The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Secret Squirrel To Ban People from War, Will Send Sheeple.

Secret Squirrel was suddenly startled in to wakefullness on reading and finding,an article in the Daily Mail to be found here...

  Quite literally it states that Britain's internet wifi (is) to be run by sheep....well,why not, the nation
 is! Indeed it basicly states that a Computer scientist Professor Gordon Blair,from Lancaster University. was recently awarded funding for a project to investigate how the Internet of Things could work in the countryside. Proposed ideas include sheep with digital collars.He was recently awarded £171,495 ($267,090) from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council to set up a ‘smart’ project in Conwy, Wales.At Glastonbury, EE installed Wi-Fi cows to act as similar hotspots.Although these ‘cows’ were, in fact, just masts in the shape of the farmyard animals, the principle could work for livestock in the countryside.Earlier this year, sheep in Yorkshire were fitted with cameras to give a unique view of the Tour De France as it travelled through the county.

 However Squirrel then realized that Squirrel's research project, that involving sheep, the use of sheep, the application of sheep, to and in useful endeavours, may have been discovered and compromised. The arictle states, quite plainly and puts forwards and idea to, expand the nation's internet services, in the north in particular, through and by the utilization of sheep, sheep fitted with wifi internet boosters..... But Secret Squirrel, MRL, has been researching other uses for sheep in this great age of austerity. Note the government isn't researching this,nor is the government funding Squirrel, Squirrel being an direct opposition politician,MRL,(Monster Raving Loony Party) but Squirrel is pushing forwards with his own private researches, using his own private funds.....Squirrel has surmised that the government has gotten wind of Secret Squirrel's project and is trying to cover it's lack of abilities by introducing the wifi useage for sheep.......but Squirrel is not cowed, bowed, nor sheepish in his response and endeavours...nay not Squirrel.

Squirrel is continuing his Secret projects for the good of The Empire.Squirrel took his researches in to other areas of sheepdom as it were. Squirrel noted sheep have previously been used indiscriminately by the government in such uses as victims in poison gas tests, in testing mines, and mine fields,atom bomb testing, so sheep put it mildly, expendable,fully. Now Squirrel has never been happy with people going to war, but it did occur to Squirrel, nobody would mind if sheeple went to war. That's right, sheeple, in short sheep, sheep with guns, armed sheep.Indeed, this concept is extremely inexpensive...recall sheep just graze about on grass quite happily, and fields, such are battle fields, so in short, the sheeple army is in fact then self feeding...self sufficient, it forages happily as required...they don't have to be washed nor bathed.......indeed the sheeple army, controlled and directed by non combatant people officers, could even yet provide them with a grand lamb chop meal when required and so would,in fact ,feed and support their support. As to being directed to a war, war zone, etc, that could be accomplished easily by the army incorporating within it's canine corps, sheep dogs, no problem there. As to a supply of sheep, well, recently they proved that sheep could be cloned.......a never ending supply. In short, in place of soldiers send the trained you see part of Secret Squirrel's project, using and training sheep, an army of sheep, an army of on the links......

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

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