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Friday, June 4, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The European Union

Secret Squirrel has studied Europe,The European Union,as it'd called it's formation and transition and how it regards itself and most definitely appears to be at the present time,a Nation rather than a simple European Economic Union (EEC).
Picture this, Europe,united,the European Union, has a central parliament,makes some laws for ALL to follow, allows individual states of Europe to have their own local laws,as the United States does.They appointed a President over it all,as it were, but the President is not elected out of the people of Europe, but rather in a form dictatorially appointed by representatives of the member national states of the European Union.The Confederate States of America, did much the same thing, first appointing a President out of their selection, then moving towards a form of election of the President. They are trying to develop a central common currency, in transition,and do have one ,but not succeeding well there in terms of it's declining faith/value internally and world wide, but in the due process entirely moving towards it.It's currency structure is much that of the Confederate States Of America as it was, and Europe is presently. Now isn't Europe as it is then structured as the United States,is really,in having a Central Federal type of central government, thence also separate nation/state governments much as the American states are, and so shouldn't it therefor be considered to be as ONE country, as it were, in all things, in sports for example, the Olympics, why should each state of Europe be allowed to send so very many athletes therefor, whilst the United States gets to send, by comparison, a very few? Shouldn't also Europe then be forced to close hundreds of diplomatic missions etc abroad, and then be forced to have one in each, etc as does the United States? Shouldn't, indeed,Europe be forced to ONE seat at the United Nations,ONE seat on all United Nations Committees of whatever kind,and,of course, ONE seat on the Security Council as well, in keeping with global propriety and fairness to ALL the other nations of the world?Shouldn't the European Union, as it is, be forced to be regarded as a single nation and treated as such ,in fairness to all nations of the world?

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