The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Secret Squirrel On Financial Problems

MRL Explains The Mortgage Crisis

Here Secret Squirrel ponders the huge mortgage crisis which has in fact caused a huge banking crisis, forcing some banks in the US in to insolvency.

First, we have a Government that doesn't like big government, and which gave huge tax breaks to rich people,and increasingly taxed lower and middle class Britons.

Second, Government has failed to regulate banking and mortgage lending institutions because we have a ruling Parliamentary administration that trusts itself rather than the free enterprise knowledgeable business sector to make smart decisions.

Third, the bankers gave million and millions of pounds to vast amounts of immigrant peoples who couldn't possibly afford nor keep up with their mortgage payments,and then gave themselves massive bonuses justifying them by the outstanding yet to come in so called massive mortgage value investments they regarded themselves as having wisely made.

Fourth, all these people buying houses they couldn't afford spawned a huge construction boom,increasing the numbers of houses which then required mortgages for people to purchase,which caused the government to increase immigration since the houses would otherwise have been left empty.

Fifth, when the people who couldn't afford the mortgages, they,of course,defaulted on their payments, leaving the banks with houses they either couldn't resell or else had to attempt to resell at reduced rates to divest themselves of the houses and at least try to recover some of their losses,ever sending the mortgage lending banks in to near bankruptcy conditions.

Sixth, the bankers the tried to, or managed to, sell their mortgage debts to some form of collection agencies,which in turn couldn't recover even their vastly reduced costs, endangering their existence as well due to the sheer volume of unpaid debts still outstanding.

Seventh, as more and yet even more people defaulted on their mortgages and abandoned their homes, the supply of vacant homes started driving down the value of homes,and the values of as yet empty new construction homes, dropping the values below what many people owed in mortgages on them, and forcing the construction companies to commence to take losses on their investment in the home construction.More vacant homes glutted the market, driving home values down even more.

Eighth, the new home building industry virtually shut down because no one was buying new homes when you could steal one out of foreclosure. Thousand of construction workers lost their jobs, creating even more people who couldn't afford their mortgage payments, increasing the volume of defaults and foreclosures.

Ninth, the Government then had to start bailing out banking institutions and construction companies,creating out of the ignorance of the bankers who started it all,yet more and greater debts for the British taxpayer at large.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL On Increasing The Value Of The Pound

Secret Squirrel ponders the pound, and figures out a way of increasing it's value.
Have you got a 20p worth £50 in your pocket? Thousands of undated coins produced in Royal Mint blunder.

The Daily Mail informs us that a rare error at the Royal Mint means that tens of thousands of the coins produced earlier this year don't have 2009 stamped on them. Coin experts say the lack of a date makes them worth £50 each, and potentially much more in future.However things are very interesting as it has been stated,according to The Sun, that the Government Mint, has stated it will buy back these coins from the public at a rate of 50Pounds..............curious, from 20p value to 50pounds retrograde, why that's a loss of Pounds 49.80 on each............the best the Labour Government can do is loose the public's money.

Interesting but worth mentioning what with the fall of the pound in value................It seems that to save Britain's currency, it only has to be printed or stamped without a date on it. One wonders if the Labour government will realize this or remain in it's usual state of stupefied inactivity. Why the mind boggles, let's see, 20p, means each pound of course has 100p, at 100p, this would make a pound value in direct mathematical relationship...........250Pounds...........that would certainly improve the lot of the British citizenry.
But alas and alack, what does the Government do, try to buy back the valuable currency at a high rate........what a sad and sorry lot Labour are.

Secret Squirrel.
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL On World Finances,Monetary Speculation

Herein Secret Squirrel presents a monetary and fiscal policy, for I have found a way to actually make money, short of printing it,by means of monetary speculation,making the pound work for you.

It's easily done, we take advantage, full advantage, of monetary policies the
present day British government has created to help out third world nations, monetary
policies which have assisted those nations to the detriment of the British people.

Indeed there is money to be made, actually, off of these third world nation monetary and fiscal policies,namely, that the monetary value of their utterly ridiculous currencies,remains fixed against THE BRITISH POUND!! In short, as their currency diminishes in value on the world currency markets, it does not diminish against the British pound.For example, the British Pound is fixed at a rate near $2.25 Canadian, against 1 British pound. Now, the said currency, or that of any other similar third world nation, remains rate fixed against the British pound, but not against the currency of other nations, say, for example, the American Dollar. Now supposing there has been, as often is, by any third world currency, such as the mentioned Canadian dollar,a decline in value against the American dollar. What we do,
is take our British pound and ..............

1) Buy American Dollars

2) Apply this purchase of American Dollars and buy up the currency of the foreign third world nation, such as the here mentioned Canadian Dollar,specificly,getting much more currency as it is much lower valued against the American Dollar at that point.

3) We then go, take the exampled Canadian Dollar,of which we have much more than before and on the world markets, purchase back British pounds,leaving us with a huge profit,why, because the pound is fixed against the Canadian dollar for Canadians, hence the pound is $2.25 Canadian,$2.25 Canadian gets you 1 British Pound.

4) Now We repeat the process ever onwards,starting with using the Pound to buy up the declining against the pound, US Dollar.

The net result is a totally realized profit, and we will have made money,more money, and continuously much more money off of our simply having kept the British pound, and properly utilized monetary policies within the existing world money markets.

Good sound business practices properly applied by an M.R.L. government, will result
in a net profit for the British people!!
Also an extremely good reason not to switch to the collapsing and unbalanced,unsure,declining in value, Euro!!!!!


Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

The MRL Solves Britain's Foreign Generated Financial Crisis.

Well now,Secret Squirrel has seen that Britain has become a victim of the American economic failures..............sadly dragged down with them,causing a foreign generated financial crisis. But there is a way things can be turned to advantage, economically and financially speaking. The whole event was caused by those across the puddle, not being able to tend to an economy..........well, that can be said of ours as well...................but unlike the government of Britain, the MRL has a solution to this disastrous economic recession event. Now what needs be done, is to simply declare to THE CANADIANS, that their currency is worth only 50 cents(Canadian), to the Dollar (U.S.). Now the reason we can do this is because the Canadians don't have an economy to speak of anyway, and merely print up their currency as they require. Now how does this benefit us? Well, we use then British pound to buy up Canadian currency, at the 50cent value rate against the pound we have all this ectera Canadian money............and the Canadians get useful British currency to buy things with, a currency they can actually use in the world. Now, farther on, we use the British pound to buy up American dollars round and about the world. This WILL help the Americans as it will shore up their currency removing it effectively, eventually from the world markets. THEN we take the American money, and buy up British pounds with it, effectively pounding the American currency. This gives the Americans back their money, in America, so they can buy things in America with it, and it floods the world with useful British pounds, shoring up the pound and enabling the world to have the British pound as a monetary basis,beside Britain effectively DOUBLING and REDOUBLING and QUADRUPLING Britain's monetary security. Problem solved.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-De-ranged Re-Engineering.

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