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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The Evils of the Curly Lightbulb (CFL's,CFB's).

Secret Squirrel has examined the unhealthy,unsafe,uneconomical CFL (CFB) lightbulbs, the replacements for the incandescent bulbs which governments are commencing to force on the general public.Did you know that each CFL bulb contains about 5 milligrams of mercury,highly toxic and indestructible mercury. Recall how batteries containing an infinitesimal amount of mercury, by comparison, were banned, and recall that the quantities of curly bulbs, by comparison with possible mercury battery uses, will be mega time more in numbers yet as well.So, where and what is
the problem then with the poisonous substance called mercury which the government wanted so reduced as to ban mercury containing batteries. Curious, that's all gone by the board, but NOT as a viable and real problem.

Obviously the Congress, in advocating the massively mercury containing mercury curly bulbs,emanates massive idiocy.There will be billions of these bulbs disposed of, in the garbage, as would have been the much smaller in quantity, infinitesimal mercury content batteries,by comparison, which were declared enviro hazards, and banned for
a far lesser amount of mercury.And, what with 5 milligrams of mercury, if one of these breaks, you,your children, your pets will have a major eco problem,you can become injected with mercury by handling the broken bulb glass,absorb it
through your skin,and also,most definitely, can inhale the mercury as well.A research group,headed by Robert Hurt, director of the Institute for Molecular and Nanoscale Innovation, broke a series of new and used CFLs to measure
the release of mercury vapor into the air. In the hour immediately after each breakage, the team recorded mercury gas concentrations near the bulb shards between 200–800 μg/m3. For comparison, the average 8-hour occupational exposure limit allowed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is 100 μg/m3. Within 4 days a new 13-W CFL released about 30% of its mercury, with the remainder appearing to remain trapped in the bulb debris; picking up the glass shards after breakage reduced mercury release by 67%. Used bulbs followed similar patterns but with
lower rates. The study, which was funded by the NIEHS Superfund Basic Research Program, was reported in the August 2008 issue of Environmental Science & Technology.

Also, recall and note they claim 5 year life for curly bulbs,stating that they are much more cost efficient and that goes on and on,.Yet in practice and use,these bulbs, which they say use 75% less energy, and last 10 times more,have a life of less than a year,as YOU also no doubt know,and cost so much more than do ordinary
incandescents, 6 to 8 times more,such that you are paying more for having used them,there is no saving for you, but actually much more cost.Indeed,also,they cannot function in motion detector environment,nor environments where they are frequently turned on or off,as it vastly reduces it's already less than a year lifespan.They also take longer to switch on, needing,in effect, a warm up time of 5 minutes to reach proper full brightness,and, don't function at all, in most cases at all in COLD.

They can also interfere with,and generate RF noise and interference with radios,cordless phones, stereos,tv's,remote controls.It has also been found by some people, that they are severely adversely effected by being close to the curly CFL's, they have developed large rashes from being near them,particularly about their faces,sunburn like rashes,RF(radio frequency) rashes, and yet also, have been linked to causing seizures in some people.Also,their generated UV is fantastically higher than the standard and safe incandescent bulb.Some people are exquisitely sensitive to ultraviolet light. Auto immune diseases such as lupus, inflammatory disease such as rosacea, and certain drugs such as HCTZ can be triggered by even small amounts of UV light from CFL's.Also bulbs have also been know to burn out in strange fashion, brightly arcing and emanating malodorous acrid smoke from about their bases.These bulbs are in fact,dangerous in their construction and content, and are unproven technology,untested technology,and are being forced on us,enforced on us, for political reasons.They will,and are massively environmentally unsound and most definitely unsafe as compared with the docile lightbulbs they are going to forcibly replace. They will be, and are, a business and economic gold mine for the
lightbulb manufacturers,but are,in fact, an unsafe,unhealthy goldmine for the general public,they are,in fact, the twisted,lightbulbs of death.

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