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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Secret Squirrel On Necessary British Parliamentary Reform.

Secret Squirrel has realized that the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives are intent on reform of the British Parliament,but presently focus heavily only on the House of Lords. But there is yet another area that requires great reform, that of the Office of the Prime Minister itself.In short Parliamentary reform must be carried out yet further. Look at the unelected Prime Minister,Gordon Brown, who caused Britain much suffering with his malicious,childish nature. Unelected? Yes!

You see,in Britain, the Queen ,MAY, choose anybody she wishes as Prime Minister, one not even yet elected to Parliament, much as me,you or anybody else, walking down the street.But in reality, the Queen usually selects the leader of the majority party, even if he was not elected as a Member of Parliament,in short, doesn't have a Parliamentary seat.The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the majority party, regardless, so Tony Blair, on stepping down, caused the Labour party to hold a leadership convention,meeting etc., and so, on appointing a new party leader, said selected leader of the incumbent majority ruling party,became Prime Minister.Now without interfering or attempting to, her personal selection, the Liberal Democrats and the Tories should get together, and adjust the rules that they are permitted to.

In other words, if an incumbent Prime Minister,dies in office, or steps down,retires etc., then there is a temporary replacement,such as the deputy Prime Minister in whatever else order on down,but that in such an event, within THREE MONTH, an election must be called and held,in avoidance of such an occurrence as occurred with Tony Blair stepping down early and replacing himself with the termed, unelected,Gordon Brown,to the ,as it occurred, improper leadership of the people of Britain.

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