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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Secret Squirrel Ponders Divorce,The Marriage Problem.

Secret Squirrel has turned his attentions to the problems of marriage,and the fact that it very generally ends in divorce. Let use consider now, that the Marriage rate,in any particular given year,is for the USA 9.8/1000,the UK 6.8/1000,and a general average world wide 6.5/1000.The Divorce rate,in any particular given year,is for the USA 4.9/1000,the UK 3.08/1000,and a general average world wide 1.3/1000.

These figures are much more interesting than the percentage of population figures usually presented,for one must take in to account the actual divorces per year, versus the actual marriages per year, to arrive at the proper figure.So,the American divorce rate is actually then 50%,the UK also 50%(on the brighter side Australia is at 33%).The stated average length of marriage in the USA, before divorce, is given at being 8 years.
The probability of a first marriage ending in separation or divorce within 5 years is 20 percent, but the probability of a premarital cohabitation breaking up within 5 years is 49 percent. After 10 years, the probability of a first marriage ending is 33 percent,compared with 62 percent for cohabitations.

So, divorce is very much a reality. It's true that there are prenuptual agreements in CERTAIN lands, but not in others,and even yet attempts at prenuptual agreements result in failure in those lands not legally allowing them,they generally claim that the female mind was utterly besotted with love such that she could not think straight.Still others allow a prenup only should it favor the female, any such agreement see as being in disfavour for the female is generally dealt under the "she was so utterly and totally besotted with love such as she could not think straight" category.In others the division of property etc within the marriage is simply totally 50% of what was accrued in a marriage, by the male.Generally, males come out on the short end totally there seemingly it is actually they who are so besotted as to not being able to think straight. In short,generally, marriage is really a very good occupation,a business as it were, for women.For men,in many lands, marriage is thence a quick trip to bankruptcy,the poor house,much as the arrival of a hurricane what with all the sucking and blowing,leaving one,the male, with nothing. In short, marriage looked at in this light, the light of day,is certainly not an attractive venture.However, divorce is,for some,the female.Indeed there are re-marriages,and the divorce rate for remarriages is in the range of 40% of those.

So, in view of the facts and figures, we see that there is a bias towards women,and that divorce, for them, is in fact, a rather all equity and fairness would it not be much more equitable, in the very least,to adhere to binding prenup agreements,AND to allow,say,only one divorce per person, which of course means, one marriage,one divorce. With any subsequently remarriage, they each keep separately whatever they accrue during the marriage,what they make is theirs, what they purchase is theirs, what they purchase jointly must be divided equally,gifts remain the property of the recipient,any expenses in the marriage decided on by prenup agreement and adhered to.Should one partner in a divorcee remarriage, should the other partner not yet be divorced, is subject to the same conditions as mentioned for re-marriage.I do believe that such a system would serve both men and women equitably,in proper fairness to all.

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