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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Secret Squirrel On Non Wind Turbine Wind Turbines

Secret Squirrel has researched wind turbines, and their present uses,and has figured a way to reliably multiply their output cheaply,inexpensively, at a massive multiplied return,without relying on the uncertain availability of wind at any particular time,direction, and available speed force.Presently 50,000 wind turbines globally produce 50billion kwh..........powered by wind, sometimes there, sometimes
not, and are dependent on wind speed.......they average,according to wind speed,say 33mph constant, with propeller blades size as follows:

10 meters 25kw output

80 meters 2500kw output

Latest breakthroughs have boosted this by 33%,1/3rd really,so,that's good isn't it. But there are limitations you know.

The wind turbine is dependent on size of the blades, hence influenced by the maximum speed at which the wind can drive them.Also the consequence is that wind energy from a particular turbine or wind farm does not have as consistent an output as fuel-fired power plants,or other driven means of generation.

But what if.....they motor driven by a motor consuming a paltry number of get this, watts,a,say 275 watt and this is a high figure for motors, would return 2500kw less 275 watts, and say since these turbine generator could be stacked in, say, a properly geared group of 4,geared,gear driven, output,for the package,would be 10,000KW for the paltry consumption less 275watts for the driving very worth it isn't it, and not dependent on the whims of the whimsical wind is it? A FREE return of 9999.725KW, and a nice constantly available output isn't it.

At 33mph winds generators turn their max capacity, at 45mph, they actually shut down,(some have variable pitch propellers to keep things going,endeavoring to turn slower,dumping excess wind through pitch propeller control). so our regulated speed electric motor driving package could constantly supply power, guaranteed, not subject to wind availability, nor wind speed.Think of the multiplication provided in terms of power generation! We consume a paltry amount of the required power to drive the package, and get a massive,constantly available return!Go figure!Go figure
yourself!Few else seem to though.This system has an added plus, it can be multiplied, and placed virtually anywhere,even in the midst of cities,wherever necessary,manufacturing plants can easily house such a generator pack system, in single or multiple as they require! True versatility,built in flexibility!!

May the constantly driven speed force be with you!!

(To convert KW into watts multiply KW (x) 1000,1000watts is 1kw.
A typical 1/8hp motor depends on type being 275watts,(.275kw)if standard, to 850watts(.850kw) if Capacitor type.)

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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