The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Secret Squirrel Berates Canada On The Removal Of The Penny

Here's Secret Squirrel's two cents worth of opinion,taking note that Squirrel has never nickled and dimed you with his opinions,no indeed.And what is Squirrel's two cents worth concerned with? Squirrel is concerned with the Canadian government's remoival of the cent,the penny,,their pence as it were.It just makes no cents to do so as Squirrel sees it,just makes trouble for the Canadian population on the whole, the Canadian government treating them like so many holes,on the whole.Squirrel has a penny worth of thoughts on this subject and her shares them with you.

Firstly let's look at the history of the early pennies, as they were created for proper use,and right use, so very many centuries ago, by those far wiser than Canadian politicians.......

First pennies

Through the end of the 7th century, no Anglo-Saxon coins had been minted in any metal besides gold.

In Northumbria, pennies made of silver were being minted in the name of Bishop Eadbert (consecrated between 772 and 782, died between 787 and 789), some in
the name of his brother Archbishop Egbert (the shilling is one of the oldest of English coins, preceding the penny).

Pepin the Short, in about 735, minted the novus denarius. The novus denarius was based on the denarius and the penny was based on the novus denarius. He declared that 240 pennies or pfennigs should be minted from one Carolingian pound, approximately 326 grams (11.5 oz), of silver, so a single coin contained about 1.36 grams (0.048 oz) of silver. (As of December 2011, this would cost about £0.98).

Circa 790 Charlemagne instituted a major monetary reform, introducing a new silver penny with a smaller diameter but greater mass. Surviving examples of this penny have an average mass of 1.70 gram (although some experts estimate the ideal theoretical mass at 1.76 gram). The purity is variously given as 0.95 or 0.96.

The penny was introduced into England by King Offa, the king of Mercia (from 757 until his death in July 796), using as a model a coin first struck by Pepin the Short. King Offa minted a penny made of silver which weighed 221/2 grains or 240 pennies weighing one Saxon pound (or Tower pound—equal to 5,400 grains—as it was afterwards called), hence the term pennyweight.(Besides introducing the penny in to England, Offa was wise enought to wall dyke in the Welsh surrounding Wales with a huge earthworks dyke to be seen to the present day,to keep the Welsh in as it were, and so out of England as it was,he can't possibly have been ignorant there for by logical reasoning.)

    The coinage of Offa's lifetime falls essentially into two phases, one of the light pennies of medium flan comparable to those of the reign of Pepin and the first decades of that of Charlemagne in France, and another of heavier pennies struck on larger flans that date from Offa's last years and correspond in size to Charlemagne's novus denarius introduced in 793/4. But the sceat fabric survived in East Anglia under Beonna and until the mid 9th century in Northumbria, while the new-style coinages were not merely those of Offa, but were stuck also by king of East Anglia, Kent, and Wessex, by two archbishops of Canterbury, and even in the name of Offa's queen, Cynethryth.Henry III in 1257 minted a gold penny which had the value of twenty silver pence. The weight and value of the silver penny steadily declined from 1300 onwards.

And so the penny was, in wisdom, born, so very early on.And so what of the day, the present day...........what have we to say, but.........

A penny for your thoughts, a popular saying, a popular request, the politicians, the Canadian politicians, thought it far too cheap for their thoughts, swelled head that they have, so they thought they rewrite it to A Nickel for your thoughts,well their thoughts and actions aren't worth a cent really, t'is true, subconciously they knew it, but their ego's wouldn't let them drop it to half a cent,and they certainly think your thoughts aren't worth a cent.Scots now ridicule Canadians openly saying, "Eye y'a 'av na got a penny fur ma tots.",and the Irish say "Ah begoran ya 'ave no got a penny fer ma thoughts." as well.Sadly tghis Canadian move has sorely affected Scottish and Irish thoughts but of course Canadian politicians don't care a rats arse for the thoughts of Scots nor the Irish.

Further their egos drove'em on, knowing there was the expression,bad penny, knowing that politicians were referred to as bad pennies,so the penny just had to go.Well they can still be called and referred to as bad nickels if things come to that,as they shall.

Another expression they've done in is A penny saved is a penny earned.Well now Canadians can't be said to earn a penny,it's destroyed the nation what the politicians have donenot that they knew, or know, or could possibly know that that''s exactly what they've done,that's what they were dooing, nay,not themwhy they've gone and turned the Canadians in to a bunch of penniless sad sacks doomed to lives of penury without a penny.Top it all off now the Canadian government won't give two cents to their complaints.
Even kids have gotten nickled and dimed by the Canadian government as this means the end of their fav penny whistle candy, and horrors, no more penny bubble gum balls, no doubt the politicians realizing this are moving in on the gum ball machine racket.I never put it past them.

And so too are gone penny ante busineses,for the politicians have now decided to undoubtablye come out of the closet and go hard core with their arranged businesses,organized crime it all is.

Gone now too are the days of the Penny Arcade, sad pasing for the Canadians, victims of the politicians.Gone too are the days that foreign nations got a red cent from Canada, now not even yet that for them. The Canadian government just has no cents and centsibility.Why just look at the wisdom of the British, the Euro and the pound et all, and through it all the Brits kept their pence,it can't be said that the Brit PM hasn't got his pence, but it can be said that the Canadian Prime Minister hasn't got any cents.Let's just look at how things have changed now that Canada has eliminated the penny, at least in Canada.......

Well, first of all, I'm worth every penny.
Howard Stern

A penny is a lot of money, if you have not got a penny.”yiddish quote

a penny saved is a penny earned-ben franklin

“Penny wise is often pound foolish.”
penny wishing well, now more expensive, lest wishes to the buck.

  “I told the Inland Revenue I didn't owe them a penny because I lived near the seaside.”

 Ken Dodd“Sex in a woman's world has the same currency a penny has in a man's. Every penny saved is a penny earned in one world and in the next every sexualadventure is a literary experience.”

 Harry Golden       

    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I won't play for a penny less than fifteen hundred dollars”

 Honus Wagner    
 A penny saved is a penny earned.
-- Benjamin Franklin.

Find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck.
Find a penny, leave it lay, and you'll have bad luck all the day.
-- Proverb

Look after the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves.
-- English proverb

In for a penny, in for a pound.
-- English proverb

Every time it rains
it rains pennies from heaven.
-- "Pennies From Heaven," lyrics by Johnny Burke

Pennies do not come from heaven. They have to be earned here on earth.
-- Margaret Thatcher

Just ponder how it has affected all of these quotes.........well it has paid book to Howard Stern's value.but let's not go there, pluses don't count in this desertation on the removal of the penny in Canadian circulation......

Now what value and use and importance has the penny......

To "spend a penny" in British idiom means to urinate. The etymology of the phrase is literal; some public toilets used to be coin-operated, with a pre-decimal penny being the charge levied. The first recorded charge of a penny for use of a toilet was at the The Great Exhibition of 1851.But then the Frenchman Depardieu,(also know as the Ridiculous Flying Fatman) hans't any need of a penny as he pees anyhere without paying,true, and noted.

Let's look at the penny versus the nickel,and also the effects of the removal of the penny,leaving the nickel.........

  Consumers and the Economy — Penny elimination would be bad for consumers and the economy, and the alternative to the penny - rounding to the nickel - will negatively impact working families. Research by Penn State University Economist Ray Lombra shows that were the penny to be eliminated, consumers would be hit with a multi-billion dollar rounding tax.  In addition, the penny is a hedge to inflation.

    Popular support — An overwhelming number of Americans want to keep the penny. A poll conducted March 22-25, 2012 by Opinion Research Corporation International found over two-thirds (67%) of those surveyed favor keeping the penny in circulation. These results confirm the strong and unwavering public support for the penny.  The poll results showed that over two-thirds of adults (67%) favor keeping the penny in circulation; 77% are concerned that if the government implements a rounding system for cash purchases, businesses might raise prices; 66% of Americans oppose eliminating the penny and establishing a price rounding system.

    Demand for Nickels — According to the U.S. Mint, rounding to the nickel would also lead to a demand for increased production of nickels, costing around 11 cents to produce. Applied to FY 2011 cost and shipment data, the Mint would have incurred an additional net loss of $10.3 million without the penny in 2011.
  Charities — The penny aids charities in raising hundreds of millions of dollars each year for important causes and clearly demonstrates the coin's value.

Notable charities like Ronald McDonald House Charities , the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, School and Youth Programs , Pennies for Patients, and countless

local groups rely significantly on small penny contributions. On Lincoln's birthday in 2009, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society celebrated the 15 billionth ($150 million) penny collected by school students across the country for their "Pennies for Patients" program.
    Charge of lost worker productivity — Retail workers are not paid according to their productivity. It is difficult to link time wasted with pennies to a dollar equivalent productivity loss.
Prices will increase - If we eliminate the penny, everything will have to be rounded to the nickel. Merchants will probably round everything up in their favor, costing us more for everything we buy.

The poor pay the most - A corollary to the above argument says that the poor will be affected the most, because they are most likely to make more frequent, smaller purchases, thus suffering the rounding up more often.

Charities need pennies - There are thousands of small charities that depend on penny drives to bring in donations. People think nothing of pouring out their old penny jars to support these drives, but they won't part with nickels so easily.

Nickels cost even more to make - If we eliminate the penny, we will need more nickels in circulation. Nickels cost 7.7 cents to make, (2.7 cents over face value, as opposed to 0.26 cents over face value to make a penny,) so making each nickel costs 1.44 cents more than making each penny. Since the penny costs 0.26 more than face value to make, the Mint can make 5 pennies and still lose less money than making 1 nickel. And, of course, if we eliminate the penny, we'll need a lot more nickels, which will offset the savings of stopping penny manufacture.

And so, remember, the luck of the penny, the Canadian government having left Canadians, as it were,are and is.luckless..........
Finding a penny is sometimes considered lucky and gives rise to the saying, "Find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck." This may be a corruption of "See a pin and pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck" and similar verses, as quoted in The Frank C. Brown collection of North Carolina folklore and other places.

It is also believed that one may get rid of bad luck by dropping a penny on the ground. The bad luck will go with the coin and be acquired by the next person to pick it up.

Every thoughtful penny believer must sometime pause to ponder the great questions with which we are presented by our penny faith: How came this lucky penny here in my path for me to find? Does it come to me (and I to it) by mere accident, by random chance? Or, could it be that my finding of this penny necessarily had to be, that it was determined by a complex web of inexorably linked events? And just what do I mean by luck, anyway?
Consider the difference in meaning when we say that to find a penny is lucky. Clearly it is not because we are now one cent richer. Rather, it is because the found penny exerts an influence on subsequent events.Lacking the penny, we have no luck,we are.lucked out,out of short in great trouble,being so deserted then by lady luck who then throws herself upon those who still have pennies.Pennies are blessed because they are of no practical value in a money-grubbing, namebrand-worshiping society. Unbelievers put them in little bowls by cash registers to expedite the purchasing of stuff. By contrast, nickels, dimes, and quarters are money; no one yet gives them awayFrom the person who lost the penny. Luck can be neither created nor destroyed, but is distributed—very unevenly—throughout the living cosmos. Luck continually flows from one living entity to another and back again. When you are dead, you are out of luck,you have no short the government wishes us dead.Penny is made from copper, which is one of the oldest metals used by humans. It has played an important role in mythology. Its primary use has been as a specified metal in rituals, but it has also represented the Greek God Venus and to the Greeks, it could protect against evil and attract love. Find a lucky penny means you are being protected against any evil energy, and you can use it as a lucky charm.Many people believe it's best to find pennies heads up and that finding and picking up tails up penny is unlucky. This is based on Manichaeism, a system of religious doctrines based on a supposed primordial conflict between light and darkness or goodness and evil. Centuries ago people believed in polar opposites of good and evil, body and soul, dark and light. With coins, specifically the lucky penny, heads were seen as good while tails was seen as evil.A penny may be tossed overboard when one sets out to sea, in hopes of appeasing the marine gods and thus ensuring a safe passage. Similarly a penny (or other coin) may be tossed into a well or pool in the belief that so doing will cause one's wish to be grantedIt may seen a low tech accessory for a $2.5bn spacecraft, but Nasa has revealed the key to ensuring the Curiosity rover, which landed on the red planet this morning, can see clearly.

It is Curiosity's own lucky penny.

Rather than rely on hi-tech cameras and sensors, the space agency has revealed it secretly hid a lucky penny on its latest craft headed for the red planet.So was it and is it wise for the Canadian Government to have robbed,removed, stolen, the penny from the average Canadian Citizen? No, says I,Secret Squirrel, for any and all of the above reasoning.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering)

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