce in the vicinity of 50000 volts,but manufacturers state that they deliver only 1500 volts to a person's body.Cattle prods,used in many countries, have not notably caused death by comparison and are used in riot control situations.Tasers have been used on those termed unruly,aggressive,violent,and,misfortunately MULTIPLE shocks have been used,5 times even yet,obviously highly dangerous to the human body,to the human heart.It is pointed out hospitals use defibrillators to restart a human heart, they can also stop a human heart as well,and yet they use less,than a Taser does,in short it is within the realms of a Taser to cause death.

Civil libertarians are pointing to a report by the UN Committee Against Torture,that called the use of Tasers "torture." The committee said it was "worried that the use of TaserX26 weapons, provoking extreme pain, constituted a form of torture, and that in certain cases it could also cause death, as shown by several reliable studies and by certain cases that had happened after practical use."

Did you know, have you seen, are you aware of, the fact that,in many hospitals,the world over,everyday, in an environment where an orderly may not strike a patient,the orderlies are a squad which regularly subdue the unruly,aggressive,violent,by whatever means they have at hand, their hand, no Taser is in that hand,nor pepper
spray either.Indeed these occurrences have seen patients armed with various makeshift weapons, chairs etc. yet orderlies the task at hand, and this, even yet with no damage to the person.Yet it seem that huge burly police cannot accomplish the same? How very odd that is,they even yet wear body armor and other protective equipments,yet orderlies do not.

Also available,and has proven effective in use in riot like conditions etc in many countries, particularly Britain, the use of rubber bullets. Amazingly rubber bullets, their use,in Britain has been frowned on as they seem to have
caused an occasional death, however, the Taser has provably caused yet more.
In applicable cross technology, is,perhaps, the developmental use of paintballs, and paintball guns, a field of endeavour worth considering, a form of outgrowth of the rubber bullet.

Further more there is pepper spray available, stinging,extremely stinging,yet the use of pepper spray has seemingly been abandoned by police, yet it's use is banned in some countries,Canada for example, except for use by police. There are alternatives, far less lethal alternatives.

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