The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Friday, February 19, 2010

The World Of Secret Squirrel...MRL,Monster Raving Loony Party


snow,war,debt,credit,secret squirrel,prison,MRL,
energy,car,prison,global,cooling,climate,warming,road rage

MRL Solve Britain's Snow Problem,Sells Snow To Canada

Yes, The MRL Secret Squirrel will solve Britain's snow problem by selling snow to Canada.The Olympics need snow,Britain doesn't.Canada has little required snow, Britain has too much it doesn't even yet need and this situation is proof positive of the laggardlyness of Britain's New Labour government. Proof positive of the need for MRL Government..................Yes! Here it is, the economic idea of the Century, but you can bet your snow galoshes that the Labour government won't pick up on for yourself.................the headline in the Daily Mirror.................

Winter Olympics snow shortage sees white stuff trucked in............

The Canadian Winter Olympic City......The Winter Olympics start next week - but host city Vancouver is suffering from a shortage of snow.

Yes! Well now, Britain has a great excess of the snow....................quite simply and properly using the political and economic system, of KISS, short for Keep It Simple Stupid................quite simply and economically put before the New Labour government..............sell our snow to Canada NOW!! While they need it and are receptive to buying it!! Solve their problem, gives them snow, solve our problem, gets rid of our snow.
The MRL, always solving political problems, economically!! Sutch is genius!!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


MRL,End Wars, Make War Hell,Make Peace Heaven,
(Or, "It Takes Two To Fight, Hell No We Won't Go",the New Army Motto).

Secret Squirrel says NO! to War!!War, good God yu'all! What is it good for? Absolutely means destruction
Of innocent lives War means tears to thousands of mothers eyes
When their sons go to fight and lose their lives.War, friend only to the undertaker.
It's an enemy to all mankind.

War is destructive, not only of people and property, but also of common
decency. I have offered other solutions to avoid war, as in not go to war or not have war.

The first was to send androids/robots/cyborgs/Boilerplates in place of actual men, but alas and alack,
present day governments(non MRL governments) have either ignored this or have lagged behind dragging their feet on the development of these,preferring to participate in wars and send men to die to do so.

Well, there was a second solution proposed, that of abolishing income tax. You see the original income
tax was put forward to fund wars and never removed since the governments of the day and today(not MRL), have taken a fancy to this war tax and going to war.

And then also,I also suggested a third,simply having a Paintball War in it's place, no one gets hurt,
no harm done, a winner a looser, abide by the outcome.But it seems there was fear in the government
about going to war in such a condition, the outcome being so very final.They regarded it as a game,a game in which there was the possibility of ................Loss...........Surrender.........Finality.

Well, in all finality it has come to this,the fact that well it was said, "War is Hell".Well, we can't
make it Heaven,and we can't continue to send our brave young men to Hell, nay it is the government of
the day (not MRL), which can go to Hell if it likes to. What I propose to do, is to make NOT going to
war, absolute Heaven, this would make the army (et all armed forces herewith further referred to as
army)far less WILLING to go to war. So what needs be done, what modern reforms of the military must be accomplished such that an existant army will not want to go to war?

1) Food, diet. Here we have two alternatives, they have a choice, full vegetarian diet, this will
reduce their weight, and sap their strength such that they cannot possibly carry their field equipment,
and finding it too hard would spend their time struggling and straggling with it such that going to war
on any kind of march would be utterly out of the question. The second alternative diet, high
short they'll pile on the lard such that the virtually same affect is achieved, but due to their high
bulk weight(personally I think these will be the happier lot, and probably will regard those
vegetarians as so many nutters).

2) We go to the Priesthood, the Chaplaincy to council and preach to the troops, preach to the troops the
religious gospels of universal peace and love for all,teaching,the Chaplains in the army must tend to
their religious beliefs, and encourage the religious beliefs of the army, mainly to teach and preach
religion to the army, that killing and maiming is evil, unnecessary, despised of by God,and that it is
much better to make love not war.

The Chaplains can teach the religious belief it is much better to love the enemy in and after whatever
fashion, and history has shown that many victorious armies have put that very principle in to practice,
all be it after a successful war,a sort of rite of celebration as it were, including pillaging and
whatever as I shall soon go it to....the pillaging part not the..........err............err.....never

3)Well now, the old adage,"Make love not war!",remembered from my hippy daze, certainly holds true,yes, a roll in the hay is worth much more than a roll in the mud of a battlefield any day of the week, and certainly those who have gone to war and know it have mentioned this as well.In the old days when there was a war, there was much much pillage and rape for example.Pillage enriched the warriors, and
rape,well satisfied them.The Japanese even brought things farther along and yet recruited those they
called comfort women to comfort soldiers,at least their Japanese soldiers..this was also done in the
American Union Army, recall the tented girls of General Hooker who camped out on 13th Street in
Washington,D.C., to the satisfaction of the Union Army, and displeasure of President Lincoln who may
have been,in actuality, a Eunuch...........but this Japanese technique of bringing the girls to battle
only served to encouraged wars and the going to war.

What we must do, is see to it that our soldiers pay is raised to at least comparable levels with those on welfare in Canada,so that the urge to go to war,risking death and maiming, to pillage is seen as utterly ridiculous,and totally out of the question.Now further to things ,recall certain European nations have legalized prostitution, well,so this job is now accepted,and legal, and so socially governmentally acceptable. So we must then legalize prostitution for the army and see to it women are recruited to that level of achievement,err rank.Quite simply the Canadian Army has thousands with the rank of sappers, generally acknowledging that the vast majority who go to the army are just that, saps. We can give the women a sort of comparable rank of say...Sackers.That will certainly sooth the savage beast,give'em a choice, either go to war or spend time in the sack with a comfortable woman,and a legal one at that!!! Now what else is to be done, look after their entertainment, after all idle hands make for work of the devil...

4) Recreation, the lads must have rest and recreation. This can easily be achieved by having camps of
sorts, resorts for them,on beach fronts,near to casinos and piers, in such lands as say Holland or
Denmark where,you know, girls have been legalized. And so, all work and no play, has been dealt with by a fine and long R&R (Rest and Recreation) vacation package for them. We could also offer say a cheaper version, if the budget couldn't afford this, of merely sending the lads to Sweden, where they could go door to door, knocking to visit the very bored and unsatisfied wives(as reported in so many surveys of them) of Swedes who are off working. And so the lads could have a jolly good knocked up vacation. Of course,with either vacation package, this would be interspersed with visits to pubs round and about, a sort of I&I (Intoxification and Intercourse).

5) After such a stay, the lads may be keyed up on their return And so they must be further trained,
trained to the rigors of life in bivouac conditions, roughing it, deprivational therapy,now off the
fine and fancy foods, on to rations, no baths etc etc etc that army life had PREVIOUSLY presented and
life which a war environment would present. Yes, from Hotel like accommodation, to the swine swill pit
of degradation, quite a contrast to sharpen their minds.After a suitable time, mandatory teaching of
meditation by master sargeants, to let the men concentrate on the fine life they had versus the harsh
reality of the war environment.

6) Further staff sergeants teaching sensitivity to the soldiers such as accepting the enemies customs,
or at least tolerating them. After all what results in wars is America's wish to bring American
behavior to the rest of the world,and so too their soldiers wish to do the same, thinking they are
doing the world a favor by substituting theirs, which is anathema to the religious beliefs,customs, and
habits of the people of the world generally,even to their their style of dress for example.Nay, we must
encourage toleration and acceptance of others. We just can't simply go shooting people in wars because they won't buy nor wear our brand of pants. Commanding officers must teach their men, encourage them, in the ways and paths of peace, and so vastly reduce their willingness to go to war.

7) We must encourage the army to accept people as they are,why just look at what the American General Honore did, in New Orleans, instructing his men NOT to shoot looters, and so he made a pacifist example of himself in refusing to give them the order to do so, and then ran about picking up and kissing their babies.......a much better task than killing people!!

8) And,finally, all guns and ammunition are to be kept securely locked up at all times, thus keeping
temptation out of the view of the army, resulting in a psychological advantage towards not going to
war, the weapons and instruments of war removed from temptation, and reminding them of their
vulnerability, again encouraging a pacifist attitude in the army.If they exhibited any urge towards the
use of weapons, we would simply direct this energy towards war games, affected with paintball guns, and so effectively work out of their system any form of misguided, misdirected aggression, in a
calm,peaceful,and utterly harmless fashion.

So, all these things being accomplished, should ever anyone attempt to send the army to a ridiculous
war, the army would have absolutely no encouragement to do so. In short, it takes two to fight a war,
one cannot simply war with oneself, and so, there would be no war, not today, not any other day.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

MRL Pays National Debt By Revolving Credit System

I,Secret Squirrel solve the National debt,by his revolving credit plan.Credit card companies have cheques that permit you to pay off another credit card company by using this cheque,paying credit card company A with a cheque from credit card company B,then paying credit card company B.

I propose we use the same system, but in a form of revolving credit for the National Debt. In short,we pay our debt off with national credit card company government accounts, with several such companies,without mentioning names, as we're dealing with the financial mechanics of the system,say A,B,C,D,E,we pay A with B's cheque,B with C's cheque etc and on to, and then when arriving at E's cheque,we pay A with E's cheque, and so enter the system round
about ever more, revolving credit revolves constantly, and so we maintain the national debt payments,fully, and so also garner an absolutely spotless credit rating, allowing us to borrow,print up, spend,whatever, yet more.

Everyone knows that such a burden of debt is far more easily borne when it's kept constantly moving instead of sitting heavily upon the nation. Mind you you do notice that none of the other existent political parties have mastered the financial economics of debt management that we in the MRL have.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


I,Secret Squirrel have taken up to solving Britain's prison space shortage!
It's election time, and the political parties have taken up the issue of prison capacity in Britain,well so too has the MRL and solved it as well...........

So Labour has a prison capacity problem, the Conservatives are trying to solve the capacity problem.......but the MRL is much farther ahead and has solved it..............

Prison ship plan under consideration by Tories

So,here's the MRL solution............

M.R.L. Solves Britain's Prison Overcrowding Problems .

There are severe problems in England what with prison overcrowding, and a general lack of prisons, arising from the extreme high cost of construction of such facilities, and maintenance of same in terms of prison staff etc. In the 60's arose a system of construction, prefab, which was used to construct several buildings, including the then considered ultra modern Habitat 67 at the Man and His World exhibition in the colony of Canada during the World's Fair of that year. Interesting, boxes piled one atop the other, sticking out here and there etc.and interesting piece of engineering.

This engineering principle was carried forwards to ships in the form of cargo containers, and can be stacked say 14,000 to a vessel, each container cell being say 20x8x8 in terms of feet, interestingly, the size of a prison cell, particularly those of the Americans in Guantanamo Bay. The idea presents itself. Now a prison at sea is a grand idea, utilizing containers,stacked, , expandable to the max limit, say 7 such ships could accommodate the entire prison population of Britain! However, these ships consume say 1660 gallons (imperial), of fuel an hour...........not worth the cost to send'em on a sea cruise is it?

But the idea has presented itself,also, a prison island, indeed yes, imagine an island in the Indian Ocean, not requiring heating costs,and not worth it, the air conditioning costs, merely a form of bed and breakfast,lunch,dinner...........a gigantic container ship type island, stacked with prison cells, as converted cargo containers, ever expandable..........look at Diego Garcia, an island almost abandoned, it could easily become the prison for Britain, indeed the name, Diego Garcia,Her Majesty's Prison For The Extremely Naughty, comes to mind.

Look at what is there now a large airbase with several long range runways constructed, as well as a harbor suitable for large naval vessels so delivery of prisoners and containers,yes converted and stacked shipping containers to house prisoners, to house new arrivals is a thing of utter ease.They can easily even be stacked in confused fashion such as Montreal Habitat 67 built for their World's Fair, 1967, a change from the drab and the ordinary.
As a territory of the United Kingdom, the head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. There is no Governor appointed to represent the Queen on the territory, as there are no native inhabitants. Thus the island itself is ideal, as an island, indeed, the lesser prisoners could act as guards and prison staff, making them useful to the full, reducing the costs of maintenance grandly, just requiring prison ship patrols about the island to prevent shall we say, prisoners attempting to break in to the island to enjoy it's lush location and tropical accommodation.Indeed the prison population could be left entirely to their own devices, being amongst their own kind so to speak, being on an island the island could be patrolled to see they couldn't escape in makeshift rafts etc.........and so the prison population would be entirely self-contained,only with suitable food deliveries brought.

But wait, there is yet another solution......exile,banishment........simply banish them to the colony of Canada.If Canada won't take these fine upstanding immigrants, then they could be smuggled in under a MI5/MI6 combined operation, and hidden amongst the Canadian Government members, there the Canadian public could never tell the difference.
Problem solved.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

MRL To Tap Road Rage For Transportation Uses

I,Secret Squirrel,in studying car road rage,have found a use for it.
In continuing research and experimentation in virtually every field of science and political sciences, I have discovered research on the use of road rage in America to power cars. Evidently this shows great promise and was previously jealously hidden by the now bankrupt car companies and the rich oil companies who paid vast sums to hide this from the general public, it being a fuel cost free.Obviously this system would work in America, and certainly in France,and also in Italy, but sadly nowhere else in the world really...nevertheless, for our American cousins and for the French, and the Italians, I shall outline the system, and do consider that British development of such a system would be of value, and money could be made in those markets.

It seems that the system was first developed and researched by one Nicola Tesla(the father of Alternating Current), who discovered the psycho kinetic abilities could be harnessed during his research in to broadcast power, transmittable energy. One recalls Britain banning certain tele shows, depicting such broadcast power and also psycho kinetic energy,clearly they were attempting to ban and censor, hide from the public, a good thing, unquestionably influenced by the high power money CEO's of the American car companies, and of the greedy super
rich oil companies.In the summer of 1931, Nikola Tesla, the inventor of alternating current and the holder of some 1200 other U.S. patents, along with his nephew Peter Savo, installed a box on the front seat of a brand new Pierce-Arrow touring car at the company factory in Buffalo, New York. The box is said to have been 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high. Out of it protruded a 1.8 meter long antenna and two and one quarter inch metal rods. Inside the box was reputed to be some dozen vacuum tubes -- 70-L-7 type -- and other electrical parts. Two wire leads ran from the box to a newly-installed 40 inch long, 30 inch diameter AC motor that replaced the gasoline engine.

As the story goes, Tesla inserted the two metal rods and announced confidently, "We now have power" and then proceeded to drive the car for a week, "often at speeds of up to 90 mph." One account says the motor developed 1,800 rpm and got fairly hot when operating, requiring a cooling fan. The "converter" box is said to have generated enough electrical energy to also power the lights in a home.

The car is said to have ended up on a farm 20 miles outside of Buffalo, "not far from Niagara Falls."

The patents were first granted to Nikola Tesla, whose special hat pick up converts emotional energy into kinetic energy. Further secret research undoubtably continued in the American prison system,using the comdemned prisoners as guinea pigs in his experiment. These experiment undoubtably succeeded as it is stated that after a new style of hat was used in the electric chair, prisoners used to give off massive quantities of smoke and flames would shoot
out of their heads,during the excitation of the execution. Of course, nowadays this does not occur, as the experiment are over.

So the skull cap psychic energy converter exists that permits the harnessing of the limitless supply of bad temper generated daily by American drivers(and of course the French and Italian ones),all in the course of just normal driving.This special hat then transmits the energy to a motor system,through a converter which converts the psychic natural hatred of these
drivers in to useable electric energy........they simply generate,convert, and so burn the absolute pure white-hot hatred of their minds, with no harmful environmental emissions. So the average motorist traveling a clogged American highway will produce hundreds of thousands of kilowatts of pure hatred per infuriating drive,which, previously,before Tesla,was untapped.

Indeed there exists today, the.....................Tesla Motors, the Tesla motor cars,this company created to hide the true vehicle, the merest smoke screen of having the most efficient electric vehicle, 0-65 in 4 seconds(faster than an American Ferrarri)...250 miles to a charge....ha..simple battery that. But we're not fooled. We know what we're after, and we shall sell at such a price as to further infuriate the purchaser to contribute to the free fuel generation, and,I shudder to say this, but what the heck these will be for the American,French and Italian market, we shall use the typically ugly French car designs for the bodies, coupled with typical deficient Italian construction to see to it that the drivers are in a constant rage state just due to
those factors(hmmm that might well work in the rest of the world as well....further research and marketing research is indicated.).

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

MRL Proposes To Tax The Poor!!

The MRL's Secret Squirrel has determined that a tax on the poor will solve Britain's major money taxation input problems.You see,I was pondering ways that governments make money, and an MRL government could make money, and the biggest way is printing money,sort of. The US government,deeply in debt, millions in debt, then billions in debt, then trillions in debt, but still had the trillions to spend. Their method is to have the government print up treasury
Certificates, then go to the Treasury, present those and have money printed up according to the certificates which the Treasury happily keeps..then off goes the government and spend the money it printed up.

Well,if the rest of the world isn't doing this, it's certainly not cricket. Now, in Canada, where welfare reigns supreme, those on welfare get everything they need, they can purchase it, request the money from the Welfare and so have house,two cars, furniture, food,gas computer, satellite TV,cell phone etc etc etc, just like the rich have, but one wonders where Canada gets the money to support this, not having an economy. Well now, what if we combine the two systems.

Yes indeed, but how to apply it? Well, we just heavily tax.....................the poor.............yes! That's
right! Tax the poor! Those on welfare! Indeed they get taxed, go to the government and ask for the money to pay the tax,else they can't pay the tax you see. So, the government gives them the money, and then they pay the government the tax. Thusly the government earns and collects vast sums of tax money it can then spend.That's not cricket either, but that's taxation!! This also takes the tax burden off of those who can least afford it, those who work.

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

MRL:Global Warming?What?Me Worry?

Secret Squirrel questions Global Warming? Global Warming? It's said that politicians are running about like Chicken Little!! The earth is warming!The earth is warming! Well, Nay, there are nay sayers, many nay's not Global Warming....It's Global Cooling. Why just look at things of the day..........Snow and ice in Bogota.......And record cold in Buenos Aires,England blanketed in the worst snow and cold it has ever experienced.Snow storms,ice,cold in Scotland, in Ireland,in China - but "it can't be blamed on Global Warming"?
Britain and Europe suffering from cold snaps, and they aren't getting less,
only worse.The threat of gas shortages has forced the National Grid to issue
an alert to power suppliers for the second time in its history as the Arctic
cold snap extended its grip across Britain, causing travel misery.Record snow
hits China and Korea.Winter is making the news -- "record cold" in Texas,
"killer blizzards" in Chicago, "arctic conditions" in Great Britain not to
mention record heating bills, and raw red hands in the lands of sunshine!
Banking on Global Warming? Best be banking in Iceland!!!

Just found (Dec 09) CIA cooling report: "The western world's leading
climatologists have confirmed reports of a detrimental global climatic change
cooling. The stability of most nations is based upon a dependable source of
food, but this stability will not be possible under the new climatic era. A
forecast by the University of Wisconsin projects that the Earth's climate is
returning to that of the neo-boreal era (1600-1850) - an era of drought,
famine, and political unrest in the western world.Leaked emails of
ClimateGate explain how scientists hid the present cooling .

Recently discovered is the Milankovitch hypothesis, explaining ice ages in terms of
cyclical variations in Earth's orbit with the sun.
The Milankovitch theory clearly implies that we are moving toward a return of
full ice age conditions. This process, of course, spreads over many
centuries. But, indications are, that, though glaciations last for millennium,
they come on with great suddenness.In 1974, Dr. George Kukla of the
Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory noted a doubling of arctic snow cover
during the years 1968-1972. He also noted that average snow cover increased
by four million square kilometers during the bad winter of 1971. He estimated
that just seven consecutive winters of similar severity could establish ice
cover equal in area, if not in depth, to that of the last ice age.In the
1960s and 1970s, Global Cooling was all the fashion. Newsweek warned of it.No
political careers were built on fears of a milder Earth.Fashions change. As
Michael Crichton points out in State of Fear, one year it suddenly became
unfashionable to look at cooling factors in the Earth’s climate.There is also
no reason to think that there won’t be inconvenient short-term warming
effects. But we can’t predict them; we can’t predict the weather ten days in

Global Cooling, unlike warming, can happen as suddenly as the collapse of the
California real estate market.In the last few years the Pacific Ocean has
been losing its warmth and has recently started to cool down.This massive sea
cooling has major effects, vortex effects, increases in amount of hurricanes,
and cyclone.........increase in the numbers and range of vortex
tornadoes............all evident in the light of present day.

According to research conducted by Professor Don Easterbrook from Western
Washington University last November, the oceans and global temperatures are

CO2 is used as an example of what they believe causes Global Warming,
however...Much evidence points to a marked scarcity of CO2 in today's
atmosphere relative to that of past ages,and those ages were periods of
warmth, and major growth and development of jungles. Many plant varieties
grow more rapidly and luxuriantly in an artificial atmosphere enriched with
five to ten times the present ambient CO2 concentration.There are other, less
obvious, consequences of global cooling. Expanding arctic ice cover means
that the anti-cyclonic arctic "air mass", the" circumpolar vortex", whose
flowing outer/southern edge has been named "the jet stream", bulges outward,
further southward, closer to the equator. The buffer zone separating it from
tropical air masses shrinks. When these meteorological opposites -- arctic
air masses and tropical air masses -- meet, violent, often tornadic
thunderstorms ensue. Tornadoes occur more frequently, with greater intensity,
and in places where they formerly occurred never or rarely. This is but one
example of the many ways in which cooling leads to increasing climatic

Climatic cooling involves feedbacks by which that cooling accelerates itself.
As ocean surface waters cool, they absorb more airborne CO2. Colder surface
waters also mean less water evaporation, hence less later water
re-precipitation over land, causing drought and desertification, changing
land surface reflectivity "albedo" in ways which further cooling.Global
cooling means shrinking growing seasons, as well as drought.

Reversing Global Cooling?Production of a capability to reverse this global
cooling trend may require a future very different than many today envision.
An all-out "Marshall Plan" mobilization to industrialize the Third World
might be designed to, among other benefits, bring fossil fuel CO2 production
up to levels sufficient to preclude renewed Milankovitch-cycles-sired global
glaciation.And here we see why Climate Conferences are failing, they are
actually meant to,meant to because they don't want to alarm the general
public concerning the true threat, that of Global Cooling, the resultant ice
age coming. Indeed they cloak the true issue in a fabric of lies, Global
Warming.the big lie. The conferences fail, and CO2 production etc continues
and actually increases,thus the general public is,in a political viewpoint,
protected from worrying about the true issue, rather seeing the false issue
as a threat to them ,which simply isn't an existent threat at all in the mind
of the politician such that there is no problem there for the public, the
public is safe, protected from worrying about the real massive frightening
condition of Global Cooling.

The solution itself, however,may become a new problem.Climatologists are
pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to
compensate for the climatic change, or even to allay its effects,beyond these
fake arranged do nothing smoke and shadow conventional climate conferences.

They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as
melting the Arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic
rivers, might create problems far greater than those they
solve.............but we are seeing stated solutions to this problem are
presently working, since there have been noticeable reports of meltings taking
place in the Arctic nether regions.......................Do I worry about
Global Warming knowing all this? Nay!Nay say I! I do not, warm is
comfortable, cold is's cold I worry about.A wise investment? Parkas, fur lined galoshes,heaters,snow shovels.snowmobiles and snowblowers!!!! That's the ticket!!!!!

Secret Squirrel,
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.


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