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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Secret Squirrel Comments On The European Noble Prize,The Truth Of It.

Secret Squirrel's attention has been drawn to the Noble Prize, in Peace,specificaly.Indeed it has had itself besmurched as utter idiocy
with the award going to the likes of Yasser Arafat(Yasser Arafat was awarded the prize in 1994 for his role in advancing the Middle East
peace process. But the former Palestine leader is also credited with creating modern day terrorism and ordered the 1972 Munich massacre,
in which 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team died.), Shimon Peres,Yitzhak Rabin,Al Gore,Henry Kissinger(hearing that the award had
gone to Henry Kissinger, Tom Lehrer declared 'satire is now obsolete'.Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, was awarded the
prize in 1973 for negotiating the Vietnam Peace Accords. It later emerged that he was in charge of the secret bombing of Cambodia and
Laos, which saw more than 260million bombs dropped over nine years, and supported brutal regimes in Chile and Argentina.),Barack Obama
none of whom could even yet comprehend the actual meaning of the definition of peace, confusing it utterly and completely, and even yet
defining it with and as ..."Peace- invasion of a foreign land,War,Replacement of a foreign government in conflict with the political
policy,beliefs,system,of yours,Acq1uisition of oils and minerals of a foreign land by means of military subjugation." Now even yet it has been taken a step further, a step further to the status of a ridiculous clown award, it has been awarded to, Europe, the EU or whatever you wish to choose to call the collected agrigate of European nations.

The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the EU, shows that the spirit of satire is not dead: for surely the present state of the continent ,it's base role in NATO, involving the invasion of Iraq,Afghanistan and several other Arab nations with the intent to make them suzurain,politicly subservient, for the purpose of acquiring direct and complete control of the oil resources,in difference to the lives
of the common peoples of said stated and invaded nations.It can hardly have escaped the notice of the committee that awarded the prize.

It is a bit like awarding the prize in economics to Bernie Madoff or that in medicine to Harold Shipman, the British doctor who found a way of killing 200 of his patients without detection.If there were a Nobel prize for the creation of conditions for conflict and war, then it could be awarded to the EU without irony or satire.Like most people, I reacted to the news that the EU had won the Nobel Peace
Prize with a shout of delighted mirth. In picking this moment – just as the euro brings national antagonisms to a new high – the committee members have revealed a sublime comic genius.I have this warm fuzzy feeling inside brought on by the EU winning the peace prize ........ oh right, I see why....I'm going to vomit!Evidently the Nobel Committee is bidding  for the Perrier Comedy award.Next

year, what with the collapse of Greece,Spain,Ireland,Italy et all, they will probably win it for Economics you know.This year, the 93rd in which the award has been made, the committee has surpassed all previous follies and travesties. The peace prize has been given to the European Union. the winner obviously had to be the EU. If one is going to have a laugh, one might as well make it a big one.Even yet
internally Europe is in a riotous state.

After all, did the judges take into account rioting in the streets of Greece, Italy and Spain in protest against eurozone austerity measures.  Peace in Europe? Greeks dressed as Nazis protest against Angela Merkel's visit to Athens,read the headlines.Relations between EU members are at their worst for decades and likely to deteriorate further — this week, protesters dressed as Nazis
to greet German Chancellor Angela Merkel on her visit to Greece. Europe’s economies are stagnant, with little early prospect of improvement. The future of the European project is in the melting pot, and every decision-maker on the continent knows it.

Only the other day I happened to visit Oslo, where the Nobel committee holds its deliberations. A local acquaintance said to me: ‘We Norwegians find ourselves in a strange situation. We have all this oil and gas making us hugely rich, so we watch all the horrors going on in the EU rather as spectators on the balcony of a luxury hotel might look down upon a train wreck in the valley below.’

I do not think of Norwegians as sadistic people, but the Nobel judges have inflicted upon us all a huge, cruel practical joke awarding their Prize to the European Union at its lowest point since its inception — the moment at which almost every citizen of its 27 nations is asking: Where did the Noble Peace Prize go so horribly wrong?

 Greeks are angry at the draconian austerity measures imposed on them by the Berlin and Brussels-led 'Troika. Merkel of Germany even yet goes to the draconian measures of banning the American cartoon the Simpsons, from showing nuclear accidents,incidents and melt downs,how Stalin like, how Nazi like.A good case might be made for President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, for promoting harmony among his six wives. There might well have been some especially deserving leader of the Taliban who attracted the interest of the Nobel Committee.

But, in the end, the winner obviously had to be the EU. If one is going to have a laugh, one might as well make it a big one.

After all, the judges could take into account rioting in the streets of Greece, Italy and Spain in protest against eurozone austerity measures.They picked Europe.....
Presumably somebody spoke up in favour of Russia’s brutal Vladimir Putin,but obviously Pussy Riot would have REALLY deserved the award,but they didn't get it, they got.......jail, in the gulag.The Noble Peace Prize has been a ridiculous joke for a number of years now.Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union Friday, former Norwegian Prime Minister Thorbjorn Jagland, the hapless award
committee chairman, said: "We want to focus on what has been achieved in Europe in terms of peace and reconciliation.… It is a message to Europe to secure what they have achieved … and not let the continent go into disintegration again because it means the emergence of extremism and nationalism."Forgetting,of course, ignoring, of course, the European NATO invasions of many Arabs lands, withe the intent to suppress,reduce, and decimate the infrastructures, miring those invaded nations in the mud of destroyed infrastructures, such that
they are thence repressed,suppressed,subjugated, to the role of simply existing whilst they supply oil to Europe for little if nothing, by military might, by and through invasion, by and through, war......such that war is the European peace of subjugation, such is Europe.,such is European Peace, a Prize it is really. A prize, in other words, awarded for future efforts as much as past achievement,through ...........war.

And so the descent of the Nobel Peace Prize into parody or, failing that, pastiche continues. Plainly, this honor awarded in this year of all years is little more than a sympathy note designed to offer some cheer to the eurozone in a time of perpetual, irresolvable wars of subjugation of foreigners so that Europeans may enjoy life as they do.The Noble Peace Prize, a celebration of that means to and
end.Say this much for the 2012 prize: At least there has been peace in Western Europe these past 60 years. How much credit the institutions of European economic and latterly political cooperation deserve for this blessed state of affairs is an interesting question. But the idea that the EU is a democracy-spreader is weaker than it looks. It is true that Southern (Portugal, Spain, Greece) and Eastern Europe have embraced democracy like never before in their histories, and it's true as well that the carrot of EU membership and assorted other benefits has played a role in this process. The EU's allure has surely played a part in moving the former Yugoslavia toward a more peaceful, civilized future -- and even in nudging poor, unwanted Turkey toward democratic reforms.

But it might also be observed that other parts of the world have moved to more democratic arrangements without the incentive of EU membership. Latin America and parts of Asia and even Africa have shifted to democracy, so there is at least a plausible argument that the EU is given more credit than it merits for Europe's peaceful embrace of the ballot box. Might it have happened even without the EU?

Possibly.But,hey, did the peaceful nations of Australia, New Zealand, Japan, merit the award? Not. But THEY deserved it, nobdoy else did really.But hey, life is a lie isn't it, or is it made whom.Perhaps the Norwegians are actually great humorists. There is a certain gallows amusement to this award being given to this organization at this time. For many of its inhabitants, the EU or, more precisely, the eurozone, has become a suffocating monster squeezing the life from economies with little enough room to breathe as it is.

In Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, and, perhaps soon enough, Italy too, this award can only be seen as a comedian's black joke.In the end, of course, the Nobel Peace Prize is treated with greater reverence or importance than it really deserves. For all its history and prestige, it is, in the end, only a matter of good intentions. And while noble and better than some alternatives, good intentions have rarely been enough in international affairs. This, of course, is true of the European Union too, so in this respect at least, perhaps this silly award is fitting after all.

What ever happened to awarding the Peace Prize to such universally esteemed persons as Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul II, and Nelson Mandela? Is the world truly absent of such greats that the Committee needs lower the criteria to the level of the EU and Barack Obama?Obama is President of a nation which has invaded the most nations in history,objecting to governmental natures,and also in efforts to accrue access to their natural resources,bymeans of what actually amounts to slavery,enslavement).

There are words to describe what is going on across Europe,and in America, driven by the policies of Barack Obama, but "peaceful" isn't one of them.

Has the committee which runs the Nobel Peace Prize been infiltrated by satirists or opponents keen on discrediting the organization?The parody continues...

The European Union has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize,

Perhaps a colleague of mine said it best "The Norwegians could have given the Peace Prize to my right testicle, would have been more legitimate".

 The committee said the EU had helped to transform Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace (lets all forget civil and other wars in Romania, Yugoslavia, Kosovo, supporting Al Qaeda (rebels) in Syria, interventions in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq...).

Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg says it is 'slightly interesting' to give to the award to an 'acronym',at least he had that much intelligence.Tory MEPs joke the Nobel committee 'is a little late for an April fools joke' and declare: 'Parody is redundant',and they are right on the mark there.

Tony Blair hails the EU as 'one of the defining concepts' of the last 50 years,but then, he's an idiot isn't he. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Desmond Tutu called for Tony Blair to face prosecution at the International Criminal Court for his role in the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq

Tutu, the retired Anglican Church's archbishop of South Africa, wrote in an op-ed piece for The Observer newspaper that the ex-leaders of Britain should be made to "answer for his actions."He went on to say the Iraq war "has destabilized and polarized the world to a greater extent than any other conflict in history," wrote
Tutu, who was awarded the Nobel prize in 1984.He called for the "lying" Tony Blair, to face trial."Those responsible for this suffering and loss of life should be treading the same path as some of their African and Asian peers who have been made to answer for their actions in the Hague," he added,but so it goes,dog eat dog,
We must remember that The Prize is awarded by a panel of five people from Norway - which is not even a member of the EU,perhaps they're trying to suck up to entry. The European Union will receive the $1.2million dollar prize in December,perhaps this is some form of Norwegian bribe for membership, it does beat herrings you know.One wag said,'It would require a heart of stone not to die of laughter.

It is the most ridiculous decision since the committee gave the peace prize to Barack Obama when he had been US President for two minutes."He's right you know.The Nobel Peace Prize has seemingly the same value as Taco Bell Employee of the Month!

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