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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Secret Squirrel:Letter From America:Candy Bar Prohibition.

Secret Squirrel has remarked, prohibition has returned to America.The era of Prohibition saw the growth of organized crime in the United
States.Gangsters such as Dutch Schultz, Lucky Johnson, Al Capone, and Lucky Luciano made fortunes by supplying illegal beer and liquor to speakeasies across the country.

Some speakeasies were used as homes and offices by gangsters, who adopted an extravagant and easily identifiable lifestyle. Successful gangsters could be identified by their fashionable silk suits, expensive jewelry, and guns.There was much bootlegging....The term “bootlegging” came into use in the 1880s, when it referred to the practice of hiding flasks of illegal liquor inside boots.

Bootlegging was widespread in the United States during Prohibition. Even though the Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, the law was widely disobeyed by the public and even by government officials.

During Prohibition, the production of illegal beer and whiskey quickly expanded across the country. Bootleggers made large profits by distributing these products to speakeasies and other consumers. Bootlegging became an organized business run by crime families and gangsters, (e.g. Al Capone).And with prohibition, came the depression.Thankfully prohibition failed.Many people wonder why prohibition
failed. One of the primary reasons was that there just was not enough money, or police power to stop illegal places like speakeasies

(New York's 21 Club was a Prohibition-era speakeasy.A speakeasy, also called a Big toad or big ol ben, is an establishment that illegally sells alcoholic beverages) from popping up. Corruption also had a lot to do with the reason why prohibition ended up failing.

The following is a story out of Detroit, probably one of the best places to be a bootlegger or to find an illegal drink. "When the state police raided the Deutsches Haus at Mack and Maxwell, they arrested Detroit Mayor John Smith, Michigan Congressman Robert Clancy and Sheriff Edward Stein.However with the failure of prohibition, there too came the end of the depression.

Well,once again prohibition has returned to America, heralding another depression, heralding the rise of.bootleggers, and the return of speakeasies, and the return, eventually,and rise of organized crime families, to take over and run an efficient bootlegging business,satifying the needs of Americans. And now what has caused this?
Well,Your next trip to the gas station or stroll through the candy aisle might include smaller sized candy bars. Thanks to Michelle Obama lobbying Mars Candy to sign her “Healthier America” agreement you will no longer have the option to buy King Sized Candy. The theory is that stopping the production of king sized candy
bars will somehow drop the obesity rate in the states.Mind you,I know for a fact I didn't start to gain weight till far past my years,about age 40 when I wasn't eating candy bars at alland hadn't been for at least 10 years before that,take note,Michelle Obama.

Leave it up to the liberal lifestyle police to protect you from yourself… eating candy. Seriously? What’s next.It’s not that obesity in America isn’t an issue. It is. It’s that the government is interfering with the choices you make for your own
health. Now you’ll just lose a bit of money if you decide to buy two regular size candy bars to get the same amount of candy(until that becomes illegal).And you can be sure that if someone wants the equivalent of a king sized candy bar, he or she is going to buy two regular candy bars to feed the hunger. That is actually more food than the king sized bar, so Michelle’s little plan could actually make
us all fatter in the end. People who have self-control don’t gravitate towards king sized candy bars, and they never will. It is only those who want to stuff their faces with nougat-y wonder. Those people are going to eat what they want to eat no matter what.

Regardless of the compromise Mars made with Michelle Obama,(they are reducing the size of their choco bars down to 250 calories people will still eat more than 250 calories worth of candy bar.Smaller candy bars have always been available and people have been able to choose between small or large. Michelle Obama is simply limiting people's choice.
Regardless of the compromise Mars made with Michelle Obama, people will still eat more than 250 calories worth of candy bar.  Michelle Obama is simply limiting people's choice.This is important because the government is stepping in when they are not needed. Who is the government to tell us what we can and cannot eat?!

By doing this they are destroying the principles that the United States were founded on. The government is destroying our FREEDOM. If people are suffering from obesity, it's because they had the free will to make bad decisions...not because anyone forced them to buy fatty foods and become obese,but if mars or any other company make's em any smaller they'll be banned entirely soon as a choking hazard.

There are solutions to the problem and they are being taken.To counteract the effects of prohibition, some are buying out all of the king sized candy bars and store them to sell in the black market after the ban is enforced. I can see it now – refrigerated trench coats stuffed with oversized Snickers…kids hiding chocolate under their pillows like it’s marijuana…teens talking about how they got busted
for having a Twix fix behind the dumpster at Walmart…the horror! The horror!Freezers stocked to the overflow with the banned giant bars.We can also purcahse the tiny choco bars,unquestionably no longer than her husban'ds wee wee, and we can melt them together, two,three, four of'em, to get to our desired length.Yes,indeed, people are fighting this.Also they can be,and shall be, and are being,as I write this, shipped in by truck,or rail,or by ship, or actually flown in,from across the borders of America, from Canada, or Mexico,where they are still legal, just as alcohol was shipped in during alcohol prohibition.

Now bootleggers, such as Al Capone, were also busy making their own brew you know, and a recipe of Al Capone's prohibition beer,can be found at this URL......

Also to be found now on the internet, are the actual candy bar recipes which can be followed and tha bars made to any form of King Size the bootlegger wishes.........

here note......

These bear such bootlegged names as almond jay.twixt, snickles (read almond joy, twix,snickers.............)make'em long as you want.

also here try your hand at making a giant sized Bounty.........

Yes, there are solutions at hand, and bless those bootleggers taking them. And what then does it mean to you?Well, you know you must find a suitable speakeasy establishment dealing,serving,selling,these illicit,illegal large sized, giant sized, king sized...candy bars.

Recall duringthe Prohibition era, Chicagoans refused to let the booze stop flowing in their town. Illegal speakeasies popped up in every neighborhood to help quench a thirsty city. One could find bars in any number of basements, back rooms and soda shops.

Some of the speakeasies were less discreet than others. Music and alcohol flowed openly at the Green Mill Cocktail Lounge in Uptown, which had the support of Al Capone and was partly owned by gangster Jack “Machine Gun” McGurn. On the other hand, John Barleycorn in Lincoln Park claims it had a Chinese laundry as a cover and smuggled barrels of booze in under dirty sheets. Right across the street,
Bugs Moran ran Halligan’s, another hidden watering hole, and down the road, Marge’s Still brewed gin in an upstairs bathtub.And so too do candy bar speakeasies exist.All speakeasies require somebody in the know,you know, to know, and pass on the wisdom to their fellow candy bar consumers,secret codewords etc are required to gain entrance much as in the days of alcohol prohibition, indeed they are out there.

Here let me describe  how things are and what goes on in the candy bar speakeasy. How are they found? Well, they are well hidden,not right up front.They have,secret entrances,passages etc.Here let me elaborate.Secret passages, also commonly referred to as hidden passages or secret tunnels, are hidden routes used for stealthy travel. Such passageways are sometimes inside buildings leading to
secret rooms. Others allow occupants to enter or exit buildings without being seen. Hidden rooms help candy leggers carry out their illegal activities of providing illicit and illegal sized candies, and allow those who wish to, to consume them in a safe environment away from the prying eyes of the Feds,The Inscrutables.

Secret passages often have hidden or secret back doors that are camouflaged so that they appear to be part of the fire wall, or so that they appear to be an architectural feature such as a fireplace, a built-in bookcase or another feature or any establishment of the hidden consumption of king sized candy bars. Some entrances are more elaborately concealed and can be opened only by engaging a hidden mechanism or locking device. Other hidden doors are much simpler; a trapdoor hidden under a rug can easily conceal a secret passage.

Some buildings have secret areas built into the original plans,already, remnants of the era of alcohol prohibition.Some have a secret door used as an emergency exit built into the walls and hidden with a window sill or a bookcase.

Other secret passages have sometimes been constructed after the initial building, particularly secret tunnels. These tunnels have often been created as escape routesjust in case there is a raid by the Feds Inscrutables. These secret tunnels typically require a hidden opening or door, and may also involve other deceptive construction techniques, such as the construction of a false wall. Other tunnels
have been made for different reasons, such as smuggling tunnels used for smuggling in or out the contraband revenue,the king size choco bars.

Now I myself viewed one of these new,and ever being setup, speakeasies....there I was led to the location,walking down a hatch in the sidewalk and down an underground alley to get into Back Room.THe suitable password was given,the hidden door opened, and there............there in a dimly lit corner,I saw, The Ridiculous Flying Fatman himslef, Gerard Depardieu,the World's Fatest Frenchman,
there he was.Suddenly the chair gave way beneath his massive weight, he crashed down to the floor splintering the chair, pissing himself, holding out both arms with each holding a king sized candy bar, and pathetically screamed, "Je vu pisser!Je vu pisser! (which if you don't know french,means "I want to piss!I want to piss!").A memorable and sorry sight it was. Young people, 8-10 years old,lined benches along the wall, ravenously munching on the illicit king sized morsels,in a drunken orgy of self indulgence such as the likes of which I have never before witnessed. Teens begged the candy bar keep to be allowed further credit to purchase more of the governmentally denied and illicit king sized candy bars. Well let me tell you, as I write this, munching on my ill gotten gain, my illegal and illicit choco bar,here muncing on a Mr. Big,I tell you Michelle Obama, you will not succeed with prohibition, we shall persevere, we who love our king sized bars, we shall resist to the bitter end, we shall go underground, into  the secret illegal dens of candy bar
consumption.We shall speakeasy,and we shall overcome!!

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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