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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Secret Squirrel Comments On Felix Baumgartner's Claim To Be The First Freefall Human To Be Supersonic.

   Secret Squirrel has seen the headlines, basically they read

"Felix Baumgartner,First Man To Free Fall Breaking The Sound Barrier.",

but Secret Squirrel challenges the claim,scientifcally, taking in to account Newton's Second Law Of Motion, a scientifcally accepted and true fact of life and physics, a Law Of Physics, an unbreakable Law Of Physics. Indeed read on, view the scientific evidence, and ponder for yourself,scientificly.
Here ponder please the quoted scientific statemnt of Newton's Second Law Of Motion..........

Here commences the quoted epistle........
Newton's Second Law of Motion

Free Fall and Air Resistance

In a previous unit, it was stated that all objects (regardless of their mass) free fall with the same acceleration - 9.8 m/s/s. This particular acceleration value is so important in physics that it has its own peculiar name - the acceleration of gravity - and its own peculiar symbol - g. But why do all objects free fall at the same rate of acceleration regardless of their mass? Is it because they all weigh the same? ... because they all have the same gravity? ... because the air resistance is the same for each? Why? These questions will be explored in this section of Lesson 3.

In addition to an exploration of free fall, the motion of objects that encounter air resistance will also be analyzed. In particular, two questions will be explored:

    Why do objects that encounter air resistance ultimately reach a terminal velocity? 
In situations in which there is air resistance, why do more massive objects fall faster than less massive objects?

To answer the above questions, Newton's second law of motion (Fnet = m•a) will be applied to analyze the motion of objects that are falling under the sole influence of gravity (free fall) and under the dual influence of gravity and air resistance.

Free Fall Motion

As learned in an earlier unit, free fall is a special type of motion in which the only force acting upon an object is gravity. Objects that are said to be undergoing free fall, are not encountering a significant force of air resistance; they are falling under the sole influence of gravity. Under such conditions, all objects will fall with the same rate of acceleration, regardless of their mass. But why? Consider the free-falling motion of a 1000-kg baby elephant and a 1-kg overgrown mouse.

If Newton's second law were applied to their falling motion, and if a free-body diagram were constructed, then it would be seen that the 1000-kg baby elephant would experiences a greater force of gravity. This greater force of gravity would have a direct affect upon the elephant's acceleration; thus, based on force alone, it might be thought that the 1000-kg baby elephant would accelerate faster. But
acceleration depends upon two factors: force and mass. The 1000-kg baby elephant obviously has more mass (or inertia). This increased mass has an inverse affect upon the elephant's acceleration. And thus, the direct affect of greater force on the 1000-kg elephant is offset by the inverse affect of the greater mass of the 1000-kg elephant; and so each object accelerates at the same rate -
approximately 10 m/s/s. The ratio of force to mass (Fnet/m) is the same for the elephant and the mouse under situations involving free fall.

This ratio (Fnet/m) is sometimes called the gravitational field strength and is expressed as 9.8 N/kg (for a location upon Earth's surface). The gravitational field strength is a property of the location within Earth's gravitational field and not a property of the baby elephant nor the mouse. All objects placed upon Earth's surface will experience this amount of force (9.8 N) upon every 1 kilogram
of mass within the object. Being a property of the location within Earth's gravitational field and not a property of the free falling object itself, all objects on Earth's surface will experience this amount of force per mass. As such, all objects free fall at the same rate regardless of their mass. Because the 9.8 N/kg gravitational field at Earth's surface causes a 9.8 m/s/s acceleration of any object
placed there, we often call this ratio the acceleration of gravity.
Here ends the quoted epistle........

To this point in question, this has been found at

and so too being scientific proof, I have included the scientific physical reasoning here fully.

Well now we have a fine kettle of fish..........for those of you who wish to view this particular in question event, do so here at.

Mach they said, so the headlines said, but the question now is did Felix Baumgartner break the sound barrier? The former military parachutist rose in a purpose-built capsule beneath a giant helium balloon to a height of more than 128,000ft – almost four times the height of a cruising passenger airliner.His remarkable feat came exactly 65 years to the day after Chuck Yeager became the
first man to break the sound barrier in an aeroplane, and it was one of three world records Baumgartner set with his jump. He also smashed the records for the highest manned balloon flight and the highest skydive.So they said, but did he break the sound barrier in light of the above, in the light of Newon's laws?

BUT they claim he did, they say he was the first to do so...............but..............well, in light of Newton's laws,is it
possible........and further more, they claim he was the first to do so.WELL.....IF it was possible........then have not, say passengers, ejected from the breakup of jetliners, not then also break the soundbarrier, and certainly far more earlier. One must ascertain who was the first passenger so ejected,fro height, and THEN we would've found the first human to break the sound barrier,not that they survived
their landing by any means,but,unquestionably then, a human did break the sound barrier in free fall very much longer than did Baumgartner, he just jumped from higher up,and,of course, survived the landing,but he did and couldn't fall any faster than THEY did, given Newton's obsolutely physically unbreakable laws.

So reasons Secret Squirrel..and so too,do physicists.

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