The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Secret Squirrel On Ensuring A Vote For All In Britain

Secret Squirrel has turned his attention to the problem of large election voting queues,the denial of the vote and of voting abilities due to the same, and has a cure for the problem of the loss of voting rights of some of the population of Britain,due to inabilities for them in casting their precious and even yet supposedly sacred right to cast a ballot.The people SHALL vote, all SHALL vote!Now let's ponder the election results,from a pole station standpoint. Labour obviously was running a gimped polling,voting, system,a system they arranged. There were huge queues, and many were unable to cast their ballots.It's time for a change in the archaic system.It is obviously time to change that system,to restructure,to create a system such that all can easily cast their ballots,that the voice of all those who choose to vote can be heard through their vote.It involves electoral reform,but how?Well,not to worry,I have found out, through experience and research, that such a system already exists,is in use, and works in practice,but not yet in Britain.

Rather importantly for us,in Britain, across the great pond, in America, and even yet in the lowly former crown colony,the ridiculous nation of Canada,ridiculously,there don't seem to be problems with huge queues,as in left out in them, people unable to vote. No indeed, that's because the ridings each have far more polling stations available, hence resulting in very small, very short, or next to no queues at all. Indeed polling stations are set up, in the national interest, in schools(even whilst schools are in session, no problem there), and also, in churches,their basements,local halls etc. and can be found in other suitable locations,in necessary abundance.In short,quite plainly put, there are more polling stations distributed round and about.So too must it be in Britain, yet more added to all existing ridings, and certainly much more added in ridings where there were vast queues which left many locked out from being allowed to, and able to, exercise their enfranchisement, the right to vote. Of course, that means some paper work to distribute,re-distribute actually, the voters to their directed polling stations, but that can all easily be worked out as they have worked it all out in North America,in short, it's attainable for Britain, it's not space nor rocket science.

Also, across the great pond, polls close at 8 or 9,dependent and whatever, yet election results are firmly in hand by 12 midnight,not completely and utterly and entirely,but sufficiently to have the election decided in most elections.At worst it's the next day in an election in a near minority question,as well, when the results are firmly known. It is important to note that the actual results,don't take days by any great means whatsoever. That isn't done here, and can't be done, with the system as it is,as it was arranged by the previous government. We must change the system of polling such that it mirrors the system in effect and used there,a proven working system, thus introducing efficiency in counting ballots.

Obviously we must also mirror this form of voting in it's entirety, the organization of it all,the exquisite organization of it all, as compered with the willy nilly idiocy of the present electoral system in effect in Britain. To the task at hand gentlemen,take the matter up with your local government representative and others,with the media for example,the press and television video news services for example, and get the system of voting and counting changed to a right proper efficient one!Contemporize,miniaturize,that's the key!

Secret Squirrel.

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