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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Government Says Let Them Drink Sewage Water.

Secret Squirrel has discovered that San Diego, and it's people, are soon to be drinking sewage water,recycled and pure, the government claims,rather than clean pure natural or desalinated drinking water.In Arabia the US government funds desalinators for them,no drinking recycled sewage water for them, no sir, only something clean and pure.But San Diego has been chosen to get to drink recycled sewage water,whether they like it or not, and believe you me, they don't like it,and don't want it, and have voted against it.Wonderful for them?Do they want to?Do they like to? They voted against it, the mayor vetoed it, the government will see to San Diego gets what it wants them to, it wants them to drink sewage water, water it claims,recycled, is clean and pure.In Australia the town of Toowoomba voted against it, they won't get it,they have a choice, given a vote they exercised it, the government there, of the people of Australia, followed it, followed the will, and wishes of it's people,the people of Australia. America it seems, doesn't believe in following the wishes of it's people, as they claim, for the good of it's people.So it goes, different lands, different governments.

So,then ,Why not Washington,D.C. for this experiment, why not New York City, why not San Francisco?Indeed the government of the USA, funds massive desalinators for the Arabs to drink clean,pure water,and face it all along the coast, as San Diego, many coastal cities are just that, sited and situated, on the sea.why not fund the same for desalinator plants for San Diego,for the people of San Diego, for the American people?Why not,indeed, let the Arabs drink sewage?Seems not, isn't a good idea there,isn't it cheaper,less expensive, less of a bother,less problem, far less problem? Why are Americans to drink sewage water? Why indeed.

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