The World Of Secret Squirrel

What's good for Squirrel,is good for the world,is good for you!
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Secret Squirrel Mails Complaint And Warns

Secret Squirrel has taken umbrage that Britain's Royal Mail, should possibly appoint the Head of Canada's Royal Mail, Canada Post, to head the Royal Mail in Britain.
According to Sky News sources,Royal Mail is to appoint, but begging favour, I favour to disappoint,as the headline reads,"Royal Mail 'May Appoint Canada Post Boss'"
Sky News sources have revealed Canada Post's president Moya Greene is in talks to become the next chief executive of Royal Mail.Why do I favour disappoint? I for one am disappointed, disappointed with Canada Post. Here in Kitchener,Ontario,Canada, I await the arrival of the mail, my mail,but it seems, I await anybody's ,and somebody
elses mail. Indeed I receive the mail from the neighbours on either side, I have even yet received mail from across the street, and I receive mail from several streets down, where the house number is the same...........they deliver by
the House Number don't they, mind you they are not,in these times, taking in to account the Street Name as well.

Of course, and yes, the neighbours on either side, the one across the street, and of course the one several STREETS down who has the same house number, has received my mail.They have express post too, you know, in that it does the same, but your mail finds it's way in to your neighbours mailboxes ever so much faster. Such is mail delivery here, in Canada, you get mail, some mail,lots of mail,and also, anybody elses mail as well.Should Britain lean towards and introduce such a system as well? If,then, why not award and appoint,and by so appointing properly Honor, the Post Master for Zimbabwe to the position instead, surely he's much more deserving of a leg up,as it's the original system which he himself developed and has in working practice, and lord only knows, the Canadians are modeling their evolved and developed mail delivery system most surely directly off of his.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The BP Oil Rig Oil Spill

Secret Squirrel has detected political doublespeak in Obama's doublethink statement that the BP oil company will pay in the entirety for the clean up of it's massive record breaking oil spill,creating an ecological disaster far worse than that of the Exxon Valdez but who actually pays the cost of oil companies for gas,for foreign and
domestic companies?You do! What will BP,a foreign oil company operating in America, do, to price of their gas to pay for cleanup? They'll pass it on to you at the pumps.Does that matter? Well, no,BP is foreign and there are other domestic and foreign oil companies supplying gas to Americans. Now will other companies keep their price set to grab a great market share as the system is supposed to work? No, they'll raise their price as well,and strangely, as it has been seen before, the increases will balance to the other companies increasing the price of
gas supplied to you at the pumps get more that way.In short there is a form of price fixing in effect,isn't there then, not really a free market system of supply and demand and competition to keep prices down.At the pumps you will pay for this.

But,you will pay yet more.Recall now, the Exxon Valdez spill was said to cost in the area 2.1 billion dollars......So under current law,as they were adjusted after the Exxon Valdez, an offshore rig operator is liable for up to $75 million in damages.Now BP chips in $75 million.

After that, the federal government picks up the tab, using an oil spill liability trust fund that's paid for by a tiny tax on oil (amounting to one-tenth of 1 percent of the price),this trust fund can kick in another $1 billion. But the estimated economic cost of this disaster (when you include damages to fisheries, lost tax revenue, and the like) is somewhere between $10 billion to the increased estimate of 14 billion(in the best-case scenario) and on to infinity,till we get the final tally.Hey Mr. Tallyman,tally me bananas,because, we, the taxpayers, are going to be
paying for the difference through lots of new deficit spending,in short the US government will be spending and paying for this foreign oil company's massive oil spill.

One way to fix this situation: Raise the cap on the oil company's liability so that a catastrophe like this bankrupts them instead of us.Cost of the cleanup estimated to be 14 billion by now,in,now, run this all past me again.

The cleanup will cost 14 billion, the oil company will pay 75million, the government fund will pay 1 billion, so then, who pays the other billions,the oil company who pays for everything,pays 75million, or am I getting it all wrong?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Government Says Let Them Drink Sewage Water.

Secret Squirrel has discovered that San Diego, and it's people, are soon to be drinking sewage water,recycled and pure, the government claims,rather than clean pure natural or desalinated drinking water.In Arabia the US government funds desalinators for them,no drinking recycled sewage water for them, no sir, only something clean and pure.But San Diego has been chosen to get to drink recycled sewage water,whether they like it or not, and believe you me, they don't like it,and don't want it, and have voted against it.Wonderful for them?Do they want to?Do they like to? They voted against it, the mayor vetoed it, the government will see to San Diego gets what it wants them to, it wants them to drink sewage water, water it claims,recycled, is clean and pure.In Australia the town of Toowoomba voted against it, they won't get it,they have a choice, given a vote they exercised it, the government there, of the people of Australia, followed it, followed the will, and wishes of it's people,the people of Australia. America it seems, doesn't believe in following the wishes of it's people, as they claim, for the good of it's people.So it goes, different lands, different governments.

So,then ,Why not Washington,D.C. for this experiment, why not New York City, why not San Francisco?Indeed the government of the USA, funds massive desalinators for the Arabs to drink clean,pure water,and face it all along the coast, as San Diego, many coastal cities are just that, sited and situated, on the sea.why not fund the same for desalinator plants for San Diego,for the people of San Diego, for the American people?Why not,indeed, let the Arabs drink sewage?Seems not, isn't a good idea there,isn't it cheaper,less expensive, less of a bother,less problem, far less problem? Why are Americans to drink sewage water? Why indeed.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Secret Squirrel On Necessary British Parliamentary Reform.

Secret Squirrel has realized that the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives are intent on reform of the British Parliament,but presently focus heavily only on the House of Lords. But there is yet another area that requires great reform, that of the Office of the Prime Minister itself.In short Parliamentary reform must be carried out yet further. Look at the unelected Prime Minister,Gordon Brown, who caused Britain much suffering with his malicious,childish nature. Unelected? Yes!

You see,in Britain, the Queen ,MAY, choose anybody she wishes as Prime Minister, one not even yet elected to Parliament, much as me,you or anybody else, walking down the street.But in reality, the Queen usually selects the leader of the majority party, even if he was not elected as a Member of Parliament,in short, doesn't have a Parliamentary seat.The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the majority party, regardless, so Tony Blair, on stepping down, caused the Labour party to hold a leadership convention,meeting etc., and so, on appointing a new party leader, said selected leader of the incumbent majority ruling party,became Prime Minister.Now without interfering or attempting to, her personal selection, the Liberal Democrats and the Tories should get together, and adjust the rules that they are permitted to.

In other words, if an incumbent Prime Minister,dies in office, or steps down,retires etc., then there is a temporary replacement,such as the deputy Prime Minister in whatever else order on down,but that in such an event, within THREE MONTH, an election must be called and held,in avoidance of such an occurrence as occurred with Tony Blair stepping down early and replacing himself with the termed, unelected,Gordon Brown,to the ,as it occurred, improper leadership of the people of Britain.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Secret Squirrel On Financial Problems

MRL Explains The Mortgage Crisis

Here Secret Squirrel ponders the huge mortgage crisis which has in fact caused a huge banking crisis, forcing some banks in the US in to insolvency.

First, we have a Government that doesn't like big government, and which gave huge tax breaks to rich people,and increasingly taxed lower and middle class Britons.

Second, Government has failed to regulate banking and mortgage lending institutions because we have a ruling Parliamentary administration that trusts itself rather than the free enterprise knowledgeable business sector to make smart decisions.

Third, the bankers gave million and millions of pounds to vast amounts of immigrant peoples who couldn't possibly afford nor keep up with their mortgage payments,and then gave themselves massive bonuses justifying them by the outstanding yet to come in so called massive mortgage value investments they regarded themselves as having wisely made.

Fourth, all these people buying houses they couldn't afford spawned a huge construction boom,increasing the numbers of houses which then required mortgages for people to purchase,which caused the government to increase immigration since the houses would otherwise have been left empty.

Fifth, when the people who couldn't afford the mortgages, they,of course,defaulted on their payments, leaving the banks with houses they either couldn't resell or else had to attempt to resell at reduced rates to divest themselves of the houses and at least try to recover some of their losses,ever sending the mortgage lending banks in to near bankruptcy conditions.

Sixth, the bankers the tried to, or managed to, sell their mortgage debts to some form of collection agencies,which in turn couldn't recover even their vastly reduced costs, endangering their existence as well due to the sheer volume of unpaid debts still outstanding.

Seventh, as more and yet even more people defaulted on their mortgages and abandoned their homes, the supply of vacant homes started driving down the value of homes,and the values of as yet empty new construction homes, dropping the values below what many people owed in mortgages on them, and forcing the construction companies to commence to take losses on their investment in the home construction.More vacant homes glutted the market, driving home values down even more.

Eighth, the new home building industry virtually shut down because no one was buying new homes when you could steal one out of foreclosure. Thousand of construction workers lost their jobs, creating even more people who couldn't afford their mortgage payments, increasing the volume of defaults and foreclosures.

Ninth, the Government then had to start bailing out banking institutions and construction companies,creating out of the ignorance of the bankers who started it all,yet more and greater debts for the British taxpayer at large.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL On Increasing The Value Of The Pound

Secret Squirrel ponders the pound, and figures out a way of increasing it's value.
Have you got a 20p worth £50 in your pocket? Thousands of undated coins produced in Royal Mint blunder.

The Daily Mail informs us that a rare error at the Royal Mint means that tens of thousands of the coins produced earlier this year don't have 2009 stamped on them. Coin experts say the lack of a date makes them worth £50 each, and potentially much more in future.However things are very interesting as it has been stated,according to The Sun, that the Government Mint, has stated it will buy back these coins from the public at a rate of 50Pounds..............curious, from 20p value to 50pounds retrograde, why that's a loss of Pounds 49.80 on each............the best the Labour Government can do is loose the public's money.

Interesting but worth mentioning what with the fall of the pound in value................It seems that to save Britain's currency, it only has to be printed or stamped without a date on it. One wonders if the Labour government will realize this or remain in it's usual state of stupefied inactivity. Why the mind boggles, let's see, 20p, means each pound of course has 100p, at 100p, this would make a pound value in direct mathematical relationship...........250Pounds...........that would certainly improve the lot of the British citizenry.
But alas and alack, what does the Government do, try to buy back the valuable currency at a high rate........what a sad and sorry lot Labour are.

Secret Squirrel.
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL On World Finances,Monetary Speculation

Herein Secret Squirrel presents a monetary and fiscal policy, for I have found a way to actually make money, short of printing it,by means of monetary speculation,making the pound work for you.

It's easily done, we take advantage, full advantage, of monetary policies the
present day British government has created to help out third world nations, monetary
policies which have assisted those nations to the detriment of the British people.

Indeed there is money to be made, actually, off of these third world nation monetary and fiscal policies,namely, that the monetary value of their utterly ridiculous currencies,remains fixed against THE BRITISH POUND!! In short, as their currency diminishes in value on the world currency markets, it does not diminish against the British pound.For example, the British Pound is fixed at a rate near $2.25 Canadian, against 1 British pound. Now, the said currency, or that of any other similar third world nation, remains rate fixed against the British pound, but not against the currency of other nations, say, for example, the American Dollar. Now supposing there has been, as often is, by any third world currency, such as the mentioned Canadian dollar,a decline in value against the American dollar. What we do,
is take our British pound and ..............

1) Buy American Dollars

2) Apply this purchase of American Dollars and buy up the currency of the foreign third world nation, such as the here mentioned Canadian Dollar,specificly,getting much more currency as it is much lower valued against the American Dollar at that point.

3) We then go, take the exampled Canadian Dollar,of which we have much more than before and on the world markets, purchase back British pounds,leaving us with a huge profit,why, because the pound is fixed against the Canadian dollar for Canadians, hence the pound is $2.25 Canadian,$2.25 Canadian gets you 1 British Pound.

4) Now We repeat the process ever onwards,starting with using the Pound to buy up the declining against the pound, US Dollar.

The net result is a totally realized profit, and we will have made money,more money, and continuously much more money off of our simply having kept the British pound, and properly utilized monetary policies within the existing world money markets.

Good sound business practices properly applied by an M.R.L. government, will result
in a net profit for the British people!!
Also an extremely good reason not to switch to the collapsing and unbalanced,unsure,declining in value, Euro!!!!!


Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

The MRL Solves Britain's Foreign Generated Financial Crisis.

Well now,Secret Squirrel has seen that Britain has become a victim of the American economic failures..............sadly dragged down with them,causing a foreign generated financial crisis. But there is a way things can be turned to advantage, economically and financially speaking. The whole event was caused by those across the puddle, not being able to tend to an economy..........well, that can be said of ours as well...................but unlike the government of Britain, the MRL has a solution to this disastrous economic recession event. Now what needs be done, is to simply declare to THE CANADIANS, that their currency is worth only 50 cents(Canadian), to the Dollar (U.S.). Now the reason we can do this is because the Canadians don't have an economy to speak of anyway, and merely print up their currency as they require. Now how does this benefit us? Well, we use then British pound to buy up Canadian currency, at the 50cent value rate against the pound we have all this ectera Canadian money............and the Canadians get useful British currency to buy things with, a currency they can actually use in the world. Now, farther on, we use the British pound to buy up American dollars round and about the world. This WILL help the Americans as it will shore up their currency removing it effectively, eventually from the world markets. THEN we take the American money, and buy up British pounds with it, effectively pounding the American currency. This gives the Americans back their money, in America, so they can buy things in America with it, and it floods the world with useful British pounds, shoring up the pound and enabling the world to have the British pound as a monetary basis,beside Britain effectively DOUBLING and REDOUBLING and QUADRUPLING Britain's monetary security. Problem solved.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-De-ranged Re-Engineering.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Secret Squirrel On Non Wind Turbine Wind Turbines

Secret Squirrel has researched wind turbines, and their present uses,and has figured a way to reliably multiply their output cheaply,inexpensively, at a massive multiplied return,without relying on the uncertain availability of wind at any particular time,direction, and available speed force.Presently 50,000 wind turbines globally produce 50billion kwh..........powered by wind, sometimes there, sometimes
not, and are dependent on wind speed.......they average,according to wind speed,say 33mph constant, with propeller blades size as follows:

10 meters 25kw output

80 meters 2500kw output

Latest breakthroughs have boosted this by 33%,1/3rd really,so,that's good isn't it. But there are limitations you know.

The wind turbine is dependent on size of the blades, hence influenced by the maximum speed at which the wind can drive them.Also the consequence is that wind energy from a particular turbine or wind farm does not have as consistent an output as fuel-fired power plants,or other driven means of generation.

But what if.....they motor driven by a motor consuming a paltry number of get this, watts,a,say 275 watt and this is a high figure for motors, would return 2500kw less 275 watts, and say since these turbine generator could be stacked in, say, a properly geared group of 4,geared,gear driven, output,for the package,would be 10,000KW for the paltry consumption less 275watts for the driving very worth it isn't it, and not dependent on the whims of the whimsical wind is it? A FREE return of 9999.725KW, and a nice constantly available output isn't it.

At 33mph winds generators turn their max capacity, at 45mph, they actually shut down,(some have variable pitch propellers to keep things going,endeavoring to turn slower,dumping excess wind through pitch propeller control). so our regulated speed electric motor driving package could constantly supply power, guaranteed, not subject to wind availability, nor wind speed.Think of the multiplication provided in terms of power generation! We consume a paltry amount of the required power to drive the package, and get a massive,constantly available return!Go figure!Go figure
yourself!Few else seem to though.This system has an added plus, it can be multiplied, and placed virtually anywhere,even in the midst of cities,wherever necessary,manufacturing plants can easily house such a generator pack system, in single or multiple as they require! True versatility,built in flexibility!!

May the constantly driven speed force be with you!!

(To convert KW into watts multiply KW (x) 1000,1000watts is 1kw.
A typical 1/8hp motor depends on type being 275watts,(.275kw)if standard, to 850watts(.850kw) if Capacitor type.)

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Secret Squirrel On The Future Demolition Of Skyscrapers.

Secret Squirrel now turns his attention to the demolition of huge skyscrapers,indeed it will be much as the World Trade Center,WTC, collapses were,the exact same effects,on people in the surrounding vicinity, and the environment and buildings surrounding such a demolished skyscraper,it can be no less,perhaps yet more depending on higher heights of any such building,just....normally so.They nearby,will rue the day the end of life comes for a skyscraper, it can be no other way,they've made it so.

The catastrophic destruction of the WTC,by whatever means,the collapse of the structures,by whatever means,whether the collapses mimicked exactly controlled demolition of the buildings(with the American and other citizens,fire department firemen,police,rescue crews,ambulance crews etc et all,trapped inside, in the thousands, and subsequent fires spewed an enormous cloud of dust and toxins into the air over the city,just as if they had been demolished, on Sept. 11, 2001, created an immense dust cloud followed by fires that emitted smoke and soot into the air of New
York City well into December.

Outdoor pollutant levels in lower Manhattan returned to urban background levels after about 200 days as the fires were put out and the debris cleanup was completed. However, particulate matter (PM) from the original collapse and fires also penetrated into commercial and residential buildings. This has created public concern because WTC dust is thought to cause adverse pulmonary symptoms including "WTC cough" and reduced lung capacity.Pulverized building materials predominated in the initial time period after the collapse, while combustion-derived pollutants increased as rescue, recovery and cleanup progressed and continued.

The fires at Ground Zero(usually created when such a vast building collapses inwards,implodes,is demolished,created toxic combustion products, such as dioxins, volatile organic compounds, and various other known carcinogenic compounds. Contaminants such as asbestos, silica, PCBs, hydrochloric acid and heavy metals were also found in the dust and ash resulting from the fallen Towers.

Any subsequent demolition at the end of any skyscraper lifespan, would obviously very much produce the same toxic dust clouds blanketing a vast area surrounding the demolished building(s).New York agreed on a payout,paltry,for the dust and asbestos(mind other materials can equally effect as asbestos. Many modern buildings already built,as was the WTC made massive use of asbestos, and these will create those massive clouds as well,just as did WTC. So, to demolish and then give a platrey payout to citizens of the area within whatever nation and/or American city where a skyscraper is demolished?

The effects can hardly be any different. The larger,the taller, the building, the more immense the toxic cloud of gas and blanketing dust is created.This dust will,and did,also heavily seep indoors, in to buildings around the WTC, and would,to any building in the environ of said demolished skyscraper.One in four cleanup workers at Ground Zero reportedly
suffer from asthma and respiratory illness brought about by dust inhaled at the site,and so too would any workers working about cleanup at any similarly collapsed,demolished by whatever means, skyscraper.

Some airborne pollutants and dust were resuspended as a result of ongoing cleanup efforts,and so too the same will and does occur at any skyscraper controlled demolition following the end of any ,normal,useful life.There are also secondary pollution concerns include possible contamination of waterways in the immediate vicinity of such a controlled,or otherwise, demolition collapse of any skyscraper,just as was in and around lower Manhattan as well as the challenge of where to dispose of the catastrophe's 1.2 million tons of toxic waste such buildings seem
to be presently, and probably ever will be full of in future as well.


SOURCE: Adapted from Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 109, No. 11, November 2001.

"Asbestos Carcinogenic. Causes tissue damage in the lungs when inhaled over long periods and can lead to

asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. Used as an insulator and fire retardant, applied to steel beams.

Benzene Flammable and carcinogenic. Short-term effects include dizziness, headaches, and tremors. Long-term exposure can lead to leukemia. Occurs with the combustion of plastics.

Copper Can cause dizziness, headaches, vomiting, liver and kidney damage. Found in electrical wiring and cables.

Dioxins Chloracne is a short-term effect of exposure. Strong evidence for carcinogenic, teratogenic,
reproductive, and immuno-suppressive effects. Combustion of polyvinyl chloride found in electrical cables and other insulating materials.

Freon Damages the ozone layer. When burned, can produce phosgene, a potent cause of severe and life-threatening pulmonary edema.Found in refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment.

Lead Neurotoxin. Damages the central nervous system, especially in children. Can also cause kidney damage and reproductive damage in adults. Found in rustproofing paint used on steel beams.

Particulate matter Asthma trigger. Can also aggravate cardio-vascular disease. Pulverized concrete and other materials, smoke, dust and soot.

Polychlorinated biphenyls Carcinogen. May also cause reproductive and developmental abnormalities. These are found in electrical equipment.

Sulfur dioxide is a pulmonary toxicant. Can cause severe airway obstruction when inhaled at high concentrations. This is a product of combustion."

These would be found in and occur,with any major demolition of any skyscraper up to this date, and,unquestionably will continue in yet to be built buildings as building processes won't and haven't changed overnight.What is being stated here is that the impact of demolishing one of these skyscrapers will have the same effects on humanity and it's health,as did the WTC collapsings,and that is one massive effect. Obviously what I'm leading to,is that we should not in fact be building these types of super skyscraper buildings,as demolition processes and practices will
not be, and cannot be, any different from the WTC building collapses,and that they will all in their own right, create one giant adverse health affecting event in the exact same manner as did the WTC building collapses. Not that these skyscrapers are accidents waiting to happen, they are events that will happen when their time to be demolished comes, and they will have the exact same effects on humanity in the area, as did and does the WTC collapses to this very day.There will be,and cannot be, any escaping this fact.

The actual cost of cleanup of WTC,now appears to be $700 million.Obviously in terms of the cleanup costs of such skyscrapers after demolition,an enormous
figure.The health,environmental impact, and costs of actually cleanup of the site and the surrounding area,will be exactly the same..........only in normal demolition there won't be a cost of 2995 lives,but just the numbers in later years of those who will suffer the cancers and other diseases from the dust aftermath,again, similar in exactitude to the WTC collapses.

The Australian city of Melbourne is presently struggling with skyscrapers, the tallest building there is 91 stories,the WTC buildings were merely 110 stories........wouldn't it be better for Australia, and the rest of the world, to impose a 50 story limit on skyscrapers, at least the effects of demolition when their time comes will then be only half as bad.