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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sceret Squirrel Sees Bias,Media & Judicial,In RC Church Scandal

Secret Squirrel has decided to comment on the rather contentious issue of pedophiles within religious groups,within religions,such as the Roman Catholic Church and other religions, such as the Hebrew(Jewish), religion as well as amongst others.Why is there such a great problem for and being directed against, the Roman Catholic religion and yet,obviously, not others, in governmental functions,in media, in the judicial system?Well,the Catholic Church is organized,there is a central figure of focus.Catholic Diocese of Leeds faces pedophile compensation bill,reads the headline, yes, the Church is sued, the Diocese is sued........but compared with the
Hebrew religion and structure, there can be no suit directed against them as a "religion", as a "church" as such,hardly fair,equitable and just, that isn't justice then is it. The Hebrew religion is not centralized,there is no specific focus, just look at the activities of those of the other religion(s).........and we're just scratching the surface here.....have a look at this small collection of pedophile rabbis garnered from the internet.......



and this one poses also the question of why targeting only one specific religion,

Obviously there is a great problem there as well isn't there, larger kept quiet,largely kept out of the press, largely unexposed.Individual priests are routinely attacked, but there is a long list of pedophile rabbis with
almost NO media coverage.Why the difference?One does have to ponder that there is some form of agenda being worked against the Catholic Church, but a similar event can't be worked against other religions it seems. Indeed even yet, we won't go in to Senators and other government officials engaged in such acts and who have committed such acts, but are largely ignored by the media and the courts.Here one concludes that one is being directly and easily attacked,due to it being organized and centralized, whilst the other is not since it's structure is not centralized,there is no central authority figure,no central "in charge" figure,the organization of the religion there is one of disorganization,there is no focus as such in it's structure, and as such there is in fact a focused,directed ,political,judicial and media agenda being directed against the organized,centralized Roman Catholic Church.As to pedophiles they come from every walk of life,for example daycare workers, teachers, sports coaches, scout leaders, and lots of other positions,however, the groups,companies,organizations they work for
and/or are a member of, in equality and equity judicially,are not and seemingly cannot be,sued across the board.

Curious that is.Lawsuits against some, and not others,not et all, for the same happenings.Clearly,here then,the disorganized religious groups are at a distinct judicial advantage when it comes to justice and any lawsuits, their "priest" or rabbis, are on their own, yet the same judicial advantage is not applied with
respect to the Roman Catholic Church, a distinct judicial disadvantage,a judicial inequality, a judicial inequity.As to any victims being compensated,well it is really true, there is justice for some, but not for all,not in equality and equity by any means,victims of the other religions are by no means compensated in an equal and equitable fashion.However the Church,the Roman Catholic church,is at a disadvantage, as IT is being blamed for the problem. In actuality there are probably no more, in ratio, of pedophiles in the Roman Catholic church,than there
are in the rest of society, but those others can't provide,or aren't forced to provide, compensation in equal fashion,rather they are treated as what they and the priests really are, individuals. As to Rabbis,given the sum total amount of priests, in equity and in ratio, there are more rabbis in that category than ratioed priests, it's just that the priests and the Roman Catholic Church, are being obviously given directed media scrutiny and attack.

Clearly something MUST be done about this problem in society, but it must all be in judicial equity and equality,and,misfortunately as it presently is, this is not so.

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