The World Of Secret Squirrel

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Secret Squirrel Sees Prisoners Sent To Colonize Venus

Secret Squirrel has seen, in the Daily Mail, a vision of things to come as seen by the Americans. Well it can be said that the Americans have their heads in the clouds, but so too then does Squirrel. Squirrel, however, has a far different vision of the shape of things to come, a more practical,firmly grounded in reality view of said future yet to come, as seen in the Daily Mail, found here......

The article asks the question of us, Is Venus humanity's next home? Americans see Americans living there. NASA envisions a city of solar-powered helium airships above Earth's searing hot twin. Why weather the bone-chilling rocky surface of Mars when you could call the clouds of Venus' earth-like upper atmosphere home? This is their outlook on things. One does recall one Adolf's promise of a great,all inclusive, all expenses paid, travel included working..........vacation, to a certain privileged group of people  willing to accept. However, to continue, yes, indeed, they envisage cities in the clouds, people living in helium filled blimps floating above the clouds,on Venus. Of course Americans see things differently than do so many of everybody else in the world you know. Well, picture this, think of Venus as a safe house, millions of miles away, all that airless void that is space, in between. Between what...Earth and Venus...........Earth and whatever is sent to live there. Recall in the past Britain sent prisoners to America(the greatest number and hardest core), and Australia, the lessers of the criminals, the petty thieves,pick pockets etc (less in numbers to there,but in both cases, in efforts to colonize). One can't guess how and what they sent to Canada with it's notorious Siberian mirrored winters. But picture this.......send Britain's prisoners to live above the clouds of Venus! Indeed they would live there in perfect safety,serving out their terms,the hardest core sent there to enjoy the magnificently beautiful views above the clouds of Venus, living in a city in the clouds, a condo in the clouds, of Venus, and all that distance between here and Venus, in between! I should think that's a jolly much better idea isn't it all. And in keeping with the American NASA's views, the prisoners could colonize and whatever else they do! Should the Americans object to living with and amongst Britain's finest sent, the creme de la creme, objecting perhaps to finer ettiquetty and manners, well, we could quite simply have separate American and British blimps and so avoid any conflicts of customary behavioral differences.

Indeed, the only other thing we could do to make things perfect all round, is perhaps, to send our politicians there.....just to make sure it all works out well for everyone!

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP(Dunny On The Wold)
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering

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