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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The Future Demolition Of Skyscrapers.

Secret Squirrel now turns his attention to the demolition of huge skyscrapers,indeed it will be much as the World Trade Center,WTC, collapses were,the exact same effects,on people in the surrounding vicinity, and the environment and buildings surrounding such a demolished skyscraper,it can be no less,perhaps yet more depending on higher heights of any such building,just....normally so.They nearby,will rue the day the end of life comes for a skyscraper, it can be no other way,they've made it so.

The catastrophic destruction of the WTC,by whatever means,the collapse of the structures,by whatever means,whether the collapses mimicked exactly controlled demolition of the buildings(with the American and other citizens,fire department firemen,police,rescue crews,ambulance crews etc et all,trapped inside, in the thousands, and subsequent fires spewed an enormous cloud of dust and toxins into the air over the city,just as if they had been demolished, on Sept. 11, 2001, created an immense dust cloud followed by fires that emitted smoke and soot into the air of New
York City well into December.

Outdoor pollutant levels in lower Manhattan returned to urban background levels after about 200 days as the fires were put out and the debris cleanup was completed. However, particulate matter (PM) from the original collapse and fires also penetrated into commercial and residential buildings. This has created public concern because WTC dust is thought to cause adverse pulmonary symptoms including "WTC cough" and reduced lung capacity.Pulverized building materials predominated in the initial time period after the collapse, while combustion-derived pollutants increased as rescue, recovery and cleanup progressed and continued.

The fires at Ground Zero(usually created when such a vast building collapses inwards,implodes,is demolished,created toxic combustion products, such as dioxins, volatile organic compounds, and various other known carcinogenic compounds. Contaminants such as asbestos, silica, PCBs, hydrochloric acid and heavy metals were also found in the dust and ash resulting from the fallen Towers.

Any subsequent demolition at the end of any skyscraper lifespan, would obviously very much produce the same toxic dust clouds blanketing a vast area surrounding the demolished building(s).New York agreed on a payout,paltry,for the dust and asbestos(mind other materials can equally effect as asbestos. Many modern buildings already built,as was the WTC made massive use of asbestos, and these will create those massive clouds as well,just as did WTC. So, to demolish and then give a platrey payout to citizens of the area within whatever nation and/or American city where a skyscraper is demolished?

The effects can hardly be any different. The larger,the taller, the building, the more immense the toxic cloud of gas and blanketing dust is created.This dust will,and did,also heavily seep indoors, in to buildings around the WTC, and would,to any building in the environ of said demolished skyscraper.One in four cleanup workers at Ground Zero reportedly
suffer from asthma and respiratory illness brought about by dust inhaled at the site,and so too would any workers working about cleanup at any similarly collapsed,demolished by whatever means, skyscraper.

Some airborne pollutants and dust were resuspended as a result of ongoing cleanup efforts,and so too the same will and does occur at any skyscraper controlled demolition following the end of any ,normal,useful life.There are also secondary pollution concerns include possible contamination of waterways in the immediate vicinity of such a controlled,or otherwise, demolition collapse of any skyscraper,just as was in and around lower Manhattan as well as the challenge of where to dispose of the catastrophe's 1.2 million tons of toxic waste such buildings seem
to be presently, and probably ever will be full of in future as well.


SOURCE: Adapted from Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 109, No. 11, November 2001.

"Asbestos Carcinogenic. Causes tissue damage in the lungs when inhaled over long periods and can lead to

asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. Used as an insulator and fire retardant, applied to steel beams.

Benzene Flammable and carcinogenic. Short-term effects include dizziness, headaches, and tremors. Long-term exposure can lead to leukemia. Occurs with the combustion of plastics.

Copper Can cause dizziness, headaches, vomiting, liver and kidney damage. Found in electrical wiring and cables.

Dioxins Chloracne is a short-term effect of exposure. Strong evidence for carcinogenic, teratogenic,
reproductive, and immuno-suppressive effects. Combustion of polyvinyl chloride found in electrical cables and other insulating materials.

Freon Damages the ozone layer. When burned, can produce phosgene, a potent cause of severe and life-threatening pulmonary edema.Found in refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment.

Lead Neurotoxin. Damages the central nervous system, especially in children. Can also cause kidney damage and reproductive damage in adults. Found in rustproofing paint used on steel beams.

Particulate matter Asthma trigger. Can also aggravate cardio-vascular disease. Pulverized concrete and other materials, smoke, dust and soot.

Polychlorinated biphenyls Carcinogen. May also cause reproductive and developmental abnormalities. These are found in electrical equipment.

Sulfur dioxide is a pulmonary toxicant. Can cause severe airway obstruction when inhaled at high concentrations. This is a product of combustion."

These would be found in and occur,with any major demolition of any skyscraper up to this date, and,unquestionably will continue in yet to be built buildings as building processes won't and haven't changed overnight.What is being stated here is that the impact of demolishing one of these skyscrapers will have the same effects on humanity and it's health,as did the WTC collapsings,and that is one massive effect. Obviously what I'm leading to,is that we should not in fact be building these types of super skyscraper buildings,as demolition processes and practices will
not be, and cannot be, any different from the WTC building collapses,and that they will all in their own right, create one giant adverse health affecting event in the exact same manner as did the WTC building collapses. Not that these skyscrapers are accidents waiting to happen, they are events that will happen when their time to be demolished comes, and they will have the exact same effects on humanity in the area, as did and does the WTC collapses to this very day.There will be,and cannot be, any escaping this fact.

The actual cost of cleanup of WTC,now appears to be $700 million.Obviously in terms of the cleanup costs of such skyscrapers after demolition,an enormous
figure.The health,environmental impact, and costs of actually cleanup of the site and the surrounding area,will be exactly the same..........only in normal demolition there won't be a cost of 2995 lives,but just the numbers in later years of those who will suffer the cancers and other diseases from the dust aftermath,again, similar in exactitude to the WTC collapses.

The Australian city of Melbourne is presently struggling with skyscrapers, the tallest building there is 91 stories,the WTC buildings were merely 110 stories........wouldn't it be better for Australia, and the rest of the world, to impose a 50 story limit on skyscrapers, at least the effects of demolition when their time comes will then be only half as bad.

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